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  1. NotVeryEffective

    BW/BW2 The Isshu Region Speculation Thread (now with new larger map!)

    RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread Let's add a different sort of speculation to this. Obviously, Hiun City is much grander than any in-game city we've ever seen. However, in the anime, every city in and town has been represented like this since day one. How do you think areas like Hiun...
  2. NotVeryEffective

    Tiny Look at Pokemon: Best Wishes Preview for Next Week's Episode!

    I was hoping for Ash getting Mijumaru (bc its been sooo long since he used a Water Starter), Iris with Pokabu, and the Contest Guy with Smugleaf. (bc you that thing's personality suits contests perfectly) I just wanted someone else to have the Fire Starter so that Ash gets Hihidaruma, who makes...
  3. NotVeryEffective

    Tiny Look at Pokemon: Best Wishes Preview for Next Week's Episode!

    The colors in the preview looked slightly faded, like they would in a movie. Maybe this season will get a visual boost, like the huge one that the Hoenn season got. Also, it seems like Mijumaru is out-sensationalizing Smugleaf. :D But we gotta remember Farenhog still needs love too.
  4. NotVeryEffective

    BW/BW2 The Isshu Region Speculation Thread (now with new larger map!)

    RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread And yet we're still not allowed that phrase about Manhattan and Hiun City...
  5. NotVeryEffective

    BW/BW2 The Isshu Region Speculation Thread (now with new larger map!)

    RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread It does feel very good. :D Unfortunately, $50 bucks says someone comes up with a "Liberty Petting Zoo" they found in Shanghai.
  6. NotVeryEffective

    BW/BW2 New legendary

    Tying the new little legendary into the Statue of Liberty From an article about the statue; During World War II, the statue remained open to the public, although the statue was not illuminated at night. The statue was lit briefly on December 31, 1943 and on "D-Day", June 6, 1944, when the...
  7. NotVeryEffective

    BW/BW2 The Isshu Region Speculation Thread (now with new larger map!)

    RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread Tying the new little legendary into the Statue of Liberty From an article about the statue; During World War II, the statue remained open to the public, although the statue was not illuminated at night. The statue was lit briefly on December 31, 1943...
  8. NotVeryEffective

    BW/BW2 New legendary

    The "Liberty" Ticket...interesting. This calls to mind the many ticket-items of Gen III, perhaps another parallel to that Gen. Good to see that Hiun City's boat will get some usage. Perhaps an Ellis Island reference too.
  9. NotVeryEffective

    BW/BW2 Opinion: The Isshu Region & New York City

    Updated the main post
  10. NotVeryEffective

    BW/BW2 Final Evolution of Starters.

    RE: Final Evoultion of starters [attachment=5571] Tohrumaru :D
  11. NotVeryEffective

    BW/BW2 Gym Buildings: Finding Them Is Half The Battle?

    As different sources have shown, the "Gyms" (if that's what they are) of Isshu seem to be located in random buildings. It's possible that in a similar fashion to the Anime's Battle Frontier, stumbling across these areas may be an activity in itself. I've been thinking that if this New Nation...
  12. NotVeryEffective

    BW/BW2 Opinion: The Isshu Region & New York City

    What I meant was the Yin/Yang thing, being about good and evil being in balance, can be applied to places other than China. I think it all comes down to interpretation. And yes, I think there is a location thread, but this was more about giving this theory more credibility in general.
  13. NotVeryEffective

    BW/BW2 Opinion: The Isshu Region & New York City

    I know there's huge potential for backlash here, but here goes... On any given speculation thread about Isshu's real-world counterpart, on any given forum under any given site, the arguments always seem to become incredibly one-sided. That is, everyone immediately takes the side that doesn't...
  14. NotVeryEffective

    BW/BW2 5th Generation Region Speculation

    If you look at that big picture included in the scans, that is definitely The Brooklyn Bridge. If that's not New York City, I dunno what else it could be.
  15. NotVeryEffective

    BW/BW2 5th Generation Region Speculation

    Also, some more stuff for the United States-theory; -That screenshot with the wooden train tracks looks very reminiscent of Old American West cliches, namely with the simple wooden station. -In that movie summary, Zorua says that the villain "took him from a place across the sea." - For the...
  16. NotVeryEffective

    BW/BW2 5th Generation Region Speculation

    I know that this idea is out there, but I think its very possible that this new Region is based on the United States. -They directly stated that the region is in a foreign place, very far from the regions we've previously explored. (the faux-Japan of the Pokemon World) -The word "Isshu" means...
  17. NotVeryEffective

    (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

    I wouldn't mind a duck-themed Grass type. Since they always end up as large reptiles or dinosaurs, that thing could eventually become a pterodactyl or something like that.
  18. NotVeryEffective

    (1) Pokemon Black and White Video on Pokemon Sunday [4/17]

    To me, that city screams being based off New York. I know its unlikely, but a US-based region (being "far away over the sea" like Zorua said) is looking possible.
  19. NotVeryEffective

    (2) Clearer Game Screenshots of ‘Pokemon Black’ and ‘White’, 'HS - Unleashed' Kingdra, Steelix, and

    RE: (2) Clearer Game Screenshots of ‘Pokemon Black’ and ‘White’, 'HS - Unleashed' Kingdra, Steelix, and Tyranitar Prime Hmm...with these cities looking like they do, is there any possibility that this new Region might be based on the U.S.? (going along with the far far away-Nurse Joy thing)
  20. NotVeryEffective

    (1) First 'Ruler of Illusions: Zoroark' Plot Details and Character Bios [3/5]

    I just feel like tossing some ideas around; - Im thinking the "Kyodai Network" specializes in broadcasting sensationalized disaster stories. (mainly Pokemon-related ones) - Kyodai uses Zoroark, which is normally a trouble-maker, to mimic certain Pokemon and cause dramatic events, and then...