Hope said:
Assuming you can still use Transform even when a Basic is played, it lets you switch to another Pokemon at any point (surprise factor). If not, then Ditto isn't good.
I hope that's the case, otherwise it's just pointless.
Sinnoh_Champion_Ernesto said:
(I wanted a Dragon Kingdra instead of Skarmory

Me too.
Broken Pokémon EX said:
Crustle - in a game full of OHKOs this guy could at the very least make for a fun league deck . Maybe pair him with a ton of healing crap, idk.
Crustle + Gold Potion (1 time use though, Junk Arm will be gone and there's only Sableye)
A lot of new and interesting stuff in this set
First, the amount of Ultra Rares in this set is kinda ridiculous, but ok...
Charizard - That's got to be the best Charizard artwork ever (and one of the best from the set)... Looks so real. Really amazing. Also, 160HP was unexpected. Charizard have always had a lot of HP in the TCG (even though it is frail in the games), but I was expecting it to have "only" 150HP. Too bad the card sucks in playability. The only ideia I have for it is using it to snipe with the first attack and with Celebi-EX, use Charmeleon's Rage-like attack when it gets damaged. The one from the Arceus set was better.
Piloswine & Mamoswine - so many coin flips...
Cresselia-EX - I think that attack cost might be too heavy...
Munna & Musharna - I guess the combo is you're supposed to use a benched Munna to either put the defending Pokémon or the Active Musharna to sleep and still attack with Musharna
Why not a Meloetta-Pirouette in Cold Flare to pair with the Aria one in Freeze Bolt?
Liepard, a holo? Really?
Raticate - 60HP? That ends any possibility of using it. It's just shameful...
So, they decided to change the layout of the shinies a bit... Nice decision, probably should have been done earlier.
Blastoise - Rain Dance return is good but that art is freakin' ugly...
Swoobat - Wildfire incarnation ftw... You don't even have to discard the energies. Too bad it won't work nowadays...
Nice, Fighting-type Dwebble and Crustle...
lol, Dunsparce, lol...
Exploud - another Round attacker, don't know if it will work with the others though...
Computer Search Reprint! I have a few of the old ones... To think that it even came in a theme deck and now it's an Ultra-rare...
I like that Bianca FA
@Terrakion: "OMG it's you, not again!"