(1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]

The horror. This game is going to be lame. Nothing new is being added.
Why triple battles? Matches are going to be longer than necessary.
It's too bad Ken Sugimori isn't drawing most of the Pokémon anymore. :(
They have an art team who is watched by Ken Sugimori.

It's more of the same and it's getting stale. I don't want more Pokémon, I want to see the older generation of Pokémon evolve. When will we ever get a Parasect evolution that isn't 4X weak to fire or deadly slow?
It's like GameFreak are forgetting about the first 251 Pokémon.
I mean, Mew and Mewtwo were suppose to be the strongest Pokémon, but now we have Arceus and it's the God Pokémon. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
The more Pokémon Black and White reveals, the worse this Pokémon game is looking to me and to the Pokémon franchise.

SQUIRTLETamer08 said:
Hmm... not too sure what it is. The reports are saying manits but it does look lizard like. I say bug/dragon typing to accommodate both.

But thanks to this close up I can see what the dang mole dude looks like. I am starting to warm up to the mole. Beats Diglet and Dugtrio.(In case someone doesn't know, these were indeed mole pokemon).

Or it could be a ground and electric Pokémon...
Leo33Wii said:
The horror. This game is going to be lame. Nothing new is being added.
Why triple battles? Matches are going to be longer than necessary.
It's too bad Ken Sugimori isn't drawing most of the Pokémon anymore. :(
They have an art team who is watched by Ken Sugimori.

It's more of the same and it's getting stale. I don't want more Pokémon, I want to see the older generation of Pokémon evolve. When will we ever get a Parasect evolution that isn't 4X weak to fire or deadly slow?
It's like GameFreak are forgetting about the first 251 Pokémon.
I mean, Mew and Mewtwo were suppose to be the strongest Pokémon, but now we have Arceus and it's the God Pokémon. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
The more Pokémon Black and White reveals, the worse this Pokémon game is looking to me and to the Pokémon franchise.

Or it could be a ground and electric Pokémon...

Please explain as to how it could be ground/electric? It very well could, but what do you see that would make you suggest that type pairing?

Btw if you don't like the pokemon or the way the series is heading, don't buy the games; simple as that. Some of us like the ideas. But I will admit that feminine figure looks terrible. Good thing over time many of these will grow on me. Hopefully they will for you too.
I think we are a bit too hopeful.
Most likely, there won't be that many electric types. Maybe 6-7, 10 if we're lucky.
Probably a few fire types, but not quite like electric. 5-6, 8 max.
all i can say is eww. i really liked the pokemon revealed a few weeks ago. i.e. mamepato, shimama, etc. they look like pokemon. these things don't. one of them looks like a floating green punching bag, the purple and red rock with legs is just a nosepass and a metagross crossover. the black thing with the dress and white bows down it is the ugliest thing i've ever seen. and my god, an egyptian tomb? where is the creativity? ononokusu is the only one i think is decent. the rest is bleh. i'm really disappointed. i really with these pokemon turn out to be fake. i don't know what to do if there are anymore terrible looking things like that being revealed. pokemon is my life and it has been for the past 11 years. i can't go on if pokemon is going to start looking this terrible.
RE: (1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]]

Snowing said:
Dekusaan has the same design as bronzor on it's back with that herb crest looking thing. Connection? maybe not since mirrors don't have much in common with Sarcophagi.

Well... Bronzong's Pokedex info for:

Diamond: One caused a news sensation when it was dug up at a construction site after a 2000-year sleep.

HGSS: Ancient people believed that petitioning Bronzong for rain was the way to make crops grow.

Sarcophagi are ancient, and so is Bronzong.

Bells are tolled at weddings, Sarcophagi are related to the death of an individual, maybe there's another ancient that represents birth?
Marriage and Death (Funerals) both happen in church-like temples throughout history, both would be assumed to be found in a place like that.
And on top of that, How often are modern-day construction sites on top of ancient buildings?

toss that through your head.

Speaking of marriage, I'm engaged :D
RE: (1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]]

EeveeLv99 said:
Well... Bronzong's Pokedex info for:

Diamond: One caused a news sensation when it was dug up at a construction site after a 2000-year sleep.

HGSS: Ancient people believed that petitioning Bronzong for rain was the way to make crops grow.

Sarcophagi are ancient, and so is Bronzong.

Bells are tolled at weddings, Sarcophagi are related to the death of an individual, maybe there's another ancient that represents birth?
Marriage and Death (Funerals) both happen in church-like temples throughout history, both would be assumed to be found in a place like that.
And on top of that, How often are modern-day construction sites on top of ancient buildings?

toss that through your head.

