(1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]

RE: (1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]]

The Green floating bear/cytoplasm pokemon probably has the ability levitate. But at the same time, I feel like its a gimmick pokemon (spinda/smeargle/ditto) so I wonder what it's gimmick will be. And you know it's weird.. I keep looking at those pokemon and at first I was like WTF GEN 5 SUX and now i'm like Damn, I want that egyptian coffin pokemon as my lead.

I'm really starting to get excited and looking forward to more.. I feel like this might be the best generation of them all. Good nights guys! Look forward to discovering all this stuff out with you guys as more info comes :) So lucky we have Jon going to freaking Japan.. every mega pokemon fan's dream. PEACE
RE: (1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]]

Dekusaan has the same design as bronzor on it's back with that herb crest looking thing. Connection? maybe not since mirrors don't have much in common with Sarcophagi.
RE: (1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]]

This is sure to be an interesting unveiling, and these are only a few of the 5th gen. I love how many of my original speculations have been repeated- good to know I'm not crazy. Time will tell, they have already KIND OF grown on me...
RE: (1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]]

The girl like witch pokemon seems more like a toy. It has no legs but to me seems like a bouncing spring body likw a jak in a box. And it moved like one in its battle animation.
RE: (1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]]

Just to clarify what I said earlier (about there still being the BAG feature)

RE: (1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]]

Snowing said:
Dekusaan has the same design as bronzor on it's back with that herb crest looking thing. Connection? maybe not since mirrors don't have much in common with Sarcophagi.

Their patterns are different, but still in some ways similar.They may have some kind of connection, but I highly doubt it. And Bronzong is a bell, not a mirror.
RE: (1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]]

PokemonFreak44 said:
Actually I really love the Ameoba and Witch thing, and I might want them on my team...if the amoeba fruity waterbear thinggy isn't a grass type, and the witch isn't (well, obviously) i don't wanna go against my grass type commitment! OMG..i really hope that there will be a really good grass type this generation.

I love them too!!! I'm also a huge grass (and psychic/ghost) fan! We need more playable grass types, especially ones that aren't the starters.

Anyway, about the new Pokes - While I do think that having triple battles is a little unnecessary and could get really complicated (and hard to see with all those sprites), I LOVE most of these new Pokemon!!!

I especially love the floaty green teddy bear, the gothic girl, and the sarcophagus! It doesn't really matter if they are related to older Pokemon or not, as long as they have playable stats.

It seems to me that most peoples' opinions about these new Pokemon is just a reflection of the styles of existing Pokemon they prefer (i.e. those who like the more tough and bulky types like the mole, dragon, spider, etc. don't seem to like the more cute, eccentric, or obscure ones like the floaty green teddy bear and the gothic girl.)
RE: (1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]]

King Kingdra said:
Oh yeah definitely, but like can someone give me a example of drastic typing changes between evolutions?

Skorupi into Drapion
RE: (1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]]

Studying the video more, the marmalade water bear moves like a water type. "Now, Rockoto explain that logic!"
The rock moves like, err, a rock.
Witchy McGreuter moves like a jack-in-the-box.
Sarcophagus Magee receded back into his sarcophagus.
When the camera zooms out, fossil-pants opens his mouth.
The spider has 4 hairy legs, and two rump flares, reminiscent of Ariados.
Anything I missed?

PS: Left out the mole because it don't seem to move
RE: (1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]]

I bet the sarcophagus thing will be ground/ghost type and you'll find it in those "ncient ruins" looking area at the top of the map
My speculations:
okay, of course the mole is just a ****** mole, anyone think that that could be the main rodent? And the little mole is most likely its pre-evo. The mantis(doesnt really look matis like) kinda seems cool, either main dragon, or probably not, but almost lookes designed as a meguroko evolution? I really dont know. The coffin either is brand new or a spiritomb evo. The tratula is also probably brand new or an ariados evolution. Or maybe new main bug pokemon? The green blob looks like a germ, the rock thing seems like a gemstone creature. And the black dress gilr is either alternate smootchum evo, jynx evo, or maybe a brand new pokemon, almost looks vampire like? Some look horrible, but maybe they will evolve out or have better designs then seen in the video? All just guesses

Language please.
At first I wasn't "digging" the new Pokemon, but I've grown quite fond of them.

I feel like Pokemon Black and White will offer something for everyone. Can't wait to see how far the Internet Connection is taken too. I'm really excited for this feature.

Of course the 3 on 3 Pokémon battles will take a little bit to get used to. I wonder how they'll introduce them? Three trainers hiding behind trees and then jumping out to challenge you? Maybe triplets? :p

The forest that's been shown looks amazing and the city is bound to be one of my favorite parts of the game?

Can't wait for the games to come out. :)
Guys! I just noticed something! They showed a pre-evo and an evolution! Look at the first mole! Then look at the second one!(Bottom pic on the right) They look the same! They just have different coloring and the first one is bigger of course, but look at the arms and nose! I think they are pre-evolution and evolution, but its my opinion.

(Sorry if this has been said already, I just noticed this.)
I think i just died or had a "geek-gasm", after watching this vid...O_O...wow just, WOW...5th=best gen ever...no questions asked. September 18th cannot occur quickly enough now....Pokemon is back and it is EPIC!
i really want more eeveelutions, like a dragon, flying, or bug type. I dont mind if we dont get any
Hey guys, I don't think Ononokusu is a mantis pokemon. It's more like a lizard, a frilled lizard to me more precise.

Here's a close up:


Credit goes to Stellar of smogon for the image.
scuba stevee said:
Hey guys, I don't think Ononokusu is a mantis pokemon. It's more like a lizard, a frilled lizard to me more precise.

Here's a close up:


Credit goes to Stellar of smogon for the image.

Hmm... not too sure what it is. The reports are saying manits but it does look lizard like. I say bug/dragon typing to accommodate both.

But thanks to this close up I can see what the dang mole dude looks like. I am starting to warm up to the mole. Beats Diglet and Dugtrio.(In case someone doesn't know, these were indeed mole pokemon).