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  1. BlastoiseGotMeWet

    Collecting "How Much is This Card Worth?" / "Is This a Good Trade?"

    RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic. How much would a Shaymin Land Form Lv. X be worth?
  2. BlastoiseGotMeWet

    Ruling Shaymin Land Form Level X

    Does Shaymin's Poke Body add +40 HP each of your turns or does it only add +40 one time to a specific grass pokemon. Also, if Shaymin is KO-d, does said pokemon keep the HP it gained from Shaymin?
  3. BlastoiseGotMeWet

    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. Today I bought 4 Packs of Platinum Arceus and got: Fire/Grass Arceus Lv X Luxray Holo Grass Arceus Not bad for 4 packs and the first Lv. X I ever pulled from a pack. Of course it's not the best Lv X but it is one none the less.
  4. BlastoiseGotMeWet

    Collecting "How Much is This Card Worth?" / "Is This a Good Trade?"

    RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic. Thank you, I really appreciate it.
  5. BlastoiseGotMeWet

    Collecting "How Much is This Card Worth?" / "Is This a Good Trade?"

    RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic. Thanks for the help on pricing my cards :D
  6. BlastoiseGotMeWet

    Collecting "How Much is This Card Worth?" / "Is This a Good Trade?"

    RE: The ''How much is a card worth?'' topic. I need to know the price of: Spiritomb (PA) Base Set Blastoise 1st Edition Fossil Raichu 1st Edition Light Arcanine thanks
  7. BlastoiseGotMeWet

    If you lived anywhere right now, where would you live and why?

    I think living around Orlando Florida is the best place. Hurricanes really dont hit hard inland nor do floods. Winter is warm and summer is nice. Plus, there is a lot to do around there.
  8. BlastoiseGotMeWet

    Pokemon What if Pokemon were Real...

    If pokemon were real, I would'nt be a breeder or gym leader, not really a trainer but I would train pokemon for my use only. I'd have: Salamence: to travel in air Blastoise: to travel in water Arcanine: to travel on land
  9. BlastoiseGotMeWet

    Ruling Expert Belt and Salamence Lv.X

    If you opponent has an expert belt equipped to their defending pokemon and you knock it out with Salamence Lv.X, do you take 3 prizes?
  10. BlastoiseGotMeWet


    wow, thank you for posting a decent reply. Yea, the Dolphins did make it a good game. The only problem is that Sanchez could'nt pull a Brett Favre in those last 7 seconds. He's just a rookie though.
  11. BlastoiseGotMeWet


    Anybody watching monday night football? Jets vs Dolphins? anybody? Anyways, Jets should win, D-Fence of course. Dolphins will make it a good game.
  12. BlastoiseGotMeWet

    Good band(s)?

    Im sorry to interrupt, imma let you finish, but i think Metallica is the greatest band of all time, of all time. *shoulder shrug*
  13. BlastoiseGotMeWet

    It's Raining Sunshine! (Post your comments)

    Raining Men is more entertaining and meaningful. Hallelujah
  14. BlastoiseGotMeWet

    Good band(s)?

    How about Metallica? The greatest band of all time. I only listen to them pretty much.
  15. BlastoiseGotMeWet

    Halloween. Like it or hate it?

    I'm probably going to go as Superman. In that case, I wont need a costume.
  16. BlastoiseGotMeWet

    No More Summer Vacation?

    I personally do not mind summer being decreased. It's not like we are completely busy during it. Obama should do this as soon as possible since the US is falling back educationally. I'm a junior right now in HS and I wish it was done earlier so it could have helped me.
  17. BlastoiseGotMeWet

    Well that was embarrassing.

    This happened about two weeks ago in gym. I was urinating in a stall and a friend went to pants me, but he accidently took down my boxers. Luckily for me, he was the only one who saw the moon.
  18. BlastoiseGotMeWet

    Ruling Great Feraligatr

    I was wondering, if Feraligatr gets power sprayed, can I still use his power since it states that I can use it any number of times during my turn? I know mesprit will power lock it but im not sure about power spray. his power: Poke-Power: Rain Dance You can use this power any number of...