(1) English Names Revealed for Latest Batch of News, New Type Changes [9/13]

I really want Tyrunt but I love Ice types... Amaura just looks too plain and feminine for me. I guess it depends on what they evolve into for me.

Terack said:
Rangermon said:
What do these games have to do with a DS? This is 3DS, totally different machine and not in the same console family ;-)

Currently the Global Link website is geared towards BW1 and BW2 which are DS games so it's perfectly logical that I would be playing pokemon games on a DS. For the record though, I do own and play W1 and W2 on my 3DS. I assume from your winky face that you're just jiggling my puffs though. :p
Haha! I love that phrase now. I was just making sure you knew the 3DS was separate and not a DS console. I like to let people know, as I still hear kids freaking calling it a "DS but 3D this time" :p I get very annoyed easily when people get misinformed and get cranky.

Zielo said:
Rangermon said:
I'm a little unsure if you get why Chespin's final evolution will be a Dark type. It's a Hedgehog (more so after it evolves into the rounded Quilladin)... They hide in the dark during the day and come out at night - hence the Dark final evolution. It doesn't always mean "they're a dark menacing and mysterious Pokemon" - proven by Shiftry, who is a Dark type because trees cast shade.

Shiftry isn't a dark type because trees cast shade, I'm not sure where that came from. It is a dark type because its based on the Tengu. And with those black eyes, yellow pupils, and menacing expression, I'd say he does look the part of a Dark type. His name is even a play on shifty.
I also don't think they'd make Chespin's final evo a Dark type just because hedgehogs are nocturnal... not all of them even are and they certainly aren't well known for it. To be a Dark type pretty much does mean you are often a menacing/mysterious/mischievous Pokemon. Every Dark Pokemon you look at has at least one of those traits, whether its in design or personality (take Scraggy for example, personality wise.)

So this is what leaves me wondering what the outcome of Quilladin will be if it does turn Dark. I'm thinking its the whole "bursting chestnut" theory. Still, it will have to have a huge turnaround and contrast from its preforms to look or act the part of a Dark type. It wouldn't be the first time a Pokemon has made a complete turnaround for either of those aspects. (Slakoth>Vigoroth, Lombre>Ludicolo, Tepig>Pignite)

It must be at least part of why Shiftry is a Dark type though... Tengu are based on crows usually. Plus, as these games are set in Europe, most Hedgehog species in most of Europe ARE Nocturnal. Especially in countries like the UK, France, Germany, etc... I'm willing to bet that Chespin's final evolution is quadrupedal like Venusaur and Torterra too. I'd imagine it will have larger spikes and bigger claws too.
The Pokémon XY site says that Braixen learns Psyshock... I could have sworn I read Psycho Cut during the leaks. Is it both? If it is, I guess that kind of seals it for the final evolution being a Fire/Psychic type.
Lex said:
professorlight said:
Awesome, why? is there any doubt about it?
From a design/theme perspective, I thought it was clever and a bit of a different angle. ^^
Young Lord - T-Rex - name is a play off Tyrant - throws fits - Royal Heir


I'm interested to see how they further incorporate the theme into the evolution.

It's also interesting with the sword (Honedge) and the shield (Pyroar♂) themes, and Pyroar and Tyrunt both being royal. The lion with Noble Roar and the tyrannical T-Rex. Not to mention the witch, Braixen. I'm really enjoying the European fairy tale vibe. Though I'm probably reading too much into it. ^^

Well, considering that the translation from the latin tyrannosaurus rex is "tyrant lizard king" it makes a lot of sense.

I'm having trouble with amaura, though, its shaped like a sauropod, but not a diplodocus (the tail should be very long and thin), but its an ice type, and the fossil is the sail fossil, which doesn't make too much sense for a sauropod, maybe for an ouranosaurus, dimetrodon or stegosaurus, and the name doesn't tell me anything. So,, in short, I don't know what the hell it is, yet.
So... nice to see things updated in English.

