(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airing 'Black' and 'White' Info With Junichi Masuda [9/11]

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@ H1Z1
The last part of that statement was absolutely ridiculous. Since it's based on America, we should name everything? First of all, Nintendo of America and Gamefreak make the english names of the Pokémon....and the names of major characters...so your wrong right there. And second of all, if your going to be one of those self absorbed pre fourth gen fanboys, then go play crystal or something. Don't hate on these games.

I know it's annoying to have another fire/fighting starter. Luckily for me I train fighting Pokémon. For others it seems like they took one giant leap forward and a step back. But the beauty is, you don't have to pick Pokabu. They made two more for that specific reason.
Can anyone anyone translate what
N is saying before and after the battle in the second video? I want to know his story
At first conversation with the protagonist(8:58 in the first clip), N says "Your pokemon was talking just now, right?"
...I'm curious about this word.
Does it really matter what age Ash is he still a blithering nincompoop. Here's an interesting question. If they're resetting everything else why not reset the anime which most older players are embarrassed about? I mean this would have been a great time to close his journey and choose a newer more enjoyable character that could have an excuse to suck instead of Ash.
why is this thread becoming a question of whether ash sucks or not? i bet half the people arguing don't even watch the anime loyally anymore :p and that's your choice. but if you don't care for the show, then stick to what you do care about. nobody is being forced to watch the anime. and the games have nothing to do with the anime or ash :)

so, the sprite animations. awesome, or awesome? i love desukaan closing when on defense, and denchura's ability kinchoukan being described as "he makes pokemon so anxious that they can't eat their berries" XD pokemon probably see stuff ten times as scary and yet they go OH NOES, A FUZZY TARANTULA!! TOO SCARED!!
@ Plasma -

Before(0:01): Well, you Hiroshi(protagonist's name), I want to listen to your pokemon's voice more!

After(1:05): I have to change this world for sake of my friends, Pokemons.
I wonder since Cheren and Bel's sprites appear after you choose your name, does that mean you can change their names or is it just saying that they're you're childhood friends?

If I can I'm definitely changing his name back to Cheren from whatever english name they give him.
I heard his name is going to be Nathan in english versions...

I don't really see him as a Nathan at all....doesn't sound clever enough. Cheren sounds a bit mysterious but very intelligent too.

I think Bel is still going to be Bel (or something similar like Bell or Belle) I don't really care about her name so I might change it if I get the chance. I hope they give us the chance to rename our rivals like in previous games.
Nah it's not nathan that guy was lying about knowing the english information i hate the name nathan for a rival, cheren is better.
Nathan doesn't really inspire me. I hate the way you can rename your rivals. Half the people I know called him 'idiot'.

Bennett is a much better name than Nathan.
Nathan doesn't really inspire me. I hate the way you can rename your rivals. Half the people I know called him 'idiot'.

Bennett is a much better name than Nathan.

I like being able to name your rivals, it gives you what little chance you have to customize your game outside your pokemon team.

I'll admit though when I was young I used to call rivals "bum", "ass" and "jerk"

I moved on from that now though, I like giving names that actually make some sense. I called my rival in Pokemon Diamond "Kyle" and in Pokemon Platinum I called him "Devin".
i hope they let you change names i called my rival in dp barry and larry soulsilver :D but i wished they revealed the ledendary trio instead cause team plasma will proberly need them
So are we going to get anymore corocoro details or did they just skip a bunch of pages?
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