(1) Isshu's Starter Evolutions Leaked; Another New Pokemon [9/4]

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Gotta {R} lippin' hate em all, I honestly hate boar pokemon, seal pokemon, and grass snake pokemon :/
If these were the average fake nobody would be saying anything correct? Besides, they far too much resemble something that Game Freak themselves would come up with and all of the evos carry traits of generic evolution changes between Pokemon.
The middle evo seems to share traits from its preevo and evo.But no one worried over bulbasaur and ivysaur and now theres a problem with tsutaja's evo.
If these were the average fake nobody would be saying anything correct? Besides, they far too much resemble something that Game Freak themselves would come up with and all of the evos carry traits of generic evolution changes between Pokemon.

Did you even look at things people have posted showing that these evolutions heavily resemble past Pokemon?
My Reaction too Zekrom:

My Reaction too these:
Also as for some of your complaints I can criticise Gen 2 and earlier Pokemon for similar or identical reasons.

Mijumaru's final evo not looking like an Otter=Gyarados not looking like a fish.
Pokabu's final evo being ugly=Jynx, Exeggutor, Venusaur, and the list goes on and on, and if we're going solely by Red and Blue sprites add every single 1st Gen Pokemon to the list.
Tsutarja's Evo=What was everyone's main complaint about this one again?
As for some of the evos resembling past Pokemon= Beautifly/Butterfree, Venomoth/Mothim/Dustox, Mamepato/Starly, Infernape/Hihidaruma.
to me the starters are one of the best things of all pokemon games , hope these are fAKE
@Shiramu: To reiterate what Manhattan said, just because Serebii posted it, doesn't make it real. Remember that supposed CoroCoro scan that had Victini in it? That came from the same place that these pictures came from, the only difference is Serebii and WPM have sources that claim it to be real. But really, how can you tell these sources are credible? Just because they were able to describe the pokemon showed in the pokemon musical thing, the one that was completely obscured by pokemon musical items? For all we know, that guy could've just described anything, since the poke was covered up too much to tell. And it's not hard to fake in-game things nowadays. Remember that green owl-plant thing?

So basically, it's too soon to know if it's real. There's actually more evidence of it being fake than it being real, so you shouldn't be so quick to get mad when we claim it to be fake.

And to the 'pokes resembling other pokes thing', those pokemon don't resemble past pokes so much that they even share body parts with them, such as Pignit2 and Lickilicky.
Mijumaru's final evo not looking like an Otter=Gyarados not looking like a fish.

Uh...no. Magikarp and Gyarados are based off of a specific legend. There is no legend about an otter turning into a walrus.

Pokabu's final evo being ugly=Jynx, Exeggutor, Venusaur, and the list goes on and on, and if we're going solely by Red and Blue sprites add every single 1st Gen Pokemon to the list.

It being ugly is just an aesthetic problem. The real problem is that it seems to be based off of Rhyperior's design. The second stage seems to be based off of Lickilicky.

Tsutarja's Evo=What was everyone's main complaint about this one again?

I like Tsutaja's supposed final form, but that's probably because I like Milotic who seems to be the direct inspiration for this fakemon.
The starters sucked, Mijimaru, total Piplup Wannabe, its a seal, they kill penguins, noobs,
Tsutaja, lul, kinda cool, looks good with a top hat and monocle.
and the pig....-shivers-
You know, if they turn out real and if I were the average noob, I'd be asking for a free preorder of White. But I am not asking, as I know regardless these are legit and everyone's going to be shocked by being against them at first.
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