Tyrunt and Amaura... guessing Tyrant+Runt and Amarga+Aura/Aurora... not bad, though neither Tyrannosaurus or Amargasaurus lived 100 Million years ago; T-Rex is 30 Million years younger, while Amargasaurus is 30 Million years older... then again, they didn't live in France either, so whatever...

Happy to see Pyroar get a gender difference, even if it's a long tail of fur instead of... well, nothing at all, like you'd expect on a real lioness...

Mega Mewtwo X is confirmed to be physically inclined... they so better give his move pool a boost! Not that he's the only one who needs a better move pool, but still, he's so specially inclined that he needs better physical moves.

Mega Garchomp is confirmed to actually loose speed... once again makes me wonder, are the stats mentioned the only stats getting changes, or will more than just the ones mentioned see changes?

Adding to Biting and Pulse moves, it seems we now have Spore moves as well... and it seems Grass-types are now immune to those!

Ghost and Electric also got a small type-specific buff, always nice... and Ice it seems is still screwed (still immune to useless Hail and useless Frozen status, and that's it!)...

professorlight said:
I'm having trouble with amaura, though, its shaped like a sauropod, but not a diplodocus (the tail should be very long and thin), but its an ice type, and the fossil is the sail fossil, which doesn't make too much sense for a sauropod, maybe for an ouranosaurus, dimetrodon or stegosaurus, and the name doesn't tell me anything. So,, in short, I don't know what the hell it is, yet.
It's an Amargasaurus; an Early Cretaceous sauropod with a pair of sails formed from elongated vertebra spines running down the length of its neck... modern interpretations however depict the vertebra spines as a series of keratin-covered spikes, however. Fun fact; the only known skeleton is lacking a tail, so we don't know what it looks like. Don't ask me why it's Ice-type now... though that icy diamond on its side does remind me of the armor of South American titanosaur sauropods, so maybe that's it (though, Amargasaurus isn't a titanosaur).
J.D. said:
So... nice to see things updated in English.

Tyrunt and Amaura... guessing Tyrant+Runt and Amarga+Aura/Aurora... not bad, though neither Tyrannosaurus or Amargasaurus lived 100 Million years ago; T-Rex is 30 Million years younger, while Amargasaurus is 30 Million years older... then again, they didn't live in France either, so whatever...

Happy to see Pyroar get a gender difference, even if it's a long tail of fur instead of... well, nothing at all, like you'd expect on a real lioness...

Mega Mewtwo X is confirmed to be physically inclined... they so better give his movepool a boost! Not that he's the only one who needs a better move pool, but still, he's so specially inclined that he needs better physical moves.

Mega Garchomp is confirmed to actually loose speed... once again makes me wonder, are the stats mentioned the only stats getting changes, or will more than just the ones mentioned see changes?

Adding to Biting and Pulse moves, it seems we now have Spore moves as well...

Grass, Ghost and Electric got a small buff, always nice... and Ice it seems is still screwed (still immune to useless Hail and useless Frozen status, and that's it!)...

professorlight said:
I'm having trouble with amaura, though, its shaped like a sauropod, but not a diplodocus (the tail should be very long and thin), but its an ice type, and the fossil is the sail fossil, which doesn't make too much sense for a sauropod, maybe for an ouranosaurus, dimetrodon or stegosaurus, and the name doesn't tell me anything. So,, in short, I don't know what the hell it is, yet.
It's an Amargasaurus; an Early Cretaceous sauropod with a pair of sails formed from elongated vertebra spines running down the length of its neck... modern interpretations however depict the vertebra spines as a series of keratin-covered spikes, however. Fun fact; the only known skeleton is lacking a tail, so we don't know what it looks like. Don't ask me why it's Ice-type now... though that icy diamond on its side does remind me of the armor of South American titanosaur sauropods, so maybe that's it (though, Amargasaurus isn't a titanosaur).

