(1) 'CoroCoro' Leaking! [9/11]

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J.D. said:
shinysearcher said:
That mane is friggin' dense! I want it to move freely, like Ponyta's and Rapidash's fire, but that won't be happening :(
But then he wouldn't have much of a mane... he'd just be a big cat with Emboar's beard...
Emboar's beard?




Those look like pretty full manes to me.. :p
Sheriff_K said:
J.D. said:
But then he wouldn't have much of a mane... he'd just be a big cat with Emboar's beard...
Emboar's beard?




Those look like pretty full manes to me.. :p
Nice for a still picture of real-world lions with flaming heads... but could they actually pull that off in animation, and at the same time make it look like an actual mane and not like his head is just one big fireball?
J.D. said:
Nice for a still picture... but could they actually pull that off in animation, and at the same time make it look like an actual mane and not just like his head is on fire?
No different than what they'll do for Rapidash I'd assume. And if you're gonna nitpick, how is Rapidash's mane any different than her head being on fire? :p
Sheriff_K said:
J.D. said:
Nice for a still picture... but could they actually pull that off in animation, and at the same time make it look like an actual mane and not just like his head is on fire?
No different than what they'll do for Rapidash I'd assume. And if you're gonna nitpick, how is Rapidash's mane any different than her head being on fire? :p
Because it's a single line of flames running along the back of her neck... not a mass of fire surrounding and potentially engulfing her face...
Wow. Just so much awesome in this news.

The new (presumably) fossil Pokemon look absolutely great. Personally, the blue dinosaur may just be one of my new favorites from this Generation. When I first saw it, I just had huge nostalgia feels from The Land Before Time series and it just feels like I was placed in that time of my childhood that I loved. +infinity to that one. The cats and shaggy goat thing is also cool.

I'm actually pleasantly surprised about the Mega Mewtwo form as well. While I still think the Mega Y version is quite possibly the ugliest thing I have ever seen in the Pokemon universe, this one is very decent indeed. The overall design is cool and this is what I expected from a Mega Mewtwo. Very badass with some armor looking stuff and you can tell he means some serious business. Mega Garchomp is also very cool. I already really liked Garchomp to begin with (definitely didn't really _need_ a Mega form IMO), but it was already going to take a lot to ruin Garchomp for me anyway. What they did was fine and I like it.

The only bad news is I will say I am quite a bit disappointed in both Chespin's first evolution and Fennekin's first as well. Froakie's on the other hand? Wow, if that keeps up into the final stage like it probably will and man. You have a clear favorite Starter IMO. I wasn't particularly on Froakie's bandwagon, but I did know that if they did it right, it could have the coolest stuff of all and right now, it looks like it will. Chespin's first evolution just looked like a hot air balloon to me at first. Kinda like a green Drifloon that ate too many chipmunks and floated up into the sky on his own gravity field for being too fat lol. I really wanted Fennekin to stay four-legged, but it's looking like it'll just become a witch that floats on a broomstick probably. Which is fine...I guess...but not what I wanted from a Fire starter. It being overly feminine (yes, I know the Basic kind of set this up...) kind of turns it into a Gardevoir starter for me if that makes any sense. But who knows, the final evolutions could redeem them, so I'll reserve some final judgment but this is just initial opinions.

Oh and Litleo's evolution looks awesome and has a great name. That is all.

dmaster out.
P.DelSlayer said:
mijumarulover said:
This generation is looking FABULOUUUUUS!

With a rainbow deer for a legendary mascot it would be hard for it not to be fabulous

Thissssssssssssss ^

I haven't been this excited for a new generation since RSE! ( prays for a remake)
I'll start off with the starters since that was what I found most exciting about this bit of news.

Fennekin- YAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSS. Fennekin you work it girl with that stick in your tail! I love it. I already decided Fennekin was going to be my starter when they premiered it earlier this year. But this evolution basically seals the deal.
I see that a lot of you are disappointed that it's a bipedal. I'm actually excited. I expected it to be the opposite and I like the direction they're going with it. I love it.
Chespin- I think it's rather cute and getting a bit of a bad rep. lol I like it's chubbyness.
It actually appeals to me a bit more than chespin did. Also I have a feeling people will be really into the final evolution. lol
Froakie- My least favorite of the three. It's evolution was the deciding factor of who to choose when I decided to restart. haha

Mega- Garchomp - idk how I feel about it. I'm a huge fan of garchomp. It's been a part of my team since the sinnoh region, however, Idk this mega evo just seems like a bit too much for me. It may grow on me later though.
Also idk if this has already been mentioned, or if any of you play digimon, buuuuuut it kinda reminds me of the villian in Digimon World Dusk. lol The head stracture I mean.

Mega Mewtwo - I like it. I think I prefer the other one...( too bad it won't be on the version I'm getting. :( ) But Mewtwo X is fine. :)
Alsooooo I highly doubt this will happen but... I miss Mew! ;_____; I wish they'd give it some type of awesome mega evo. Mewtwo has always been favored over Mew.

New Pokemon
Litleo's (maybe) Evo - Ehhhhhh. I've been waiting for an amazing fire lion and this is what I get. - crosses fingers for fire lion starter for gen 7 - It's okay though. It's not horrible but I just wanted something a bit more awesome. lol And there was already an overload of awesome fire types this gen, ( Fennekin, Talonflame, Mega Charizard...) I can deal with out

The Fossils- I like them! I think the ice one will have a trick up it's sleeve.
If not.... idk why they made the poor guy part ice.

