(1) 'Pokemon Smash' Reveals New X/Y Pokemon!

Oh WPM... XD You know I can't trust an evil cat! Regardless, we all have our favorites, so *shrug*.
Is it "whine like a little baby" day and I missed the memo or something? If you don't like this Pokémon then just don't buy the game and leave the forums because no one wants to hear your crying. Ugh I hate Pokémon complainers. We don't know anything about this Pokémon at all except for what it looks like. Literally every other feature of it could be something you like, but now you've already judged it by some knee jerk reaction and that shit is tiring to see.
I think I may be starting to like this Mewthing. I will forever hate its head-tail thing, though.
5/10 would catch and put in a box and never look at it again.
jynxed said:
If you don't like this Pokémon then just don't buy the game and leave the forums because no one wants to hear your crying.

And the same can be said of your post.
omahanime said:
jynxed said:
If you don't like this Pokémon then just don't buy the game and leave the forums because no one wants to hear your crying.

And the same can be said of your post.

Not even REMOTELY comparable. At all.
I actually like it.
Anyone notice how it's smaller than Mewtwo?
Could we possibly have a Mewthree on our hands?...
ECHOxLegend said:
CyberCat5555 said:
5/10 would catch and put in a box and never look at it again.

the worst part is that you know you are lying.
No, I would probably catch it, even if you are not forced to catch it, like Reshi/Zek in BW. However, I would never use it, unless Gamefreak does something to make it awesome. I would also give it a nickname- Mewtant. That would actually be a really cool name for it.
I'm just hoping for the same stats but with Atk and SpA switched so its Bulk Up set could be even better.
Now this is weird XD. It looks like more of a Mew evolution than a Mewtwo form XD. What a weird form for Mewtwo. Did anyone say a possible new Smash Bros XD? I bet there will be another Smash Bros if this happens XD.:)
jessie+ mewtwo = mew3? Anyone else think this?

Water Pokémon Master said:
You people are so cruel. YOU ALL are why clones can't go out into society without fear of being judged and attacked. Remember what Meowth said? "We do have a lot in common. The same air, the same Earth, the same sky. Maybe if we started looking at what's the same instead of always looking at what's different, well, who knows?" Mewthree should be accepted like any other Pokemon. LEAVE MEWTHTREE ALONE!


I would have more sympathy but this is what you sound like. d:
^OMG YES! I'd hit the like button if I could, but OMG, you just made my night/morning/potato... idk what time of day you'd call 12:30PM, but you made it!
Kinda getting tired with all of these lengendary Pokemon getting new formes (I'd rather have them spend development time on some new Pokemon unless it's actually a kinda decent use of time like Deoxys or Arceus). But it still looks kinda cool.
xxashxx said:
Now this is weird XD. It looks like more of a Mew evolution than a Mewtwo form XD. What a weird form for Mewtwo. Did anyone say a possible new Smash Bros XD? I bet there will be another Smash Bros if this happens XD.:)

it works the other way around silly, and Smash bros WiiU and 3DS have already been confirmed. besides, we got Lucario, now we need Zoroark.
I know LOL'z But it was fun to post XD. It could happen. What if they include most legends as playable characters? Now that would be awesome XD.:)
I actually like the design far more than I did based on the dodgy poster.

That being said, I still don't like it as a Mewtwo forme. It doesn't look like it's the same Pokemon - it looks like an adolescent version of Mewtwo with a few alterations (and noticeably a lot less bulky in the body).

I would be kind of disappointed if it did turn out to be a Mewtwo forme, which I think is the most probable outcome right now. Still very curious about those spaces beneath Mewtwo on the movie website...
I don't see why people complain about forms, I mean they make the legendaries more complex and interesting, but still, development time you ask? you mean the whole day it took to design the new forms(not easy but not sucking up development time). On top of that its not like anyones forcing you to use the different forms, AND ON TOP OF THAT, back when there was only like 5 legendaries its not exactly like they were really legendary either, 3 elemental birds and a failed experiment. It wasn't really until we got Kyogre and Groundon and Rayquaza until we had really legendaries, freaking overlords of the elements on earth, followed by the upkeepers of time, space, hell, the UNIVERSE, followed two draconic beings who together used to be the balancing nature in the world and the remains of its husk come to life. Pokemon is not just something you can simply just pick a pokemon and put onto a pedastal or leave it lying on the ground, there are tiers.
It's not being forced into using the forme that people care about, otherwise no one would complain about a new Pokemon because they could just choose not to use it.

It's the fact that a fan favourite is being tampered with for no real reason. Yes, it's to do with nostalgia, but as Dwight Schrute would tell you, "nostalgia is truly one of the great human weaknesses...second only to the neck."

It's the first time a forme has been introduced AFTER the generation the Pokemon was introduced in. Changing a Pokemon after a year is one thing, but to change one after more than fifteen? That's a big call. Kyurem needed new formes, Mewtwo did not.
I call it Newtwo!

pokemon.com said:
The mysteries of Pokémon X and Pokémon Y continue to grow with the unveiling of a Pokémon that is strangely familiar! It looks a lot like the powerful Legendary Pokémon Mewtwo, but not quite the same…

It is most likely not a new forme, every source stated clearly that it is not the same as Mewtwo. Its design looks acceptable to me, I do not think it is horrible in any way, they could have done much worse. If it is a new Pokémon, I will say; Smart move GameFreak, because it does not ruin your childhood, and it is an interesting reason to relate this generation to the original.