There it is! I couldn't remember any sauropods with sails, last time I did my reaserch, amargasaurus had spines. It's strange they chose such an obscure dinosaur as counterpart to the t-rex, but, they used a ceratopsid as counterpart to a pachycephalosaurus, too... is that kind of subtleties that make pokemon so good, they never go the obvious way. Titanosaurus might be a little too much, though, don't you think?
Rangermon said:
Terack said:
Currently the Global Link website is geared towards BW1 and BW2 which are DS games so it's perfectly logical that I would be playing pokemon games on a DS. For the record though, I do own and play W1 and W2 on my 3DS. I assume from your winky face that you're just jiggling my puffs though. :p
Haha! I love that phrase now. I was just making sure you knew the 3DS was separate and not a DS console. I like to let people know, as I still hear kids freaking calling it a "DS but 3D this time" :p I get very annoyed easily when people get misinformed and get cranky.

Ahh I see. I'm glad you enjoy it the phrase! Saw it on some t-shirt on the internet today. I hope it becomes a thing. Don't worry, I know the difference; I guess I should make sure I'm more specific from now on then. I wonder what the kids will call the 2DS when it comes out? A DS but 3D this time but not at at all? Hahaha!
professorlight said:
There it is! I couldn't remember any sauropods with sails, last time I did my reaserch, amargasaurus had spines. It's strange they chose such an obscure dinosaur as counterpart to the t-rex, but, they used a ceratopsid as counterpart to a pachycephalosaurus, too... is that kind of subtleties that make pokemon so good, they never go the obvious way. Titanosaurus might be a little too much, though, don't you think?
As far as most people are concerned, a 'long-neck' is a 'long-neck'... can't see how mixing in a little Titanosaur would be any weirder than making an Amargasaurus Pokemon, since most people wouldn't know the difference.

Also, pairing a Ceratopsian with a Pachycephalosaur is hardly weird... I mean, they're both common and easily recognized dinosaur types and both Marginocephalians after all. Full disclosure; I added this part because how often do I get a chance to say Marginocephalians?
Terack said:
xxashxx said:
Will the mobile version of the Dream World allow the 3DS to play it too? I hope the mobile version allows that because right now I can only do them on the computer.:)

Ooo good point. The 3DS does have a browser that I always forget about. That would be pretty sweet if their mobile site was compatible with it. I'm really curious if they're going to keep the dream world or make another way to acquire pokemon with their hidden abilities.

It is a mobile version so the 3DS should be able to handle it. I was just wondering if anyone knew or not XD. As long as the sprites are JPEG it should work and the mobile versions has to be basic XD. There are mobile versions of Google and Neoseeker so why not the PGL XD. I am sure it will be pretty basic though for mobile users.:)
They hide in the dark during the day and come out at night - hence the Dark final evolution. It doesn't always mean "they're a dark menacing and mysterious Pokemon" - proven by Shiftry, who is a Dark type because trees cast shade.

As others have pointed out, everything about Shiftry IS dark, menacing and mysterious. Its name, its design, its theme and its pokedex entries.

"Dark" type is literally just called "evil" type in Japan. That IS its exact theme. It's a counterpart to fighting type, which is known in Japan as "hero." They are "heroic" and "villainous" themed pokemon, respectively.

It must be at least part of why Shiftry is a Dark type though... Tengu are based on crows usually.

Though thought of as "crow" spirits, Tengu are more often portrayed in traditional Japanese art as old men with long noses, and often carry a fan in each hand, hence Shiftry's design.

It's grass type because this is Pokemon and one of the biggest themes of pokemon is combining concepts together to give them new twists.

Shiftry is also basically a counterpart to Ludicolo, which is a kappa-themed lily pad creature.

Also, pairing a Ceratopsian with a Pachycephalosaur is hardly weird... I mean, they're both common and easily recognized dinosaur types and both Marginocephalians after all.

