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  1. E

    weirdist/worst walking home experince

    huh... yesterday i step into dog shit... it was so embarrasing... i was really pissed of... stupid people should clean their pet's shit...
  2. E

    Halloween is coming!!!

    RE: Halloween is coming! that seems to be a good idea dude... i will try to get some old clothes, and if i can, i will post some photos. hey you guys should post your costume photos too! pretty funni, don't you think? xp
  3. E

    Halloween is coming!!!

    RE: Halloween is coming! this year i'll be a drunk.... great costume huh..?! i'll go to a halloween party...
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    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    i need a ditto too!! send pm please xp
  5. E

    DPPt/HGSS is this possible my friends...?

    ok, thank you very much guys!!
  6. E

    DPPt/HGSS is this possible my friends...?

    can i trade a pokemon from a pokemon silver version game (gbc) to a pokemon rubi version? how? why? i'll be waiting 4 your answers =) thanks! :P
  7. E

    2012? What do you think? Is it true?

    naaah... is faaalse!!! only because the lazy mayan people didn't finish the darned calendar, doesn't means that the world will be over...! XD
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    Finished Rate My Avatar (You-person-person-you)

    7/10 it's cool
  9. E

    DPPt/HGSS Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile?

    as always! i'll pick the great cyndaquil!! flame wheel is my favorite move, and no other pokmn has it (i guess). i would pick chikorita too, but i hate meganium... and totodile... most of his moves are of the normal type... so it's very bored to use a water Pokémon whit the most of normal moves...