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Lolz, Gold was my first game too. ^^

I'm wondering it they'll put the Kanto area on the re-makes, what do you guys think?
RE: (1) GS REMAKE COMING!! [5/2]

mr.619 said:
Kingdra King said:
I can't believe it...finally...I'm jumping in my seat right now...yay!!!!!!!

Anyways...what starter would you guys take? I would go with Totodile.

Chikorita. Restarted my Crystal version not to long ago, and I've been playing it ever since. Chose Chikorita.

same with me lol except I've been taking a break since I beat lance for soem reason.

Oh and one thing. I hope they make the gym leaders a lot better now, because some were underleveled, Pryce was weaker than Jasmine(WTH!?), and they had some sucky pokemon. Heck, Falkner, Bugsy, Morty, and chuck didn't even have any Johto pokemon(they easily could). I just think that Falkner should of had a Noctowl, Bugsy should of had a Heracross Ariados or Scizor, Morty should of had a Misdreavus, and Chuck should of had a Hitmontop. Something along those lines.
RE: (1) GS REMAKE COMING!! [5/2]

Dimentio said:
Water Pokémon Master said:
The Pokemon Sunday crew said it's a video game, so no, it's not really "speculation," "if," or "assumed" at this point. Unless they are releasing a game having to do with gold and silver balls, it's likely a GS remake. Hence the starters in the 12th movie, the lack of GS Pokemon in recent TCG sets, etc.

The fact that it's a video game could be info about a fifth generation for all we know, especially since we're very overdue for info about the next generation, should we assume Pokemon to continue the trend they make for announcing future Pokemon generations.

The significance of the Gold and Silver balls could have little to do with Gold and Silver. The two colors are not exclusively used together to represent the Johto series of Pokemon games and would be fairly common in use together, even as something celebratory.

The starters being in the 12th movie has about as much significance as the Regis being in the 8th movie.

A lack of 2nd generation Pokemon in recent sets also means hardly anything, unless we're going to see another set along the lines of Unseen Forces whose significance to the games as far as a 2nd generation remake goes was nothing.

Any points involving the deal with the Rage Candy Bars, Jasmine being in D/P or otherwise is also insignificant. I could have replaced those Rage Candy Bars with something like "TM11: Bubblebeam" or replaced Jasmine with Juan from Hoenn and you all would have passed it on as nothing more than a cameo, which is all they should be taken for. The fact that either of those are seen in a new game is not basis for a new game where those characters or items originated.

I'm not trying to tell you all that the announcement isn't a G/S Remake game in the slightest bit, by the way. I'm just sitting here and telling you exactly what your "clues" amount to in a broad perspective, just in case this game is not a G/S remake. I'm also hoping for a G/S remake, as I would greatly enjoy it, but I'm just being a Devil's Advocate here as it seems we've only got a handful on the site if that.

I completely agree. For those of you who say you saw the claimed "rainbow wing" coming out of the gold ball, you've obviously fallen for your brains connections. When your brain realizes something, it looks for corresponding patterns. Like when you have popcorn in the morning, then you see someone else who is eating popcorn. You see an ad for popcorn on TV and Publix is selling popcorn for 50% off. It's like being paranoid or having a fear of flying (believe me, I have it.)

Lava cookies were in Platinum, but we aren't getting a remake are we?

Skarmory was in Stormfront and it's 2nd gen.

Now, I'm not saying a GSC remake isn't happening, I want it as much as everyone else. Like right now if you start showing symptoms of sickness, you'll probably think "OMG! I have the swine flu!" but that's just because your mind is currently set on the disease, you might just have a cold.

Anyways, for those who made it to the end of my rant, Yippee!! Now I can replay my Gold, which went through the battery problem! My Silver and Crystal were unscathed, but I only really used gold, so I've taken up crystal. I like crystal the most, but it's plot with the legendary dogs was pretty much horrrible.
I doubt they'll put Kanto & Jhoto together, because Nintendo will probably sell FR and LG as value packs for players who like the G/C/S remake saying "If you liked this classical remake, then try these!"
ESP said:
I just hope they keep the Apricots, Kanto, and all the gyms the same as they were.
I can agree with that, but how would Apricots work? They weren't programmed into DP(same thing with the balls that they make), so I don't think it would work.