Er, they were paired together because they're both famous for ramming things with their armored heads....I thought that was pretty overt. Rampardos is like a "battering ram" and its counterpart like a castle wall, too.
J.D. said:
As far as most people are concerned, a 'long-neck' is a 'long-neck'... can't see how mixing in a little Titanosaur would be any weirder than making an Amargasaurus Pokemon, since most people wouldn't know the difference.

Also, pairing a Ceratopsian with a Pachycephalosaur is hardly weird... I mean, they're both common and easily recognized dinosaur types and both Marginocephalians after all. Full disclosure; I added this part because how often do I get a chance to say Marginocephalians?

Simple rant about long neck's like little foot and you can say it all the time.
J.D. said:
professorlight said:
There it is! I couldn't remember any sauropods with sails, last time I did my reaserch, amargasaurus had spines. It's strange they chose such an obscure dinosaur as counterpart to the t-rex, but, they used a ceratopsid as counterpart to a pachycephalosaurus, too... is that kind of subtleties that make pokemon so good, they never go the obvious way. Titanosaurus might be a little too much, though, don't you think?
As far as most people are concerned, a 'long-neck' is a 'long-neck'... can't see how mixing in a little Titanosaur would be any weirder than making an Amargasaurus Pokemon, since most people wouldn't know the difference.

Also, pairing a Ceratopsian with a Pachycephalosaur is hardly weird... I mean, they're both common and easily recognized dinosaur types and both Marginocephalians after all. Full disclosure; I added this part because how often do I get a chance to say Marginocephalians?

Pfffft. you don't need a chance to say Marginocephalian, silly! you can do it any time you want! "hi, what's your name?" "marginocephalian", "excuse me, do you have the time?" "marginocephalian". See?.
I know that for most people a diplodocus is the same as a brachiosaurus, or a titanosaurus, or an apatosaurus, those all look alike enough to be in the same category (yet, brachiosaurus has that bony crest on its head, diplodocus its whip-like tail, and titanosaurus was really freaking huge, even for a sauropod) but at least amargasaurus has its spines, but like the pachycephalosaurus is not so well known. most people can only name a few dinosaurs: t-rex, littlefoot and longnecks, triceratops, that weird shit with plaques from jurassic park 2, that blinding-poison spitting thing from JP 1, barney, george bush senior and HOLYSHITRAPTORSSSSAAGHHHHHHHH! SPLAT!.
xxashxx said:
Terack said:
Ooo good point. The 3DS does have a browser that I always forget about. That would be pretty sweet if their mobile site was compatible with it. I'm really curious if they're going to keep the dream world or make another way to acquire pokemon with their hidden abilities.

It is a mobile version so the 3DS should be able to handle it. I was just wondering if anyone knew or not XD. As long as the sprites are JPEG it should work and the mobile versions has to be basic XD. There are mobile versions of Google and Neoseeker so why not the PGL XD. I am sure it will be pretty basic though for mobile users.:)

Yeah, pretty sure they made a mobile version precisely because of the 3DS browser. The more compact, the faster. I mean, Pokémon's and Nintendo's official websites also have a mobile(/3DS) version.
By the way, are you guys sure there's gonna be another Dream World? I don't see nothing about it just by looking at the new screenshots. No option/menu, nothing. o_O I think the new PGL is more like a Facebook timeline but only with your X&Y game data (game progress, photos from the game, your trades, news and events, rating battles, etc).
AwkwardKlutz said:
Okay, everybody, a theory: Diantha is actually Audrey Hepburn with blue contact lens.

The eyebrows give it away.

It's funny that you mention her because the minute I saw Diantha, Audrey TATOU immediately came to my mind. The short hair, the lips, the clothing, etc...

Bogleech said:
They hide in the dark during the day and come out at night - hence the Dark final evolution. It doesn't always mean "they're a dark menacing and mysterious Pokemon" - proven by Shiftry, who is a Dark type because trees cast shade.

