(1) Isshu's Starter Evolutions Leaked; Another New Pokemon [9/4]

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I bet PlayerKing95 can see into the future becuase a while back he speculated that there would be a monkey trio (based on the wise monkey's but still a monkey trio)
It is so sad to think that I have seen fakemon - one person's idea on what the starter's evolutions should be like, so much better and more relevant than what gamefreak do. I mean look at pokabu's tail, it looked like a bomb, they couldnt even continue that to like a grenade or something! Lol I am getting obsessed here but I really liked pokabu...
So.... these are the new starter evos? -.-
Seriously. Pokabu's evos are.... urgh.

Anyway.... 3 yanappus sound cool.
Its not Pokabu's evos that I am worried about it is Mijumaru's, now how is it supposed to be water fighting
I agree completely with mijumaru, I mean it doesnt look related at all.
They were on Serebii, and apparently the creator confessed to making them.

As for the monkey trio, maybe they evolve from something via use of an Evolutionary Stone?
How can Mijumaru's evo use it's signature move, Shellblade?
And the colour change... It's a bit.. drastic, no?

If these really ARE true, then I'm going with Tsutaaja. (Note: I was dead set against EVER getting it .___.)
Who's idea was it to make these the starter evolutions!? Don't they care about what the market wants? Seriously, they must have thought "Hai, letz maik deez pokeymonz. Day look kool! 8P". No, just NO. They look awful! Especially Pokabu's evo line. If GF carry on making designs like these, I'm sad to say that the franchise will die quite soon :'(.
Monkey Trio?! Cool! Then those Pokemon must be in the first gym. Dento owns Yanappu, Blue-haired guy owns the blue monkey and Red-haired guy owns red monkey! Just cool!:D

Yanappu's trio sounds great! I really like the idea. Which gives weight to the idea of a triple battle with Dento and his Gym Leader 'brothers'. Multi-typed Gyms FTW!
lol the pokemon in the smiley face mask is related to eyebrows o_O , this sounds weird.
There is about a 0.1 to 5% chance that they are not real so...
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