Mitja said:
But all eeveelutions also have an obvious type implied in their name. If any of them were revealed we would have no problems deterining its type solely from that.
Exactly why I believe the possibility of a new type this gen. Sylveon
looks Normal
ish. Sylveon
looks Flying
ish. But Sylveon definitely doesn't
scream any of these, as every other Eeveelution does. And the whole fairy/nymph theme it has going in its names would give enough background for a possible new type.
Mitja said:
If Sylveons colors just as obviously implied any type, we wouldn't be going on about it for weeks. If it was completely plain or an oversized Eevee, then I'd see that this holds for Sylveon too. But now, we got the first eeveelution where color doesn't mean a thing, the name is mysterious and the design is unexpected.
Again... exactly why I'm anticipating a new type this gen. Everything about Sylveon is mysterious.
Mitja said:
What in the design makes you say that?
The Flying type has no poorly known different meaning in its japanese name like Dark...its pretty straight forward.
Sylveon just looks very slender and aerodynamic. It has ribbons that look like they're flowing in the wind. The ribbons also remind of of a kite or a wind sock. The eyes are a light sky blue, which may or may not have absolutely nothing to do with it's type, but who knows.
One more thing I noticed, in the Genesect and Mewtwo movie trailer, the part with the Sylveon short clip, it was in a giant tree thing in the sky. Maybe ideal for a flying type environment? I also noticed Sylveon looked the tallest of the eeveelutions by far.

Unless its just the position it's in.. I cant tell. (which means nothing, its just something I thought I'd point out) Oh, and lets not forget the speculation with the whole eeveelution type chart thing.
But despite the few possible design hints to it being flying, I still think a new type is just as possible. As stated previously, I don't think Gamefreak would bring up this much hype for something that already exists, and make an eeveelution look this mysterious either. Most of us were right about Nintendos announcement of 6th gen not being some lame Wii game from all that hype and buildup, after all.
Again, please no "there will never be a new type", because none of us know what GF will do. Keep in mind though that if they really wanted to do something in their games, they would get it done.
As a side note, does anyone think that GF and Nintendo will intentionally not release a huge chunk (or most) of the Pokemon before the games are even released? Think about it, I think it would be an amazing marketing scheme if no one knew what the Pokemon looked like and wanted to know badly enough. I know I would.
I honestly would approve of this, as much as I would hate having to wait months for the release, it would be amazing for the pokemon to actually be a surprise for once. I think thats what Satoshi Tajiri always had in mind when creating the concept for Pokemon.
(Sorry for the double post.)
So I just rewatched the trailer again and noticed something else that steered me back towards Flying. Theres a cloud in the background of the poster logo.
So now for Flying, we have:
-this cloud in the trailer
-the slight aerodynamic appearance of its body
-the windsock/kite flowing ribbons
-the electric>flying type chart
-the environment in the trailer
-the possible Sylph= air element fairy in its name
For new:
- the mysteriousness and unobvious typing
- also the fairy and nymph in its name and unclear of what it means
- the buildup, why GF is so secretive if it isnt anything new
For Normal:
- The colors
- The overall "cutsey" design
- Bows are pretty normal
- If there is only going to be a single eeveelution this gen, and the last, I'd imagine they would want to go out with Normal. But I still have my heart set on them revealing a second one later.
I'd really say all 3 have pretty good arguments.... but for now im at 50% Flying, 30% new and 20% Normal.