(1) Leaked 'Black' and 'White' Pokemon Information [9/10]

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I agree with everyone saying that ishuu is full of repetitive things :(
They're trying to make us forget about the old pokes. Mamambou will be better than luvdisc (everything is already)but I bet the afro bull (WTH?) will have better stats than tauros, this will make people use it less. :(
If pokemon had started with BW I doubt I would ever like pokemon.
This may really be the worst region yet. Btw how can someone prefer that deer over stantler? What's up with that horns full of bushes and flowers?:(
Anyway, we still have more pokemon to see so let's hope they're better (fingers crossed)
@ Gigatauros: What is this I don't even . . .

Really? "They're trying to make us forget about old pokes?" Its called a fresh start; if they were trying to make us forget then they would pull a generation III again, but they aren't. The Dream World gives us access to previous gens, if they wanted us to forget, then why would....

No. Just, no. I really can't try to reason with the stupidity of that statement. I don't know if its the hour or what, but I don't think I can intelligently argue with you without degrading myself to a trollish shoutfest just because you want to baw about something that doesn't even make sense. So I'm going to bed and leaving it there.

Also, Stantler can only wish it was half as cool as the new deer. Its what Stantler should have been.
Actually, Gen 3 allowed you to get previous gen pokemon through the safari zone and remakes.


"They're trying to make us forget about old pokes?" Its called a fresh start; if they were trying to make us forget then they would pull a generation III again.

Perhaps my english classes are making me anal, but following "It's a fresh start" with a counter argument that disproves the quoted message.....it just looks wrong. It would make more sense if you said "It's a fresh start, thats why they're making you forget" or "what did you expect?".

And honestly, there's hardly anything fresh about this start. The creators said they wanted to give older players a new experience. Nothing about a reboot or anything of that sort.
I think we can actually believe this Pokexperto's Webmaster, Melkor after all.
What is the point of 3 starter fire/fighting pokemon? At the end of the day, Infernape still kicks all of their Butts because of it's superior speed not to mention his attack/sp attack is not bad either.
Blaziken could OWN Infernape and Porky ON A BAD DAY. >:L

Also... we're getting a Steel/Dark, a Water/Ghost, and a Bug Legendary (amongst many other things that I won't bother listing). WHICH IS WIN.
If he is telling the truth then we are getting two Rankurusu Prevo's and two Gochirezu or whatever Prevo's. So i wonder where they go on the list.
How about Stantler and Tauros's designs being jokes compared to their "ripoffs". How about I call you (who looks like someone older than you) a ripoff. It's the same idea. Nothing in this world is exactly original. Tauros and Stantler are "original" in you own opinion because you had no way of comparing them to other older monsters. But these new ones do have older counterparts. And people start to complain all day. "oooh ripoff i can do better than that" "oooh gamefreak's running out of ideas".

If you people are bent on comparing every single thing Gamefreak, anything distant enough from each other would be pulled together to be complained to be similar no matter how different they are in the first place.

And its not that you're going to "ok screw BW imma out of here and im not buying the game". If you had that mindset you wouldn't even be here scrolling thru the forums and groan here groan there.

Embrace the new stuff, cmon.
I realize Entei and Raikou are tigers/lions, but I'd like some that are not legendary.

An excess of legendaries has crowded this game the last two generations. What happened to the true, only 5 legends a game?

Was Pokabu actually confirmed as fire/fighting?
Yes I guess some non legends of those animals would be cool. Yeah Chaobuu is fire/fighting but please don't hate him for it. If someone's to blame it's the designers not poor Chaobuu.
Chaobuu is going to be different from its Hoenn and Sinnoh counterparts. He obviously isn't built for speed, and his revealed speed-boosting moves further proves that he will be the bulkier starter this time around. I'm riding on the thought that the Pokabu line will be HP tanks with good defense, reasonable attack, and speed-boosting moves to give it that little extra push into sheer awesomeness on the battlefield. I'd rather have a strong fire-fighting that could take a couple punches than a faster one with lower HP (making moves like Earthquake KOs pretty fast *cough*Infernape*cough*).
Pseudo-legendary 3-headed Dark/Dragon pokemon? AWESOOOOME!
All the monkeys have evolutions? Nice
Shimama evolves? Thunder Zebra! Megukoro gets two evolutions? Desert Kings xD
Bug/Rock Hermit Crabs, Water/Ground Frogs, Judo fighters, space bugs, ice dragons...
THIS GENERATION ROCKS! Everybody stop complaining, this is a very creative generation!
Think, they're creating this game as a totally new game where everything is reseted. (Black and White, the first colors)
Imagine that the other 4 generations don't exist, and like that this new generation looks even better!
Pokémon fans, you have to think like me: POKEMON BLACK AND WHITE IS THE NEW POKEMON BLUE AND RED!! And that's just great. :D
I agree with the above poster!

Everyone (exaggeration) is looking at the similarities between previous generation's Pokémon and thinking "eurgh it's a straight up copy" because some of these Pokémon resemble our favourites from the previous Gens.

Look at all the differences! There's so many new Pokémon we know about already that are completely new and varied! Our cover Pokémon for a start, they look like nothing we've had before.

Never before have we had so much variety between Pokémon of the same species. Formes! It's the way forward. It brings originality to each Pokémon. Look at the regions bird last evolution. A mask for springtime? They didn't have to do that! But it adds that little bit of detail we love in all the great games, Pokémon or not.

There's some real originality to be seen in Black/White for those that can see past the 10% of Pokémon that bear resemblances to previous Pokés.

On a side note though...Fire/Fighting starter is getting kinda boring...I hope it doesn't become a staple.
More new fanarts:


When I read ice-cream, I thought it would be very ugly. But I like it. =3
I think everyone joked that it looked like ice cream, so for it actually to be ice cream.....wow. XD

I like him though, wonder if maybe it has something to do with the Ice Cream Vendor in Hiun City?

The bug is nice too, hope it evolves. It's cute.

There's a new Shadow from Hiro http://yfrog.com/j0v1qp (I can't post it as an image so somebody else can do that :p)
Umm, Dizzard, we(or I) can't see the picture lol, anyways it is a good idea the it might have something to do the with the Ice cream vendor, kinda like Rotom in the T.V, you can maybe get this Pokemon like that?

Yeah I couldn't get it to work as a picture, so I just made it a link. It works fine now.

The fifth gen sure is throwing up some unusual but very creative pokemon. :)
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