(1) B/W Starter Pokemon Revealed in CoroCoro Scans [5/12]

Gamebeast101 said:
Third Gen *shiver*
The pokemon are barely used in competions. None had good stats. The storyline was poor. The pokemon designs were too.

I hope the starters will evolve into awsome dudes.
you make a very good point about 3rd gen except for metagross and salemence, but the story line with team aqua and magma was horrible and confusing
Blue Thunder said:
My favorite one is easily Pokabu. Even though it isn't a rabbit, I still like its design quite a bit. While I still wouldn't say its my favorite starter, I'd still say its now among my favorites. I hope it evolves into a Boar.

The grass one is decent, and I think it has good potential for future evolutions.

However, I'm with the majority of the fandom on the Water one. The only other starter that I actually disliked before today was Treecko. However, this Water starter is among the worst design I have ever seen in a Pokemon. It needs to go back to the drawing board...right about now.

Older characters, eh? I wonder how that will turn out in the anime...nonetheless, I hope older characters means we get a more mature plot for these games. ^_^

Hmm... you have a point with the "Older characters = Mature plot" theory. Speaking of which, I wonder how the legendaries (which haven't been revealed yet) affect the plot
Gamebeast101 said:
Third Gen *shiver*
The pokemon are barely used in competions. None had good stats. The storyline was poor. The pokemon designs were too.

I hope the starters will evolve into awsome dudes.
Uhhh, I'm seen a fair share of competitions with third generation pokemon in them, and used quite effectively. The storyline was basic, simple, great, and entertaining. And the Pokemon are among the best. Its one of the most popular generations.
elite said:
you make a very good point about 3rd gen except for metagross and salemence, but the story line with team aqua and magma was horrible and confusing
two psuedolegends one gen? Anyway although salamance is great it a knock of dragonite only sp attack and attack are switched

BlackSamurai2 said:
Uhhh, I'm seen a fair share of competitions with third generation pokemon in them, and used quite effectively. The storyline was basic, simple, great, and entertaining. And the Pokemon are among the best. Its one of the most popular generations.

Compared to third what is an unpopular gen.
Gamebeast101 said:
two psuedolegends on gen? Anyway although salamance is great it a knock of salamance only sp attack and attack are switched

BlackSamurai2 said:
Uhhh, I'm seen a fair share of competitions with third generation pokemon in them, and used quite effectively. The storyline was basic, simple, great, and entertaining. And the Pokemon are among the best. Its one of the most popular generations.

Compared to third what is an unpopular gen.

Salamence is a knock off of Salamence. WTF?
did any one else notice in the scan of the starters that pokapu was using a fire move on the starter battle???
you know what this means NO MORE SCRATCH AND GROWL!!!
Freak :P said:
My god I'm sorry but the starters are horrible -_-

give it a day and trust me...you will like them, thats what happened to all of us we all hated them at first
Xemik said:
I was really hoping for a bird grass starter and the water starter design is disappointing. Where's my platypus?
THANK YOU!!!! Finally someone aggrees we need a platypus.
I guess this is kinda what I expected. I dont really like the designs for any of the starters..

The water type one kinda looks like a clown,otter,blue and white blob thing xD They were on the right track with the otter idea, but then they added the clown part. That messed it up..

The Grass type starter just plain freaks me out..It reminds me of Yoshi, but its eyes are huge and it has a pointed head..Lol thats just my opinion :p

The fire is by far my favorite out of the 3. The markings on it are a little plain, but I like the pig idea :) It looks pretty cute :)
I feel indifferent towards the new starters. I don't HATE them, but I'm not excited about them either. Kind of underwhelming, but to be honest, I'd rather be underwhelmed than disappointed/disgusted.

That being said, the Water starter intrigues me the most. The style seems very fresh and new; it totally stood out to me the most. The Grass and Fire starters, however, could have just as easily been Gen 4 pokemon (in an aesthetic sense).

Not much else to say, I'm excited to see more new Pokemon, and hopefully I'll like them more than I do the Gen 4 Pokemon. (I despise about 95% of Gen 4).

On a side note: Why do a few of you think the Gen 3 starters were uncreative? I think they're my favourite starters. They're aesthetically pleasing in the sense that their vibrant, tropical colours are pleasing and very fitting with the mood of Hoenn (Tropical, southern island). I don't like ALL of the Gen 3 pokemon, but I have to say that the Gen 3 starters are on a level of their own. Love 'em.