(1) Isshu's Starter Evolutions Leaked; Another New Pokemon [9/4]

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Hmm. Ok so it might be real. Giant snake looks more plausible now. Middle snake's got its hands replaced by grass-like thingums. So it might just be that the hands and legs are growing smaller in size as they grow or sth.

Read through Chimchar15's theory. Quite convinced now. Except for the Mijjy's final evo part. The change in shape's a little too extreme to be handled in one stage for me. Especially on how the legs are shapped. Too flipper-like for me. But ohwells. Swampert's cousin =P.

Edit: Just felt that Pokabu's family line resembled Pokabu's style the most. Except that it looks a little eastern-like. Pigsy from JTTW and the curly yellow stuff there which resemble something Chinese. Cmon it's just a bipedal pig. And a very violent one I guess.

I liked Tsutaaja.
Then I liked Mijjy's 1st evo.
Then finally I like Pokabu's final evo.

People, Mijimaru's evo is a giant otter with a shell on its head:

It's closer to Wotter then the fire starter evo is to Pokabu.
I liked Pokabu and the grass basic, but now the only final stage i like is the Water one. And I don't particularly like any of the Stage 1's. I especially dislike Pokabu's final evo.
Alright, I think that Starter set is kinda awesome. The only thing I noticed is the water starters don't really look much like each other but they still look sweet. =)
YAY! I freaking loved this when they were first revealed. I'm so picking Miju.

I'm thinking we've got

Monkey trio sounds really cool. This means that Shikajika might not be a gimmick. Which is good, because I liked it.
Hey this is called a sketch and has horrible quality also this was created way before b/w was even known to the japanese public
I really can't see an otter in it Wright Justice. Otters have a very differed shape, they have claws instead of flippers, they don't have fins for a tail and they're awesome.
I think these starter are Ok...I dont like pokabu's evos ,but i will get used to it. it's evo's will probably be cooler when they get printed on cards...Tsuutaja's final evo looks a little to much like Milotic somehow...

I think the monkey trio is nice.

Dento is a gym leader that has Yanapo in his party and will probably follow ash in his travell ,but is Dento just going to leave the gym? No....
He got brothers....Two brothers...Each of them got one ape each! I am 100% sure in this theory! The two other broders will take over the gym after dento is gone. Anyone agree with the theory????
(sorry if my english isn't perfect!)
I'm becoming more and more confused by seeing Mijumaru's evolutions... Why did the color change so suddenly from the 1st to 2nd stage? And how did it go from bipedal in 2 stages to a completely different quad pedal thing that doesn't even look like an otter? I'm sorry if my complaints are annoying anyone, but I just can't get around it. Mijumaru and its 2nd evolution both looked very identical. And they both had large, rounded heads. Then the final evolution has a tiny little head like that? I'm just confused right now... really. D:,
I am so disappointed... once again the 5th generation find something lame to do. They are all so ugly (except for the water ones evo's which I love) I am picking the water one for sure.

Yea my response to Mijumaru's final evo were the same as urs. They looked very different. The sudden change from a bipedal to a very quadpedal-based one, and the colour scheme change. (At least Swampert's half bipedal and half quadpedal)

Right now I'm trying to find a way to love that one. Tsutaaja and Pokabu's families look pretty much cool to me now (esp Pokabu's one I love it the most lol).
ManhattanTheStarr read my theory on the last page it might help. It took me a while but I do see similarities. Also we've had weirder evolutions lines. Miagikarp -> Gyarados. Remoraid -> Octillery.
Yoo... that looks just like Mijumaru's final evo, but even lamer.
GOD please... I just hope that the actual creator of these "evolutions" is just some professional artist who's laughing behind the curtains right now as I'm freaking out about them. :x

I swear, what the heck is up with the quote option...
And I did read it Chimchar. But it still didn't clear up anything for me...
When it comes to the starters, it's always been small cute animal to a larger version of the small cute animal. Now things are just flying all over the place. X_X
Well, I was happy when I heard that those images were fake, but now it seems like they are real and I'm very disappointed! For reasons unknown, it looks like we have another Fire/Fighting type. I was gonna pick Mijumaru, but the final evo is so random that it doesn't make sense. You can all say "dude, its a giant otter" yeah I see that, but I don't understand why the change is so drastic. If you look at every starter pokemon in every game, then you will see that the final evo share a resemblance to the first form, but the change for Mijumaru shares no resemblance. Ugh now I don't know who to choose!!! I wanted a samurai otter but they give me a UNICORN!!!! SMH!!!!!!
They talk about having a new start with Gen 5? Then they make Pokabu.

Pokabu's evo uses those gold spiral-like designs. Look familiar? Oh yeah, Infernape has a similar armour pattern. Seriously, if Pokabu's evo is Fire/Fighting, it's gonna be such a rip-off of the Gen 4 fire starter line. Take a regular animal - make him stand up straight and tall when he evolves. Slap on some gold spiral designs. Done! And to think they thought long and hard about their design!
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