(1) 'CoroCoro' Leaking! [9/11]

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Teal said:
I do not understand how anybody could not like Chespin's and Fennekin's evos... ;___;

Pyroar looks kinda meh. Not bad, not especially good. Just a normal Pokémon.

I agree I find Fennekin's evolution very creative and Chespin's is ok I mean its not what I was hoping but its certainly cute and chubby and I believe it has a ton of potential just imagine it standing on 4 legs with a lot of green spikes sorta like Sandslash and looking rather bulky than fat and its colour scheme changing to dark green and the brown to black. I'm still going to pick Chespin cuz I'm loyal Chespin 4life!
Hey look! Pyroar is NOT a manticore! :D Thank Nosepass for that, now we can all get back to hoping for R/S remakes... :')

Pyroar does look a little better in it's official art than its in-game model, I'm coming round to it.
AtmosphericThunder said:
Official art for Pyroar from IGN: http://i.imgur.com/YpA48eK.jpg

EDIT: Didn't see that WPM already found the art!

"Pyroar evolves from Litleo"...hmm there can still be hope for a third evolution but it looks like a final evolution though..its not like I don't like it its just that I want it to look more ferocious and bad@ss like Luxray. Even though I knew the mane wouldnt be on fire cuz litleo wasnt it still doesnt look that cool but I'm warming up to it still hoping to evolve in a brute with saber tooths hopefully.

Also I miss those cute ears.
Here's something that'll blow everyones minds:

PS. Why do people care so much for R/S/E remakes? You already played it, and beat it, why do you need a remake? Just replay the original, it has awesome graphics. You can still get the Pokemon transfered and such. Besides, shouldn't you people be more excited for X/Y, you know, something NEW? <_<
Also, a remake is unlikely, given that Pokemon is now in 3D, making a remake of a 2D game would be going backward..
Sheriff_K said:
Here's something that'll blow everyones minds:

PS. Why do people care so much for R/S/E remakes? You already played it, and beat it, why do you need a remake? Just replay the original, it has awesome graphics. You can still get the Pokemon transfered and such. Besides, shouldn't you people be more excited for X/Y, you know, something NEW? <_<
Also, a remake is unlikely, given that Pokemon is now in 3D, making a remake of a 2D game would be going backward..

Technically that's what happened with hg/ss.

I can only speak myself, but r/s remakes would be delightful forme, getting to play in my favorite region on a new interface is enough for me. It mightnot be a totally region, but not all regions I find enjoyable anyways.
Well, at least Pyroar actually looks like a lion, now that we actually have a good look at it. I could never buy Luxray as a lion even though it's got a mane. The round face and huge ears aren't very lion-like at all.
But, I'm still waiting for a really good Fire type from this gen :B
Drokas said:
Leaf_Ranger said:
Has anyone else noticed how in one of the in-game pictures of Fennekin's evolution, it is holdind its tail stick burning like a torch?

Yeah, and it kinda looks like it is using it as a magic wand. xD
It is probably throwing it but just by looking at its body language... xD


You're right, it could be a wand that is then "stored" in its tail making the shape of a broom.
I think it's funny because it looks like a mad person from an angry mob and usually angry mobs turn against witches not the other way around. :p
I'm guessing that if its evolution is to continue with the witch theme then if it were to resemble a witches' hat, the ear's fur will make the flap and the pointed ears will be the cone.
Luxrays a lion? o_0

My whole life is a lie... I never actually considered that. I just thought he looked cool, and coincidentally had a name similar to "Sphinx." :p
Pyroar, looks good, I'm thinking it evolves with a Fire Stone, but that's because it reminds me a little of Ninetales and Arcanine. I don't expect it to be that strong, about Luxray strenght, decent but not spectacular, because Litleo can be caught early on.

I'm still wondering, why that Normal-type?

