Personally MY least Favorite Gens are Gen 2 and 3, Gen 4 and 5 are my top 2
Frost said:Also Gen 6 will pretty awesome if I like the Pokemon as a whole as much as I like Fennekin, Chespin and Sylveon so far. :3
godzilla41 said:From EEVEE's evolution to bashing GEN 4. Wow you guys know how to keep a convo going ... which has nothign to do with the thread what so ever!
Mitja said:godzilla41 said:From EEVEE's evolution to bashing GEN 4. Wow you guys know how to keep a convo going ... which has nothign to do with the thread what so ever!
everytime someone compares generations once, it seems like everyone else has to join in and share their own.
I imagine, if instead of releasing pokemon as groups of 100-150 every 4 years, gamefreak somehow released them one family-line each and every month (which would result in the same amount), hence the concept of "generations" would not exist, no one would ever resort to these empty comparisons that are somehow supposed to be opinions.
At least if they included the region and games the pokemon appear in, like DNA said, then it wouldn't be that much of a waste of the internet lol
Zielo said:Gen 4 was my personal least favorite as far as Pokemon designs.
apocalypselate said:I'm a fan but I don't really follow Pokemon 'hardcorely' or anything. I even hardly played last generation. So there are chances I am really wrong, but a few things popped up on my mind about Sylveon when a saw it, so lets try (I'll be crushed when I discover myself wrong):
- I don't understand the hate for the design. It is as any other Eeveelution if you compare. The only ''problem' is that you can't type it right away by its looks, hence why they are cashing on it. It's a topic of discussion that will last for a looong time (until they so decide) - brilliant marketing.
So, it has a very flowing look, but so do all Eevee's evolutions. However it has more lightness to it, a deliberate one. Notice those laces or whatever floating above its back?![]()
Makes me think wind is going on there (in spite of the frigid look, I know)
- About the name, unlike pretty much everyone, it seems, I like all previous names. They're necessary and clever changes to the Japanese ones (Showers? really? What did you want? Showeron? Sounds like a bad Transformers' villain)
Well, lets see. SYLVeon. A Sylph is an Air elemental fairy. So it goes with its looks, right? All Fairy-like and the floating impression? But you say "that's 'ph', not 'v' !", to which I answer "Steven-Stephen; vial-phial"
- About a new type: GOD I HOPE NOT !! There are ENOUGH types already. And don't you "there's Dark, we need Light"-me. We don't !
- Fighting? Really? Only if it ends up being Street Fighter's Rose's pet.
- Will there be another Eeveelution? I firmly believe there will. Why? Well, see how Sylveon is all girly looking, and in such a way that you're actually screaming Fairy-type, both seriously and ironically? Well, even though it will break the tradition of only one of each type, I believe this is a gender-based evolution and this pretty little thing is a female, because Pokemon X and Pokemon Y. Let me elaborate: XX - female chromosomes combination; XY - male chromosomes combination; X female, Y male. And to increase interaction, it will be also a trade evolution (Reproduction. The X needs the Y). On that thought, we will most likely see quite a number of gender-based evolutions.
Oh! Also, "Ninfia" and "Nymphali" remind us of "Nymph" right? Well, Nymphs are all FEMALE deities. That I know. What I don't know is what the male name will be if this is indeed like I'm saying. (Usually, Satyrs are kind of the counter part of a way...)
- I don't believe it will be only Flying. Probably Normal-Flying. "But that's two types !" Oh shut it please! Creators make the rules, not you !
- "But that thing doesn't even have f****** WINGS !!!!" Yup, I can't argue with that. If it's Flying, just for that (for me at least), it's stupid. But it's most likely Flying, so lets get used to it :/
Now that I sounded all smart and stuff (emphasis on "stuff"), what do you think?
apocalypselate said:- Will there be another Eeveelution? I firmly believe there will. Why? Well, see how Sylveon is all girly looking, and in such a way that you're actually screaming Fairy-type, both seriously and ironically? Well, even though it will break the tradition of only one of each type, I believe this is a gender-based evolution and this pretty little thing is a female, because Pokemon X and Pokemon Y. Let me elaborate: XX - female chromosomes combination; XY - male chromosomes combination; X female, Y male. And to increase interaction, it will be also a trade evolution (Reproduction. The X needs the Y). On that thought, we will most likely see quite a number of gender-based evolutions.
Oh! Also, "Ninfia" and "Nymphali" remind us of "Nymph" right? Well, Nymphs are all FEMALE deities. That I know. What I don't know is what the male name will be if this is indeed like I'm saying. (Usually, Satyrs are kind of the counter part of a way...)
Mitja said:I could buy a Normal/Flying as weird as that sounds for an eeveelution (but hey, its not like that would be the only thing that differentiates it from the other 7 eeveelutions right?)... but pure Flying is completely unrealistic simply from the fact it took them 5 generations for a design to show up that they felt confident in making primary Flying, and that was a floating wind fujin which turns into a bird, unlike Sylveon, which has a Skyla-look as one of the main arguments so far, and thats pretty low.
Fennex said:I admit that pure Flying is so far an unique type and thus uncommon, but a secondary type on an Eeveelution would be odd as well. Also, look at the existing Normal/Flying Pokemon: they are all based on birds without any exception.
Mitja said:-Sylveon is the odd out of the bunch anyway
Mitja said:-yes, but if any of them had for example Fire-elemental powers, they'd be Fire/Flying ala Moltres and Ho-oh. Their Normal just means no primary elemental association, and Normal/Flying is by no means supposed to be bird exclusive (Togetic might be the exception you're looking for)
Chrono said:I also would bet that another Eeveelution will be released in Gen 6, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was a masculine-looking one. Maybe Fighting type? Who knows. But I believe this because in Generations 2 and 4 two Eeveeltutions were released. I see no reason for them to interrupt this tradition. But since it's Pokemon, all bets are off. You never know.