But then again, they could just change the ball the Pokemon was caught with to a Pokeball, and the Apricots could go back into your bag.
Guys IS this for real? If it is we will see a release in 2011 I think and Japan should get it late next year or early 2011. We will probably see a release date somewhere around 2011-2012.:)
I disagree with xxashxx. First of all, the trend the Pokemon Company uses now it to reveal a game title about 3 to 6 months before it release. Also, based on patterns of the past, I expect a release of Fall 2009 in Japan, Spring 2010 for USA, and Spring/Summer 2010 for Europe and Australia.
I am very excited about this new game. I really hope they do make these remakes. We've all been hoping so long. I think, however it could go either way. As long as they put lots of effort into this game, it could turn out really great. This game could have lots of potential. There are so many things they could do with this game. They could introduce new areas or add some elements from new games to make it a really great game. I wonder if They'll put the Sevi Islands in it or if they will open up other areas. I just hope Game Freak takes their time and doesn't make this a terrible game.
I really want this remake since my brothers(or mine) Silver isn't saving and I don't want to watch videos about it anymore. Ash was in G/S/C???
To all the people saying we are getting ahead of ourselves:

Just...no. I like how you all say that everyone is wrong, but then you cover your own rears by saying "I'm not saying there isn't going to be a remake." The remake is coming. Its people using logical reasoning. All of you just want to say "I told you so" if you are right. But even if its not "OMGZ 100% CONFIRMED," its obvious at this point. Stop being jerks and come back to say "I told you so" if it ends up not being those games.

Post edited. Please be more careful with your language, as there are younger viewers and members on the forums. ~DRK176
I don't believe any of us has said anyone was wrong about the remakes, but that's based from what I can remember. I know I haven't, myself.

"The remake is coming." Where's your undeniable proof? Oh, that's right, there isn't any yet. While I'm sure the remakes are coming, the only thing I've pointed out was that I am not getting my hopes up for something that isn't even confirmed yet. Anyone else is more than welcome to, I don't really care. This isn't confirmed, and you can try to beat around it all you want, but it won't change the fact that they aren't confirmed. Obvious or not, it's still speculation.

Your attempt to use logic against logic is failing. They aren't confirmed, but as far as I'm concerned, it's probably true. I don't care to say "I told you so" to something I'm not saying anyone is wrong about. I never said that they weren't coming. I said it wasn't fact. Which it's not.
ShayminSky said:
I really want this remake since my brothers(or mine) Silver isn't saving and I don't want to watch videos about it anymore. Ash was in G/S/C?

By ash, they meant Red, who is the trainer from yellow.
^Yeah, but I'm saying yellow becuse his strongest pokemon is a pikachu.
Normally I'd agree more with Xander since his rant is technically true. But WPM's right that it's so obvious that we might as well pretend the announcement was already made.

Besides, people here know how WPM does business by this point - he doesn't LIE anywhere. If you're going to be literal about everything you've already processed the news through your personal filter, and so has everyone else who has called this into question.

And just to put things into perspective this is more reasonable of a thing to post than rumors from an unknown source.

This kind of coverage is only really a problem when people handle scientific theories like this. :p I would have worded it more cautiously myself , but it wouldn't be the end of the world if it was wrong. We'll get the confirmation we need sooner than later.
Pokefan4000 said:
ESP said:
I just hope they keep the Apricots, Kanto, and all the gyms the same as they were.
I can agree with that, but how would Apricots work? They weren't programmed into DP(same thing with the balls that they make), so I don't think it would work.

But then again, they could just change the ball the Pokemon was caught with to a Pokeball, and the Apricots could go back into your bag.

They could just change what the apricots make. :p
Ok, I loved GS so much, I really want to see very few changes to the game. Obviously change the graphics and a few other things that enables DP/Pt and Wi-Fi compatibility. After that, I don't see anything else that needs to be changed. These were my first games ever, and I'm going to be in a state of awe when I'm playing this game for the first time. Blah blah blah, i know they're not confirmed, but if they don't make them after all of these hints, I'll be really unhappy with Nintendo/whoever made the decision.
If it isn't a G/S/C remake and a different Pokemon game, it's gonna be a big slap across the face.
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