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  1. RogueListers


    Durant is terrible in this deck, all it does is slow it down. Also, rare candy is bad as well, since you'll be devolving then re-evolving anyways. Stick with 4 devo sprays, 4 sableye, 4-4-3 aggron and 2 Darkrai. Since you'll be running darkrai you can axe the switch, giving you more room for...
  2. RogueListers

    Durant Mill

    I would highly recommend you replace eviolite with Rescue Scarf. Darkrai can easily KO your active every turn anyways, you may as well get it back to your hand so you can maintain 4 on the field
  3. RogueListers

    What is the play for Worlds?

    I think trainer lock is the play for worlds. Para lock is good, but I think that Meganium/Vileplume build or Mismagius/Vileplume is a better play, as you'll have an answer to everything your opponent throws at you (which isn't going to be much, since you've locked them out of half their deck.)...
  4. RogueListers

    Kyurem NV / Groudon EX??

    When I played Meganium the Kyurem/Groudon combo won me 2 games at one BR. With rotation Darkrai becomes a lot more unreliable, as the WLFM doesn't have dark (obviously).
  5. RogueListers

    Klinklang EX BW-on

    Kyurem NVI and Groudon EX work AMAZING together. I'd consider running at least one.
  6. RogueListers

    Rotation: Love It or Hate It?

    No Vileplume means no rogues. Oh well, time to buy Darkrai tins :/
  7. RogueListers

    Are there any cards to replace Smeargle and Junk Arm in the new format?

    Recycle has a 50% chance of getting you any card from your discard, not just an Item. That can mean a Supporter, a special energy or just another attacker. Don't underestimate Recycle
  8. RogueListers

    Future Metagame Speculation Thread

    RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread Garchomp/Altaria gets wrecked by Raikou, ZekEels and Darkrai/Hydreigon get wrecked by Terrakion. Therefore, Raikou/Terrakion for BDIF! All kidding aside, tiers will be: T1: ZekEels Garchomp/Altaria Hydreigon/Darkrai Empoleon...
  9. RogueListers

    Raikou EX

    I made RaiEels BW-On and it's been pretty good with testing. I run a max line of Crushing Hammers and 2 Enhanced Hammers along with Sableye and Dark Energies, and the energy denial is very potent with the sniping.
  10. RogueListers

    Will Zekeels see a decrease in viability once the BW-on format is in play?

    Garchomp has 1 attacker (Garchomp). Hydreigon has 3 attackers (Darkrai, Mewtwo and Shaymin). ZekEels has SEVEN attackers (Zekrom, Zekrom EX, Raikou, Thundurus, Mewtwo, Tornadus EX, Zebstrika) The versatility of ZekEels is what will keep it alive. Whereas the other 2 decks have a cut and dry...
  11. RogueListers

    Are there any cards to replace Smeargle and Junk Arm in the new format?

    Recycle is awesome in Empoleon. If you're planning on adding a draw engine to your deck I'd add Recycle over Sableye. If you're building a hammertime deck or a dark deck or just a deck without draw I'd go Sableye. That being said, neither are necessary if you play conservatively
  12. RogueListers

    Alternate TCG Formats

    This is probably the best way to go, to be honest.
  13. RogueListers

    Post-rotation T/S/S?

    How is Bianca better than Cheren? They're both worse than all of the HGSS supporters but I can't see how getting 0-6 is better than getting a guaranteed 3, especially when you're more likely to have 4+ cards in hand. The only time I can think of Bianca being better is if you're topdecking or get...
  14. RogueListers

    New Decks In B&W-On Format

    Now that we have almost no supporters and rely a ton on items, don't count out Zebstrika and Gothitelle. I see both easily being T1-1.5, especially since Zebstrika is so easily inserted into Eelbox and Gothitelle/Gardevoir being more playable without Collector for Mewtwo to counter it
  15. RogueListers

    Alternate TCG Formats

    Maybe make deck garage its own forum, and have sub-forums for each group of formats, eg a modified sub-forum, 100-card singleton sub-forum, and an unlimited sub-forum, where people can post their lists and receive advice from other players that would best know what they're talking about. Maybe...
  16. RogueListers

    (2) Speed Gamers, B/W-on Format [6/15]

    No basic search, no energy accel, and no Vileplume I hate this new format already
  17. RogueListers

    Rebirthing Phoenix Ho-oh / Hydreigon (not released yet in US)

    I just realized how nerfed Ho-Oh EX will be as energy acceleration once Shaymin UL rotates. Is there a BW Energy Switch?
  18. RogueListers

    Empoleon Deck

    5-6 pluspowers and Aerodactyl. AKA 4 pluspowers/1-2 Aerodactyl, 4 Aerodactyl/1-2 +power or anything inbetween. I'm just trying not to be THAT GUY that tells somebody to change their deck at the core level.
  19. RogueListers

    Empoleon Deck

    Honestly, Terrakion is THE BEST play for Empoleon at the moment. After rotation and new sets, that can easily change to benefit Aerodactly more. But with Lightning being not just BDIF but also 90%+ of every metagame, not running a counter to it can be a death sentence. Not to mention you can get...
  20. RogueListers

    Ruling Smooth Coat vs. Power Claw or Feint Attack

    Does Tyranitar Prime's Power Claw or Weavile UD's Feint Attack hit through NXD Cinccino's Smooth Coat without the flip? It says "any other effects on the defending Pokémon," but I'm not sure if it applies in this case. vs. or