(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

Pokemonvacation said:
what about a steam type?

Don't think it'll work, it'd be more of a water/flying type pokemon, unless you mean steam-powered, in which case it would fall under steel (which I would still LOVE to see a Steam-powered/"steam-punk" pokemon, like STEAMU!!!)
The Leaker said:
Ahahah XD
Well, actually I live in Rome, but that's not the point XD
It's not something Pokémon-related, it's just a shitty country, full of shitty people

You should come to Brazil and see the REAL shitty people!
A quick question: I forgot if Normal Types can dual type with anything other than flying, can they dual type with anything else? If not I thought of a new yet stupidly named pokemon based on a Disney cartoon no less...
Irishkappa208 said:
Well, how to say it... I'm italian XD

I´m half italian, and I always wanted to go there! I´m seriously thinking of going there as part of this exchange program

my father went that also...he speak for me there is so many beaty and i must to marry a girl and becom great vendor man
Pokemonvacation said:
u can hit a ghost type...

You got a point there! I hate the idea of a new type, but i´ll play along, what about a sound type? Or plasma, plasma is very cool, and the virus idea wasn´t so bad
Travis said:
A quick question: I forgot if Normal Types can dual type with anything other than flying, can they dual type with anything else? If not I thought of a new yet stupidly named pokemon based on a Disney cartoon no less...

Well I know Bibarel is Normal/Water other than that I can't think of more.

I would love a normal/ghost though. Just b/c.
Travis said:
Yeah, alot of new type suggestions just fit into a larger category of type...

Light--->Electric (technically depending on the definition of Light, if by Dark Vs. Light in terms of moral standing than yes, it is possible)

Light meaning divinity not the light as in illumination. :p
Pokemonvacation said:
what about a digital type?

I would definately support a digital or virus type, Deoxys would become a much better pokemon and possibly take over other pokemon's DNA and mess around with it