(1) Isshu's Starter Evolutions Leaked; Another New Pokemon [9/4]

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now thinking about it im kinda hoping their fake lol leaves more suspension and the officials will look way better
Oh wow, this is going down as one of the most person moments in fandom history, I am going to be remmebering this for months.

I hope they're fake now, just to make this moment all the more sweeter.
If they don't use the starters then Isshu has entered an all time low.Fanbase is important with starters IMO.
When I first saw the three starters I thought they looked okay. Then they revealed the evolutions for Tsuutaja and Mijumaru and I thought they looked pretty good. And now they revealed the rest of the evolutions and all I can say is, They're Terrible!

First of all Pokabu's evolutions don't even look much like pigs and they stand on two feet Why? Then there's Mijumaru who goes from an otter to a I don't even know what it is but it has four legs and a horn. The only one that looks somewhat decent is Tsuutaja final evo but I still don't like the fact that it goes from two legs to zero legs. I'm not usually one to hate on pokemon and I like all the pokemon revealed so far but I really don't like these pokemon.
Wow I didn't know I could rant so much about pokemon.

I have a question, have these been confirmed real yet? because I hope they aren't.
Agreed completely, the evidence against this being real just keeps piling up.

Though, the people saying they made it keeps changing, but the evidence of it being fake is just too much for anyone to use it in an argument. I am and have been 99% sure that this was fake from the moment I saw it.
After seing that animation... I kinda think they're fake too... I still love the Pokawesome, but... a shame its then fake XD
The style of the art seems a bit off.I can't really see any true evidence to it.
Luigibuster8989@ Remember that those was supposed to be anime artworks and not sugimori :3

all the proof that they are fake is in this pic the real evo will be awesome i just know it
Also if anyone can name me a single 5th Gen Pokemon who has NOT suffered any criticism then I shall not consider criticism itself to be evidence for a new Pokemon's credibility. Everyone's complaing about their final forms points them out as legit so far, just like how their previous forms ALSO got criticism.
Shiramu, we're only trying to prove that these "evolutions" are fake. If the evolutions were separate, and not related to the starters, then I wouldn't mind them. I'm not trying to insult anyone, but some of you guys are being a bit TOO gullible about this. The proof is everywhere. It's like if Serebii states something is real, then everyone believes it. Serebii can make mistakes, and I am sure this is one of them.
i don't want these but pokabu turning into a boar idk it might be cool maybe some canon tusk?xD
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