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  1. F

    Ruling scepty ex & medicham ex

    wait a minute, so Medicham's PokeBody will STOP extra liquid, therefore sceppy will pay only 2 NRGS FOR 60+ DMG!! BROKEN...
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    Ruling scepty ex & medicham ex

    OK this happened to me with my friends... here it is: I had Scepty EX (CG) as active, he had Medicham EX (EM). I tried to use Extra Liquid PokeBody, but my brother the referee stopped me. He stopped me because Medicham EX's Wise Aura PokeBody locks PokeBodies. Does this also work on Scepty...
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    card mistakes

    I have a Legendmaker Spheal with the sign of deoxy.
  4. F

    i wanna build a megaqueen

    will this do: 3-2-3 meganium d 3-2-3 nidoqueen d 4 Holon Casty
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    i wanna build a megaqueen

    Hi there. I reeeaally want to construct a MegaQueen Decl, focusinf aroung Meganium DF and Nidoqueen DF. Can someone pleasee send me a possible solid Pokemon list of it?
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    Windstorm is an overrated piece of crap.

    Well, it sucks in Mercury, and it rules in Metanite. However, this card generally SUCKS. I agree with Senor Gardevoir. Imagine wasting 2-3-4 spaces of your deck on a mere wimpy trainer?!? I mean, look at it. CC can be harmful against alot of decks, but why use it!?? You can easily use Gardevoir...
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    What was your first starter deck?

    my first deck was the one with squirtle and hitmonchan. I bought it together with the starter deck with the freakin machamp in it.
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    best trade ever?

    accually, IMO my best trade I did in my life was my Charizard 'd' for my friend's Charizard*.
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    let's discuss about the new card: Flygon ex PK

    maybe a 4-3-5 line (2 flygon ex DF, 2 flygon ex PK and 1 Flygon HP) ? is that good
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    let's discuss about the new card: Flygon ex PK

    yeah, some good ideas here, its just that my friend gave me 2 for free, and I 'll ask this now: can I put it in my FlyQueen deck? (flygon ex d, flygon d and nidoqueen d)
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    let's discuss about the new card: Flygon ex PK

    Well, this car is quite a card. It's advantages are that for only (C)(C)(C) it can dish off 70 damage, while it also has a FREE retreat cost! Also, its PokePower reduces damage by discarding cards, and if those are Pokemon, then this workis well with Nidoqueen d, then damage will be both...
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    card combos

    thanks :) anyway, I really want to make a shiftry LM deck, so can you give me some good combos of it?
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    card combos

    like what?
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    card combos

    why when you put [name] on the bench. Would 3 Tropius d do?
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    card combos

    whoa, EXCELLENT! Now do you happen to know about Shiftry LM combos? Help needed dude!
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    card combos

    ok this is a kinda newby question, but I am NO noob. I want to ask some of you to write in some card combos, like Flygon ex d + Swellow d, etc. Can you please do that? And also please include some card combos for Shitfry LM in, coz I like him bad. Thanks!
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    more stories yeyyy
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    Ruling About Charizard 'd'

    so that means I discard them?
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    Ruling About Charizard 'd'

    Hey there! This is a question that also applies to Latias ex d, etc. Charizard 'd' attack, it says 'Discard all Metal energy attached to Charizard d. OK, now if I attach any Double Rainbow Energy, Multi Energy etc (any special energies that provide any type of energy), do I do not discard ANY...
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    some good stories here keep it up!