As others have pointed out, everything about Shiftry IS dark, menacing and mysterious. Its name, its design, its theme and its pokedex entries.

"Dark" type is literally just called "evil" type in Japan. That IS its exact theme. It's a counterpart to fighting type, which is known in Japan as "hero." They are "heroic" and "villainous" themed pokemon, respectively.

That's a lie though and I see this being passed as a fact way too often.

Dark type = あくタイプ = Evil Type
Fighting type = かくとうタイプ = Hand-to-hand combat/Scuffle Type

I would say that only to an extent can they be considered counterparts. There are indeed many dark-type Pokemon that employ underhanded tactics against their opponents, in contrast to the more "righteous" fighting type. On the other hand, there are also many other dark-type Pokemon that possess that type because of a relationship with literal darkness/the occult. It is much more nuanced than that.

On the topic of types, I guess we'll have to wait for some confirmation on what exactly they mean by "Ghost-type Pokemon are not affected by moves that prevent Pokemon from fleeing from battle". It can go two ways: either the Pokemon is capable of literally fleeing from battle (i.e. wild encounters) or they are able to switch out at will (which I really hope is the case).

Edit: Upon closer inspection I noticed that the Yveltal promotional picture has it with its mouth fully open. Pretty sweet.
This generation is looking better with every reveal. Mega Garchomp's chin is a bit creepy, though. I don't know what it is about it, it's just so.... angular, or something.

Even though I never say this, I'm kinda hoping that the shiny versions of Meowstick are inverted palette swaps (female is dark with white markings and male is white with dark markings). As long as Pyroar's shiny isn't green, I think it'll look pretty awesome. Fennekin's shiny was black and red if I remember correctly, so I'm looking forward to seeing Braixen in that coloration.

I'm not sure where they're going with Fennekin's line, but I like it. I think it might have a brushfire/forest fire theme based on the naming so far. Fennekin seems like a combination of Fennec + Kindle/Kindling, which are usually small twigs, leaves, or even scrap wood left over after splitting. Braixen appears to be taking this scheme up a level by combining Branch + Vixen (vixen, of couse being a female fox, and it's honestly got a rather feminine form in my eyes)

Perhaps Fennekin's appetite for branches causes a great deal of collateral damage via forest fires, and as it evolves it learns to control its destructive nature on the environment (namely trees, which take a very long time to grow back). Its description mentioned that it casts spells-- maybe its final evolution uses its developed powers to protect and speed the growth of trees? Also, its ear-tufts kind of remind me of Sawsbuck's summer antlers in a way.
Kitana Coldfire said:
This generation is looking better with every reveal. Mega Garchomp's chin is a bit creepy, though. I don't know what it is about it, it's just so.... angular, or something.

Even though I never say this, I'm kinda hoping that the shiny versions of Meowstick are inverted palette swaps (female is dark with white markings and male is white with dark markings). As long as Pyroar's shiny isn't green, I think it'll look pretty awesome. Fennekin's shiny was black and red if I remember correctly, so I'm looking forward to seeing Braixen in that coloration.

I'm not sure where they're going with Fennekin's line, but I like it. I think it might have a brushfire/forest fire theme based on the naming so far. Fennekin seems like a combination of Fennec + Kindle/Kindling, which are usually small twigs, leaves, or even scrap wood left over after splitting. Braixen appears to be taking this scheme up a level by combining Branch + Vixen (vixen, of couse being a female fox, and it's honestly got a rather feminine form in my eyes)

Perhaps Fennekin's appetite for branches causes a great deal of collateral damage via forest fires, and as it evolves it learns to control its destructive nature on the environment (namely trees, which take a very long time to grow back). Its description mentioned that it casts spells-- maybe its final evolution uses its developed powers to protect and speed the growth of trees? Also, its ear-tufts kind of remind me of Sawsbuck's summer antlers in a way.

Shiny Fennekin was confirmed fake. All the starter shinies were confirmed fake.