Sheriff_K said:
Luxrays a lion? o_0

My whole life is a lie... I never actually considered that. I just thought he looked cool, and coincidentally had a name similar to "Sphinx." :p

Luxray's a lynx. In mythology, lynxes are said to have the power to see through objects, just like Luxray. The lion is not the only animal to have a mane, many felines have this, including the lynx. Besides, Luxray doesn't have a full mane like Pyroar, or a real lion, it's a small one, just like a lynx.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! Litleo's evolution is not a manticore! It is a normal looking fire lion just like I wanted! This makes me so Happy! I really don't see where people thought Litleo's tail looked scorpion like in the first place. It is a common stylized way to draw the fur at the tip of a lion's tail. Also it is probably meant to look like a small flame, same idea as Pansear but with lion fur colours.


Personally I love Pyroar! I have always wanted a fire lion ever since generation one. (Mainly because I'm a Leo sign.) :D Also a lot of people are saying they like the 2D version more than the 3D version. I like the 3D version of it better than the Ken S. Drawing of it. The drawing doesn't capture the sheer awesomeness of it as much as the 3D dose for me. The drawing is defiantly not the best of works done by Mr. Ken S. Don't get me wrong the drawing is ok but the 3D version is EPIC!!! <3 Pyroar is 100% going to be on my team!




Now it just needs a winged lion Mega Evolution (not a manticore) like the statues found in Venice, Italy and I will love Pokemon forever!!!

Pokequaza said:
Pyroar, looks good, I'm thinking it evolves with a Fire Stone, but that's because it reminds me a little of Ninetales and Arcanine. I don't expect it to be that strong, about Luxray strenght, decent but not spectacular, because Litleo can be caught early on.

I'm still wondering, why that Normal-type?

Sheriff_K said:
Luxrays a lion? o_0

My whole life is a lie... I never actually considered that. I just thought he looked cool, and coincidentally had a name similar to "Sphinx." :p

Luxray's a lynx. In mythology, lynxes are said to have the power to see through objects, just like Luxray. The lion is not the only animal to have a mane, many felines have this, including the lynx. Besides, Luxray doesn't have a full mane like Pyroar, or a real lion, it's a small one, just like a lynx.
Yeah, my favorite breed of house cat also grows a mane, in the winter. How cool is that?! :p

As for Normal type, why not? I think it's awesome that it's a Fire/Normal, so unique. And I guess it's because the normal type is more prevalent in it. It's like the opposite of most elemental Pokemon, instead being a normal Pokemon with a tiny dash of Fire.

Edit: @above, I actually like the artwork more than the 3D. The artwork is what sold me over on Pyroars design. :3
Re: Pyroar's 3D model vs. the Sugimori art. There's yet to be a Pokemon that looks as good in XY as it does drawn, IMO. :/ My one complaint about XY so far is that the graphics seem so subpar. There's not a lot of detail on the models themselves and the coloring style is so bland and lifeless to me. Like, Pyroar's mane looks way better in the Sugimori artwork because the colors are more vibrant and the shading is better.
I really want to know what people thought Chespin's evolution was going to be like.
I have no idea where the idea of Chespin being a mole came from. Almost every fan art I saw tried to stretch Chespin's face out to bring out more of a mammal. But to me Chestpin is a chestnut first with mammal qualities to fill in the gaps. As the more defensive stat based starter Chespin's evolution design makes sense to me.
I admit it is pretty goofy but it fits the design path i see Chespin taking.

I'm afraid to say anything on Fennikin's evolution. One side misses their dreams of a quadruped, the other thinks it's a great concept. just. . . no comment.

And Froakie's. . . uhh me against the world but; they squashed his head in, twisted his eyes 90 degrees, took away almost all of his bubble collar, and flattened his hands. Hate me if you must.
Now that i look at it, Luxray is that one japanese movie Lion style while Pyroar pretty much is the Lion King version, behind the scenes mysterys are afoot.

Also I remind you every screenshot of a 3DS image that has ever been taken looks like complete crap compared to the real thing in person.

