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  1. S

    Hydreigon's Future (Includes Dark Rush and PD/HB))

    635 Hydreigon (Found here) from our most recent set, Noble Victories, looks really great when you first see it and often provokes possible ideas pouring into people's heads. Hopefully this will help you come up with a fun or good deck to use with them before you go off trading them away...
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    Congrats Celebi23

    Congratulations. Ever since you got modded, TCG forums started to become a lot better and I'm sure you'll keep it that way.
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    Hmm, personally I'd take out the revives all together. Between Rescue Energy and Super Rod, I think you'll be fine with Reshirams. Trade them from Pokemon Communications to pull out your evolutions quicker. I'm more used to the Kingdra Variant now and I can PM you a list if you want. But...
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    Pokemon Create Your Gym!

    Eh. Why not? Let's see, 5 Pokemon with Steel Typing. This should be fun. We get.... Meh. Decent I guess. Theme Song: Thank god. I was worried it would be some song that wouldn't make sense. The Gym: Players must put together a steel beam bridge from the entrance to me. They will use cranes...
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    (1) BW5 'Dragon Blade / Dragon Blast' Booster Pack and Theme Deck Images! [12/20]

    I'm already liking the fact there's a new Hydreigon and Gyrados. However if they're both in theme decks, there's a chance they might not be good. :/
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    Keeping it in El Paso (Cities - Seniors)

    Thanks and yes he is. He ended up getting 2nd in Masters.
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    Keeping it in El Paso (Cities - Seniors)

    So this would be my first real tournament in a while so I was pretty excited. I managed to get about 3 hours of playtesting in the night before. My friends also helped fix up my Reshiphlosion deck to be fully prepared the next day. I wake up, write my decklist, re-sleeve, eat and head over to...
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    Hydreigon Reuniclus

    Have you seen the Truth? It's heavy, but it works. Vilelplume gives you a chance from being run over by the dragons. The dragon's are not your only threat either way. Gothitelle can have fun with weakness as well as Donphan. Blissey with Vileplume only makes sense because you can't use Max...
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    Hydreigon Reuniclus

    To be honest, Reuniclus will be 1-shotted by more than half of the metagame and trying to get it to live and stall for hydreigon is probably not gonna work. You could try running it with some sort of google-esque variant with Vileplume and other hitters. However I'm not really great with that...
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    Pokemon What is the funniest pokemon characteristic?

    Speaking of Poliwrath: Pokemon exist in the real world!^^^ Let's say they hibernate in a group and they all wake up... O_o
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    Red Magic (Reshiram + Typhlosion) for Cities

    Bump for additional advice.
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    Pokemon Pokemon Designs

    I can't stand Emboar's design. I just dont like how it looks clunky and huge. I think Serperior is the only Gen 5. starter I enjoyed. Samurott was alright I guess, but he's a bit clunky like Emboar.
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    Minecraft (1.6 Discussion)

    RE: Minecraft On a different subject, does anyone know of any good texture packs to use? I can't seem to find one that I like.
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    Red Magic (Reshiram + Typhlosion) for Cities

    Hmm, I'll test with it and see how it works. What would you recommend to take out for it? Any more help?
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    Red Magic (Reshiram + Typhlosion) for Cities

    Let's just jump straight to the list. Pokemon: 18 4 Reshiram 3-2-3 Typhlosion Prime (Cyndaquil and Quilava from HGSS) 2-1-2 Kingdra Prime 1 Cleffa I/S/S: 29 4 Pokemon Collector 3 Sage's Training 3 Professor Oak's New Theory 3 Professor Juniper 3 Junk Arm 2 Pokegear 1.0 4 Rare...
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    Art Gallery Avatars and Art v.2. [Xerneas and Yveltal Avatars Added in Latest Post]

    RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Simisage, Simipour added. Using your first Kingdra avatar.
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    Weekly Discussion #1 - Dreams

    I used to have a ton of a dreams I could remember and some caused deja vu later on in my day. A lot of my dreams were all related to things that were stuck in my head such as problems or social things. But, since I started high school I can't seem to remember a SINGLE dream I've had and didn't...
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    Minecraft (1.6 Discussion)

    RE: Minecraft I need to try out the Clay Soldiers mod. Anyway, right now I don't use alot but for 1.8.1, my favorites were More Creeps and Weirdos and Twilight Forest. Millenaire and Level Up! mods were pretty enjoyable too and add more gameplay features.
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    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. Within my first 5 packs of NV I got: 1 Eviolite 2 Super Rods 1 Archeops 2 Durants and 1 FA Victini I WILL get a Hyrdreigon playset someday. Speaking of which, that same day I got 10 Deinos.
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    Minecraft (1.6 Discussion)

    RE: Minecraft Nice! Did u use full diamond armor or what did you use?