The kittens-
I think they're cute, but idk if I'll use em. And they don't really look like cats to me. lol
idk what they look like but definitely not cats.

I wish I could see a bigger clearer scan of the last page. The one with ash and the possible partners he'll have. Ah well.
Part of me was hoping Brock/May/Misty would return. I don't watch much of the anime, but that might make me watch. Especially if it's May.

Why May? Mega Blaziken
Why Brock? Mega Hoenn starters/ Kanto Starters
Why Misty? Mega Kanto pokemon

But I guess that theory is out the door because you also have to consider that there are other mega evo pokemon from Sinnoh/ unova etc.
BLEGH! hahaha

I'll end my entirely too long essay to say. WERQ it Fennekin! Do yo thannnng! See you on oct.12 boo. Along with Squirtle. ;)
To those that disagreed with me about the manticore thing and have seen the screenshot of it attacking ( cant post atm. On phone) BAM! Manticore tail. -walks out of room with a coffee-
I really love the Litleo evolution! Kinda wished it haven't been leaked thought since I would've preferred to discover it in-game. I really hope no more pokémon will be revealed now. (No, I can't stay away from internet for one month :p But I probably going to stay away from pokémon sites a couple of days before the release since someone will probably get the game early..).
I'd like to mention that there is a very specific reason a fairy-type move is called "round eye" - in Japanese folklore, large and perfectly circular eyes are considered a special, distinguishing characteristic of supernatural monsters and spirits. This was mostly due to the eyes of owls, monkeys and other nocturnal creatures.

You may notice that Youkai goblins in anime to this day often have perfectly circle-shaped eyes even if the same anime has more natural looking eyes on humans.
Do you think the moves that were given with the starter evolutions might hint towards their final-stage typing? We can obviously see Fire/Psychic coming, as Teerunaa learns Psycho cut. But what about Hariboogu with Mud Shot? Another Grass/Ground combo perhaps? (I really hope not.) Gekogashira, my obvious pick, might ruin this though, because Bounce isn't really for flying types. Plus we've already seen our share of Water/Flying thingies. I guess frogs hop.

Either way, I'm really happy with Gekogashira's design, but disappointed with the other starters. So glad I've stuck with Froakie since the start, woop.
Pyroar looks amazing! I wonder whether this is the second or third stage evolution (if it gets 3). It looks like a final evolution form to me. Would it keep its Normal type? I hoped that it would be replaced upon evolution, but it seems like he's still a Normal-type based on design. I'm not disappointed, however; it looks great!
It has a freaking kanji symbol for fire in its mane when seen from the front

I do not understand how anybody could not like Chespin's and Fennekin's evos... ;___;

Pyroar looks kinda meh. Not bad, not especially good. Just a normal Pokémon.
Do you think that the cat couple are really Meowstick? I mean, should them be Espurr, nor Meowstick? I'm saying that cause I think they're a bit small for being a final stage (0.6m if I see the scan right).
I really like Pyroar. Original, cool, just what I like to see. And normally I complain about Pokémon haha. d:
I loved the cat couple, they're so cute, and it's awesome that the female is the offensive one, I loved Torimian, my dog was a poodle and now I want one so much, I really hope it gets a decent evolution and the "haircuts" give it different typing or stat distribution! As for the fossils, the ice one is definetly my favorite and although its going to get pumelled ill definetly choose it, on the other hand im okay with the dragon one, nothing special.

The starter evolutions definetly weren't what I expected, though it's first stage evolution and normally they aren't very impressive, I gotta admit my favorite was Fennekin's evo, Im almost sure it will evolve into something related to a witch or somehing, still, I think its prudent to wait for the final evolutions as they can totally change their appearence ( i.e. Dewott -> Samurott)
Pryroar - Another accidental reveal. That's what, the second time in a week? This guy looks really cool. I like the design.

For some reason, I am not a huge fire type fan the fire type yet Kalos in my opinion has made more good fire type Pokemon then any other type (Mega Charizard, Mega Blaziken, Fennekin, Talonflame, Pyroar). Maybe I should do a fire type mono challange (A challenge where you can only use one type of pokemon until you have beat everything)

750th post!
Pyroar :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
This guy just seems like he's got some umbrella as a mane! So ridiculous. I can't stop laughing.

Teal said:
I do not understand how anybody could not like Chespin's and Fennekin's evos... ;___;

Pyroar looks kinda meh. Not bad, not especially good. Just a normal Pokémon.

About Chespin's evo., I must say that seeing your profile image it seems very cute but in the CoroCoro leaks it's just a fat ball with empty eyes staring at nowhere.
At dmaster: This is pretty much how I feel, especially about Mewtwo. At least Mewtwo X looks more like Mewtwo, and an awesome looking one, at that. Mewtwo Y, on the other hand...
1. Put tail on head
2. Replace toes and fingers with Purple Gummis
3. ???
4. Profit

Pyroar is awesome.

Also, I just realized anything typed Steel/Poison is gonna destroy every fairy ever.

froakie don't disappoint me, I need an amazing ninja assassin frog on my team
Kanji mane is awesome. Pyroar is awesome.

I'm betting there's a stage between Litleo and Pyroar. It just looks like the top of a three-stage line. And hey, it fixed the problem I had with Litleo's eyes!
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