Could they have made the graphics more realistic? Fire Emblem and Resident Evil say yes, but Its obvious through observation that they want the game to look like the anime. Just looking at Pyroar they are obviously doing that tecnique where the characters are obviously really defined and colored while the background has no edging and is kind of hazy yet detailed. In the Anime they do this so they don't have to draw the same dang background a million times but for the game its purely an aethstetic choice.
WELP. -swallows my own words-

But wow what an awesome Pokemon ;v; I love Lions.... now if only every gen had a lion so I could make a Lion team....

But there's only Entei, Luxray, and Pyroar.
OMG OMG I'm starting to love Pyroar and looook!!!!! When its attacking you can see his claws OMG best game ever!
Hmm I guess I can share my personal opinions regarding the leaks too... okay, here we go!

Mega Garchomp: This thing has "I eat babies!" written all over it's head. I love it's jaws but that's all about it, everything else is "meh" and the white spikes are overdone (poor thing looks like it's wearing an appron with laces <_< Good luck trying to unsee this now!)

Mega Mewtwo X: Uhh...no. It looks Mewtwo-ish I guess, but I personally dislike it's design. Good thing I'm getting Y, I do like Mega Mewtwo Y's design in general.

Torimian: A poodle, huh? Not bad (I was betting on llama xD) I really like it and the idea of customizable Pokémon, though I prefer it unstylised ~

Nyaonikusu: I FREAKIN' LOVE THEM. Especially the male. More Pokémon need gender differences like this duo. Definitely getting one for my team. I also wonder what their shiny forms might look like, if they were to reverse their colors and the female would be dark, I'd totally try to get one and name it after my black cat :D

Chigorasu: HELL YEAH! Thank you, GameFreak! I've always wanted a fossil Pokémon based on either a Tyrannosaurus Rex or some sort of Raptor. Totally picking it's fossil and it'll definitely get a spot in my team! Love the typing too!

Amarusu: Umm...ugh...idk, the design looks like a third rate fakemon's (no offense meant, everyone has different tastes and if you like it, whatever float your boat! :3 ) but I'm glad there is a Sauropod Pokémon now too. Also interesting ability.

O_O Chespin my darling, you need to lay off with those poffins! I can only hope the last stage will be awesome and this is just a silly/awkward teenage phase xD Still my starter choice but it will take some time to get used to this stage. I don't hate it...but I don't really love it either.

Teerunaa: I understand those who hoped Fennekin would stay quadrupled and I sort of hoped too, but I actually like it's design! I like the broomstick tail idea too and the fact that it seems to be using the stick as a magic wand in battle.

Gekogashira: I didn't really pay much attention to Froakie until this point but it certainly evolves into something awesome! I love it how it resembles a tree-frog thief. It looks so sly!

Pyroar: Brick me but I was actually hoping for it to become a Fire/Dark or Fire/Poison manticore Pokémon. The colours would have been perfect! Oh well, it's okay I guess (I sorta like the fluff on the hindlegs) except for one thing - the mane. Oh god, it's too big, too awkward shaped... it should be fluffier like a Luxray's, only proportioned right. I really hope the females either have small manes or none at all.

As a side thought, I like it how GameFreak is basing the starters on the holy trinity of RPGs:


It makes perfect sense! I just hope Chespin's final stage will look like an actual warrior/knight rather than something...round and chubby?
Drohn said:
Pyroar looks amazing! I wonder whether this is the second or third stage evolution (if it gets 3). It looks like a final evolution form to me. Would it keep its Normal type? I hoped that it would be replaced upon evolution, but it seems like he's still a Normal-type based on design. I'm not disappointed, however; it looks great!

I thought the same thing. If this is its final stage evolution, then what is the point for normal type as its secondary? I hope it evolves again.

As for my opinion on everything else...
I love Chigorasu's design. I am curious on what is included for the ability Hard Chin. I wish it wasn't part rock though. Dragon/rock would make it strong against flying, ice, fire, bug, and dragon while having weakness to dragon, fairy, ice, ground, steel, and fighting. Is the trade off worth it?

I am very disappointed in the type chart. I really don't see a point to bother with ice pokemon anymore. Fairy just seems too good in comparison.

I am not fond of the new mega designs shown.
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