(1) Ninfia's English Name: Sylveon [2/14]

Paddy185 said:
And I'm fairly sure that when it was revealed on Pokemon.com it was stated that it would have a different type to the other Eeveelutions (which is quite a no-brainer).

Yeah its redundant...thats like the last thing anyone would ever expect or want.
If it turns out Normal, then this was even misleading to anyone who doesn't understand that Eevee itself is not an eeveelution.

Sometimes its like they don't bother being careful with this stuff at all and just write whatever to take up empty space. Not with some hidden intention to cause speculation...speculation always shows up regardless XD
Despite the "corocoro leaks" being more than likely fake, I can definitely see the Sylveon outcome. 100% Flying and 100% female sounds pretty accurate to me, but we'll just have to wait and see.

Then again, thats what most of the fanbase wants to see, and Gamefreak doesn't always roll with that. Trying to be unpredictable and all. Which is why we never see things like that Tauros preform/link with Miltank or a Mewthree....
Flying type confirmed!!!11111oneoneshift+111

Actually, I just saw that recent BW episode that features the eeveelutions and the eevee was the only member of the group that was female. Also, she couldn't decide which eevelution she would like to evolve into. Not only it was a hint to Sylveon but it may also indicate Sylveon is indeed a female only eeveelution. I find it hard to believe it was just a coincidence that the eevee was the only female in the group and the only unvolved. In the end of the episode, its owner says she was fine as an eevee, but that's obviousy because Sylveon hadn't been revealed yet at the time of the episode.
Yeah, im all for Sylveon being 100% female. I almost forgot about Virgils Eevee and that it was female.
I would be okay if it was non gender specific, though. I mean, I can kinda see it as a male somewhat, because it still has a bowtie. It would just be one of those overly feminine Pokemon, like Gothetelle...-shutter-

If for whatever ungodly reason GF makes this 100% male, I could see it now.

...but really, like I said, im all for the female thing and if we come to find out its true, Im still betting on a hidden male counterpart in the future.
What really pisses me off, is that a month has gone by, another issue of CoroCoro has been released, and we still know little to nothing about Sylveon, Xerneas, and Yveltal. Xerneas and Yveltal have been here for almost 3 months, and Sylveon a little over one month, and we still don't know their classifications, types, or Sylveon's method of evolution. Why is GF withholding this information from us?
I'd bet we get more info come next Corocoro or Smash. As WPM stated, apparently the March issues usually just contain movie info.
I see no point to address here since I have no link as to what sylveon looks like in full, or at all for that matter.
Flygon2071 said:
TheAmazingDerpfish said:
So Smash did tease something. Or they're just crazy.

I would say Mountains = Ground

Flying is immune to ground so it won't break.

Ground or Rock. Rock has an advantage, so Ground is more likely, unless they decide to make a sand or mud themed Eeveelution.
Type match-ups are coincidental. You know eeveelutions happen to have one way match-ups because their types are such that this just happesn to be the case. They won't do "another duo thats weak one way" for the sake of continuing this """""tradition""""", they'll choose the types that they like, see fit, or have awesome designs for, not ones that will fit some pattern that doesn't affect anything except for silly speculation.

I'm wondering if smash is really up to something with using those two symbols instead of the pink bow o______________O
What what whaat. Called iit. And half of you guys thought that the possibility of a second evolution coming this gen was silly. :p

Im going for Ground here. Definitely.
Zielo said:
What what whaat. Called iit. And half of you guys thought that the possibility of a second evolution coming this gen was silly. :p

Im going for Ground here. Definitely.

My only problem was with idiots preaching that there will be new types when there's no evidence or reason for them.