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  1. Water_Dragon

    Sablelock(with luxray not Garchomp)

    Why take it down 1 chatot g i thought the point of this deck was to use him combo with judge and cyrus's initiative to lock.
  2. Water_Dragon

    Sablelock(with luxray not Garchomp)

    I wanted something good but a little different so i desided to build this deck. I have never played sablelock before so i feel like i buildt it badly. I do not want to run Garchomp C i want to run Luxray Gl in his place for this sablelock. Pokemon: 2-2 Luxray Gl (rr) 4 Sableye (sf) 2-1...
  3. Water_Dragon

    Luxray Gl LvX

    A few weeks ago I had great luck and pulled a Luxray GL Lv. X. I don't know what to do with him. I just need somes ideas on what combo him with. I really don't want to build luxchomp. So any other ideas will be welcomed. (luxchomp is all i can think of personal but i really want something...
  4. Water_Dragon

    Shedinja Lock (with Shuppet tech)

    What is the point of this deck and way Ampharos?
  5. Water_Dragon


    I run a Kingdra very close to this and i agree with Pokemunkulys that if you are only running one LA kingdra you do not need that many junk arms plus you do not run that many energy. If you are going for the swarming Kingdra you got a good start to it. I would run some poke turns for crobat g...
  6. Water_Dragon

    Raichu Pime + pachirisu

    I do not like Rayquaza LA in this deck because of all the coin flips.I think with 4 fishermans and conductive quarry you should be fine getting energy back of just run a few more energy.Bronzong is good in any deck like this one. I also think that Magnezone prime is a little much just for draw...
  7. Water_Dragon

    good luxchomp deck?

    I think you are not running enough energy i would do this. -1 sp radar - 2 power sparys + 3 which ever energy