(1) English Names Revealed for Latest Batch of News, New Type Changes [9/13]

xxashxx said:
Will the mobile version of the Dream World allow the 3DS to play it too? I hope the mobile version allows that because right now I can only do them on the computer.:)

Ooo good point. The 3DS does have a browser that I always forget about. That would be pretty sweet if their mobile site was compatible with it. I'm really curious if they're going to keep the dream world or make another way to acquire pokemon with their hidden abilities.
I'm not happy with Braixen's name. It's pronounced as Brexen, which is a fundemental flaw in the American pronunciation of English. My name is Craig, yet you guys seem to think the name is "Creg" - it isn't. It's a CRAY sound and yet this dub name is clearly based on that mispronunciation of the "ai" part. It's just as bad as people thinking Ocarina is OHCARINA -_- I just think it's ridiculous and shows how unintelligent the localization team are if they don't know how English is intended to be said.
Rangermon said:
I'm not happy with Braixen's name. It's pronounced as Brexen, which is a fundemental flaw in the American pronunciation of English. My name is Craig, yet you guys seem to think the name is "Creg" - it isn't. It's a CRAY sound and yet this dub name is clearly based on that mispronunciation of the "ai" part. It's just as bad as people thinking Ocarina is OHCARINA -_- I just think it's ridiculous and shows how unintelligent the localization team are if they don't know how English is intended to be said.

I say Craig the way you say it . . .
professorlight said:
Lex said:
Tyrunt is the Royal Heir Pokémon/Young Lord Pokémon? Interested to see what it's evo will look like. =o

Awesome, why? is there any doubt about it?
From a design/theme perspective, I thought it was clever and a bit of a different angle. ^^
Young Lord - T-Rex - name is a play off Tyrant - throws fits - Royal Heir


I'm interested to see how they further incorporate the theme into the evolution.

It's also interesting with the sword (Honedge) and the shield (Pyroar♂) themes, and Pyroar and Tyrunt both being royal. The lion with Noble Roar and the tyrannical T-Rex. Not to mention the witch, Braixen. I'm really enjoying the European fairy tale vibe. Though I'm probably reading too much into it. ^^
Rangermon said:
I'm not happy with Braixen's name. It's pronounced as Brexen, which is a fundemental flaw in the American pronunciation of English. My name is Craig, yet you guys seem to think the name is "Creg" - it isn't. It's a CRAY sound and yet this dub name is clearly based on that mispronunciation of the "ai" part. It's just as bad as people thinking Ocarina is OHCARINA -_- I just think it's ridiculous and shows how unintelligent the localization team are if they don't know how English is intended to be said.

I think if they are making up names they can pronounce them however they want...

not to mention I haven't ever heard a person say Craig as "creg", l mean we have craigslist for pete's sake, and I hear numerous people say it correctly all the time, what kind of Americans are you dealing with?

Although I do have a problem with Oakarina, its about as bad as when parents use to say "Super Mayrio Brothers" instead of "Super Mario Brothers" back in the 90's.
Terack said:
A mobile phone version of the Global Link website? I like where this is going. I almost never use the current site now because I don't typically play my DS in front of my computer.

What do these games have to do with a DS? This is 3DS, totally different machine and not in the same console family ;-)

Zielo said:
I like the English names. My only complaint about any of the news is... Pyroars gender difference isn't exactly what I expected. ._. I just think the long flowy mane is kinda odd. It reminds me a lot of Pidgeot or Jessie's hair. o_O I was hoping for either a very short trim or no mane at all. But ah well, its no huge deal. It looks alright over all.

Seeing the official full scale art of Quilladin helps me like it a little more... and I just can't hate its personality. "Despite its prickly appearance, Quilladin is considered a gentle Pokémon that avoids battle." D'aawww. I think it looks better in game too.
But this just steers me away from it being a possible Dark type even more. And it doesn't help that they sure seemed to emphasize Mud Shot on the website with the screenshots. But then, they emphasized Psyshock for Braixen and Bounce for Frogadier too...

The blue cut Furfrou (love the name, btw, as well as Tyrunt's) is definitely my favorite of them, besides the original.

In regards to Amaura, I noticed that there is something about it that has never been in Ken Sugimori art before. The way the yellowish pink frills on the top of its head gradually fade out and are outlined in a dark yellow is definitely something new in his art, which is what leads me to believe why people are saying it looks "fake". He outlines his fire in red but that's about it. I personally like it though, its new and interesting and something we haven't seen before.
I'm a little unsure if you get why Chespin's final evolution will be a Dark type. It's a Hedgehog (more so after it evolves into the rounded Quilladin)... They hide in the dark during the day and come out at night - hence the Dark final evolution. It doesn't always mean "they're a dark menacing and mysterious Pokemon" - proven by Shiftry, who is a Dark type because trees cast shade.

Pokewiz1999 said:
Rangermon said:
I'm not happy with Braixen's name. It's pronounced as Brexen, which is a fundemental flaw in the American pronunciation of English. My name is Craig, yet you guys seem to think the name is "Creg" - it isn't. It's a CRAY sound and yet this dub name is clearly based on that mispronunciation of the "ai" part. It's just as bad as people thinking Ocarina is OHCARINA -_- I just think it's ridiculous and shows how unintelligent the localization team are if they don't know how English is intended to be said.

