(1) 'Pokemon Smash' Reveals New X/Y Pokemon!

Actually this could be a pretty smart move from game freak. By reintroducing Mewtwo in the movie and then (possibly) giving him a new form, they're appealing to many of the older players who left the game after Gen 2 imho...
OK, lemme explain in more detail why I'm disappointed now that I have some time.

I'm very conservative when it comes to legendaries, more specifically old legendaries like Mewtwo. There's just a sort of quality to them that you don't wanna mess with, otherwise you will get negative reactions from the community as we are seeing now. It's not like I'm against change, which I definitely am, it's just you don't mess with old Pokemon that are signature to the franchise as a whole. It has nothing to do with the design or anything, it's more of a "keep the old and recongizable as they are" thing.
Delta said:
*cries to self soflty*

WELP. G'day! Where's my coat? You seen my coat? Ah, here it is. And my hat. Anyone seen my ha- oh there it is. I'll see ya later guys I'm just going to go yell at deviantart for inspiring Ken Sugimori for coming up with the WORST Pokemon ever.
Yep. Good. Yup. Mhmm. Perfect. Great. Superb.
Sorry but Mewtwo original forme is already the worst Pokémon ever. And Ken Sugimori doesn't design many Pokémon anymore, if any.
"A New Pokemon with a Familiar Look."

> "mewtwo is ruined omg"
> probably not even mewtwo
What is interesting is, they don't deny a connect to Mewtwo, but they also make it a point to say "They are related but MAYBE not the same."
Ysmir said:
What is interesting is, they don't deny a connect to Mewtwo, but they also make it a point to say "They are related but MAYBE not the same."
If this is Mewthree, then Game Freak has officially ran out of ideas.
There's pretty much a 99% percent chance it's Mewtwo
Kinda wouldn't make sense to make a Pokemon that looks like a forme and make it an entirely new Pokemon, would it?
Would say it is Mewtwo as in the trailer of the movie at the beginning of PS, Mewtwo came to rescue Ash and it seemed he needed to transform or something. It appears on the movie of Genesect vs Mewtwo (the poster) so it is very probabale it is a new Mewtwo form.
Mik said:
If this is Mewthree, then Game Freak has officially ran out of ideas.

I'll take over as the creator or whatever the post is called if need be, I have tons of ideas, I just can't draw XD
Idk about that I saw WPM on Twitter telling S-Joe to take it off cause it might have been fake. I love WPM and all but Joe called it.
Mik said:
BassoonBro said:
I like the design. Its simple and interesting. Can't wait to hear the story behind it.

But why couldn't they have revealed an actual new sixth generation Pokemon instead of a form of a first generation. THAT is why I am disappointed.
Salamencetrainer34 said:
I was excited, hoping that this is just a new pokemon. Damn you pokemon youtube channel
You're disappointed that they choose to be original and didn't to the expected thing by introducing yet another new Pokémon?
How is changing an existing Pokemon original? So you would rather have the sixth generation consist of different forms of previous generation Pokemon?

I like this design an all, but I was expecting something new. Has it even been confirmed that this is indeed a second form to Mewtwo? I would like it more if wasn't a form of Mewtwo, but actually Mewthree.
Mik said:
Ysmir said:
What is interesting is, they don't deny a connect to Mewtwo, but they also make it a point to say "They are related but MAYBE not the same."
If this is Mewthree, then Game Freak has officially ran out of ideas.

Maybe we can predict whether this actually is Mewtwo or not:
Look at the leaked movie poster images and translate the Japanese. If they mention the movie's title anywhere and it's still "Extremespeed Genesect: Mewtwo's Awakening" then it's probably Mewtwo.
BassoonBro said:
Mik said:
You're disappointed that they choose to be original and didn't to the expected thing by introducing yet another new Pokémon?
How is changing an existing Pokemon original?
Because nobody expected a Gen I legendary like Mewtwo to get a new forme.

BassoonBro said:
So you would rather have the sixth generation consist of different forms of previous generation Pokemon?
And when did I say that?
The Pokemon XY website seems to make it clear that it's related to Mewtwo, but actually isn't Mewtwo.

Perhaps this is another Mew clone?

It doesn't seem to be a new forme. Rather, it's like Tauros/Bouffalant. Similar, but not the same!