Search results

  1. J

    ChenLock, Seniors, everything

    RE: ChenLock listen to him, it's a good idea.
  2. J

    Donphan Deck for Cities (Juniors)

    Im going to update soon, im really busy
  3. J

    Donphan Deck for Cities (Juniors)

  4. J

    Donphan Deck for Cities (Juniors)

    edited my deck, will post the edited version.
  5. J

    Donphan Deck for Cities (Juniors)

    Worked on my deck
  6. J

    Machamp Donk Cities Seniors

    Need Machamp prime
  7. J

    Blastgatr Seniors cities need help now!!!

    Wait, to many pokemon
  8. J

    Donphan Deck for Cities (Juniors)

    @ TCG, i have i just haven't updated it yet, i need one more donphan, and i'm not sure about playing sudowoodo, i've dropped the chatot g's, then added more warp points, I'm going to keep the special darks, until i get more uxies, super scoop up, or Pokemon collector, i'm going to cities...
  9. J

    Donphan Deck for Cities (Juniors)

    OK Please Post ways to help, my cities are tomorrow!!
  10. J


    have 2 gengar lv.x 1 pokemon collector, have four spiritombs, have an uxie and a pokemon communication. I want 2 Blaziken FB, do you have any Blaziken FB LV. X?
  11. J

    Vilepluff (Vileplume/Jumpluff) Master States

    Pretty good, consider Uxie X, Azelf, and maybe evan a Smeargle undaunted
  12. J

    Donphan Deck for Cities (Juniors)

    RE: Donphan Deck for Cities Yeah, i just fixed the typo
  13. J

    Donphan Deck for Cities (Juniors)

    Pokemon: 4x Phanpy HS 3x Donphan Prime 1x Uxie LA (Yeah i know need more!!) 3x Spiritomb AR 2x Sableye SF 1x Smeargle UD 1x Crobat G PL 1X Chatot MD 2X Chatot G 1X Unown Q total: 17 trainers: x1 Twins x1 Pokemon Collector x1 Pokemon contest Hall 1x Luxury ball 2x Cyrus's...
  14. J

    Donphan Deck for Cities

    Pokemon: 4x Phanpy HS 3x Donphan Prime 1x Uxie LA (Yeah i know need more!!) 3x Spiritomb AR 1x Smeargle UD 1x Crobat PL 1X Chatot MD 2X Chatot G 1X Unown Q total: 17 trainers: x1 Twins x1 Pokemon Collector x1 Pokemon contest Hall 1x Luxury ball 2x Cyrus's Initiative 2x Bebe's...
  15. J

    Please Close!

    RE: New Years Special! Tell me what you want! Have two older Gengars (Cursegar and Gengar Stormfront), also i have two gengar lv.x, i would like you Infernape 4 lv.x and your Garchomp C lv.x
  16. J

    LuxChomp (Luxray GL X & Garchomp C X) Seniors Cities(Miami, FL)

    Why add skuntank G & Toxicroak G? And why the 3-1 of Garchomp?
  17. J

    Blastgatr Seniors cities need help now!!!

    Good job, great deck as always, like your machamp deck, see you at Cities!
  18. J

    palkia gengar seniors, any tourney

    It's interesting deck, removing your own pokemon, take out dual ball, 2 expert belt and drop the department store girl, you should an Uxie, and at least one sableye with all your supporters, and maybe evan a Spiritomb.