Speaking of marriage, I'm engaged :D

Congratulations. Also I like your theory. It would be cool if Bronzor had an alternate evolution. I would love that.
RE: (1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]]

EeveeLv99 said:
Well... Bronzong's Pokedex info for:

Diamond: One caused a news sensation when it was dug up at a construction site after a 2000-year sleep.

HGSS: Ancient people believed that petitioning Bronzong for rain was the way to make crops grow.

Sarcophagi are ancient, and so is Bronzong.

Bells are tolled at weddings, Sarcophagi are related to the death of an individual, maybe there's another ancient that represents birth?
Marriage and Death (Funerals) both happen in church-like temples throughout history, both would be assumed to be found in a place like that.
And on top of that, How often are modern-day construction sites on top of ancient buildings?

toss that through your head.

Speaking of marriage, I'm engaged :D
I'd really like to direct you to the article on Bulbapedia they did about the Bronz- line and where it originates from in Japanese lore, however their database is down from the rush.

I suggest you check it out though, as it really has nothing to do with any of this.

Just saying. =)

Edit: Maybe It'll work for you.. or check it later: http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/On_the_Origin_of_Species:_Bronzor_and_Bronzong
RE: (1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]]

cocowoushi said:
I'd really like to direct you to the article on Bulbapedia they did about the Bronz- line and where it originates from in Japanese lore, however their database is down from the rush.

I suggest you check it out though, as it really has nothing to do with any of this.

Just saying. =)

It was just an idea, nothing more. it would make more sense if it were European based, however.

another thing about the symbols: Bronzong's looks like branches with fresh growth (the circles), while the Sarcophagus doesn't have the circles... representing famine maybe?
RE: (1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]]

EeveeLv99 said:
It was just an idea, nothing more.
Indeed, I think it was just a very interesting article (as all the "origins of" ones are) that it would be a good read.

Just gonna post it here once more since I don't think my last edit will go noticed on this new page. http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/On_the_Origin_of_Species:_Bronzor_and_Bronzong
RE: (1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]]

cocowoushi said:
Indeed, I think it was just a very interesting article (as all the "origins of" ones are) that it would be a good read.

Agreed. I don't read them much anymore, though.
Did anyone else notice that there is....something retreating into the sarcophagus (ghostly arms and something blue near the top)?
howelllawson said:
Did anyone else notice that there is....something retreating into the sarcophagus (ghostly arms and something blue near the top)?

well, if something were attacking me, and I had access to something protective such as a sarcophagus, I'd hide too.
howelllawson said:
Did anyone else notice that there is....something retreating into the sarcophagus (ghostly arms and something blue near the top)?

Yeah, I've noticed the ghostly arms. I'm not sure, but I'm getting the feeling that this new "Pokemon" will be a Ghost and Steel-type, or Ghost and Ground-type. Dunno why, but I just have that thought. :>
Ooh, I'm really loving the new (supposed) Bug types. The electric tarantula and the "mantis" (though I can't really see how it looks like one. I guess the pincers...).

As much as I would like it too, I don't think the electric tarantula would be related to Ariados. They have similar body types... but a Bug/Electric coming from a Bug/Poison is a bit too random, I think.

Oh well, can't wait to see more.
Launch said:
As much as I would like it too, I don't think the electric tarantula would be related to Ariados. They have similar body types... but a Bug/Electric coming from a Bug/Poison is a bit too random, I think.

I agree, and politely disagree at the same time.
There are certain types of venom that paralyze the injected prey.
and I've heard of types of venom, that when in the body, feel like electrocution. That could be a possible connection, however extreme it may sound.
does that make sense to anyone else? I might be crazy...
Some of them look weird i guess but most of all i liked the Mole Thingy it looks pretty cool with those like claws on the hand and on the head make it look awesome IMO .For the trailer i love it is really cool
EDIT:Just noticed the little Mole on the tripple battle it looks cool deffitely gonna catch it :p
I will wait for the sugimori art before I make any finale judgements.

Did anybody notice that in the video the symbol on the back of the Sarcophagis is the same symbol on the back of Bronzong? You know the leaf like thing. Perhaps an ancient pokemon civilization or something? (EDIT) Sorry shoulda read back a bit more then I did :p

However I am excited to see the front of the Sarcophagis pokemon.
Crawdaunt King said:
Did anybody notice that in the video the symbol on the back of the Sarcophagis is the same symbol on the back of Bronzong? You know the leaf like thing. Perhaps an ancient pokemon civilization or something?

Yeah, I said something about that earlier. The symbol is similar, but not QUITE the same...