(1) Isshu's Starter Evolutions Leaked; Another New Pokemon [9/4]

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I know we're not supposed to talk about that picture that was confirmed fake, but I think there's still something interesting about it.

Isn't the website in the background of this fake picture owned by Pokeexperto? and isn't that the person telling Serebii they're official?

Still.....I don't believe someone would make fakes and then make it so obvious but putting their website in the background. Wish we could know the truth soon, whatever it turns out to be.
Well they're different otters, Miji is an otter cub and becomes a proper otter which becomes a giant otter which walks on all fours and has a fin like tail ending.
There not THAT bad in my opinion... the only one i have a problem with it the water starter the transformation from 2nd to third (or first evolution to second)
is sort of drastic.

hope the pig is Fire Pyschic or dark.
It just doesn't make any sense.

Why would the yellow ''lighter flame'' pattern on Pokabu's head disappear completely in the next stage? Why do Pokabu's ears seem to turn into eyebrows in the final stage?
I'm saying they're fake until proven otherwise.
Remember that corocoro incident last month? (Damn Victini.....)
there could be a small chance like 0.0000009% that the yannapu bro's might be like eevee same pokemon evolving into three different things but they seem too small to have a first form
A LOT of Pokemon don't make sense, I don't see why you guys are complaining about these. :/

Seriously, if you can't see any resemblance you obviously need to learn some biology.

Anyways, I'm loving Mijumaru even more than ever, giant otter with a conch shell that makes it look like a unicorn? Nothing is better than that. <3​
the only thing i that just keeps me suspicious is that why would a "special source" choose a spanish based pokemon website
It makes sense why the three appus look like eachother. They arent exact replicas in different colors, but they look like eachother for a reason. The Three Wise Monkeys (see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil) all look very similar to each other.
All the evos look pretty cool in my opinion. However, I hope pokabu's evo is not part fighting. Im sick and tired of the fire/fighting combo. First with Blaziken (kinda) then infernape and now possibly this pokabu evolution. I hope it is part dark, that would be cool.
Sorry but, right now, the starters are ugly. Now im thinking water>grass.
@Empoleon#1: Wouldn't Serebii or Filb be more reasonable for that?

Again, pokexperto had a FAKE picture. Why believe them?
exactly why a spanish website thats the only bit of hope we have because of the odd 'special source'
You guys speak of drastic changes in the water starter's final evolution, but look at the drastic change from Combusken to Blaziken. And what about Pokabu? It goes from being four legged to being a bipedal animal sumo wrestler. What about Piplup? It goes from being a baby penguin to an Emperor Penguin. That isn't very different from going as an otter to a giant otter if you think about it.

Though it may be hard for people to wrap their brains around this, we shall know the truth of this in the end. Several days before my next birthday as a matter of fact. Too bad the game comes out 2 days after my birthday >.<
All I can say is that if these are fake then the creator did a damn good job! Also here's a little theory, now I know Pokabu's evolutions remind people of a wrestler but that doesn't necessarily mean it's fire/fighting. Wrestler can fight pretty dirty sometimes so Pokabu could be Fire/Dark with fighting type attributes.
@ SotH - I respect your opinion, but I feel that there are a lot of things they could of done to be better than that unicorn!
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