I say Craig the way you say it . . .

Most Americans do not though lol It bugs me. I guess some states use the proper pronunciation, depending on local accents.
wow the starters look way better in-game than their art. And apparently it is meowstic and not espurr like some thought. Doesn't really look like an evolved form though so I'm curious to see the pre evolution
Espurr is apparently either an evolution of Meowstic or it's pre-evolved form. We don't know because TPC sometimes release evolutions before their basic stages.
True. The leaker did get some things mixed up so espurr might the evolution.

And do you guys think the fossils will be version exclusive? If so, I hope Tyrunt is in Y! :D
GlaceonFanatic said:
True. The leaker did get some things mixed up so espurr might the evolution.

And do you guys think the fossils will be version exclusive? If so, I hope Tyrunt is in Y! :D

You choose one fossil per game I'm pretty sure.
GlaceonFanatic said:
True. The leaker did get some things mixed up so espurr might the evolution.

And do you guys think the fossils will be version exclusive? If so, I hope Tyrunt is in Y! :D

I reckon the fossils will be like gen5.

You get the pick of one of them, and you have to trade to get the other.

(plus it would make sense that they would be advertised as version exclusives since they were revealed at the same time)
Pokewiz1999 said:
GlaceonFanatic said:
True. The leaker did get some things mixed up so espurr might the evolution.

And do you guys think the fossils will be version exclusive? If so, I hope Tyrunt is in Y! :D

You choose one fossil per game I'm pretty sure.

Hopefully. I thought it would be D/P where you get a specific fossil for each game but who knows.

Also, I love how Braixen uses its stick to attack.
I'm just glad that the new GTS allows for you to search for all Pokemon, not just ones you've seen. That makes it better if you want a Pokemon that isn't available in your game.
GlaceonFanatic said:
Pokewiz1999 said:
You choose one fossil per game I'm pretty sure.

Hopefully. I thought it would be D/P where you get a specific fossil for each game but who knows.

It's been confirmed on Pokémon's official website that you can only choose one:

"Choose wisely whether you want Tyrunt or Amaura when you pick between the Jaw and Sail Fossil!"
Drokas said:
GlaceonFanatic said:
Hopefully. I thought it would be D/P where you get a specific fossil for each game but who knows.

It's been confirmed on Pokémon's official website that you can only choose one:

"Choose wisely whether you want Tyrunt or Amaura when you pick between the Jaw and Sail Fossil!"

Oh I have not seen the website yet. That's cool though. Im definitely getting tyrunt
GlaceonFanatic said:
Drokas said:
It's been confirmed on Pokémon's official website that you can only choose one:

"Choose wisely whether you want Tyrunt or Amaura when you pick between the Jaw and Sail Fossil!"

Oh I have not seen the website yet. That's cool though. Im definitely getting tyrunt


Edit: That was actually more punny than I intended
Rangermon said:
Terack said:
A mobile phone version of the Global Link website? I like where this is going. I almost never use the current site now because I don't typically play my DS in front of my computer.

What do these games have to do with a DS? This is 3DS, totally different machine and not in the same console family ;-)

Currently the Global Link website is geared towards BW1 and BW2 which are DS games so it's perfectly logical that I would be playing pokemon games on a DS. For the record though, I do own and play W1 and W2 on my 3DS. I assume from your winky face that you're just jiggling my puffs though. :p
GlaceonFanatic said:
Drokas said:
It's been confirmed on Pokémon's official website that you can only choose one:

"Choose wisely whether you want Tyrunt or Amaura when you pick between the Jaw and Sail Fossil!"

Oh I have not seen the website yet. That's cool though. Im definitely getting tyrunt
I'm definitely choosing Amaura! Ice type Hyper Beam, HERE I COME!!!

Quilladin!!!!!!!! AMAZING GRASS STARTER!!!!!
Rangermon said:
I'm a little unsure if you get why Chespin's final evolution will be a Dark type. It's a Hedgehog (more so after it evolves into the rounded Quilladin)... They hide in the dark during the day and come out at night - hence the Dark final evolution. It doesn't always mean "they're a dark menacing and mysterious Pokemon" - proven by Shiftry, who is a Dark type because trees cast shade.

Shiftry isn't a dark type because trees cast shade, I'm not sure where that came from. It is a dark type because its based on the Tengu. And with those black eyes, yellow pupils, and menacing expression, I'd say he does look the part of a Dark type. His name is even a play on shifty.
I also don't think they'd make Chespin's final evo a Dark type just because hedgehogs are nocturnal... not all of them even are and they certainly aren't well known for it. To be a Dark type pretty much does mean you are often a menacing/mysterious/mischievous Pokemon. Every Dark Pokemon you look at has at least one of those traits, whether its in design or personality (take Scraggy for example, personality wise.)

So this is what leaves me wondering what the outcome of Quilladin will be if it does turn Dark. I'm thinking its the whole "bursting chestnut" theory. Still, it will have to have a huge turnaround and contrast from its preforms to look or act the part of a Dark type. It wouldn't be the first time a Pokemon has made a complete turnaround for either of those aspects. (Slakoth>Vigoroth, Lombre>Ludicolo, Tepig>Pignite)