(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

I agree WPM i dont like it either especially the change in battle. That's my favorite thing about pokemon and i don't think they would change it because It's been the same since red/blue/green
rockinpikachu said:
I agree WPM i don't like it either especially the change in battle. That's my favorite thing about pokemon and i don't think they would change it because It's been the same since red/blue/green

Why try to fix something that isn't broken?

So I agree with you 100%.
starz said:
i love the full body sprtes in the game though
leak already

Starz, I may not post on here often, but I'm member of other boards, and you constantly posting begging the users of 2ch. to post the freaking scans isn't going to make them magically appear, and it's starting to get somewhat annoying, just sit and wait patiently, it'll be here soon enough.
Me and greenxlionxdaigo are on the same page NO CHANGE IN BATTLE STYLE but i don't think i'd mind minor changes in other aspects of the game
orkoni1 said:
What? That's spanish, I know, I'm fluent.

I second... This... IS... SPAR~~~ err Spanish

As for the changes.. well, I ALREADY time some button pressing xD Old habitude I got when I was young and I thought it was more effective lol
Stop spamming and stop advertising. Seriously. I'm watching all of the Japanese sites and have been for the past few days - that info is not confirmed and is probably fake. The only time the news will be news if is there are CoroCoro scans to accompany it. You shouldn't believe it otherwise. I don't remember once where news from CoroCoro was spread before the scans themselves were out.
The next person to talk like this is a chat room or to act stupid will be infracted. I've just deleted a page or so of posts, which is ridiculous.
Water Pokémon Master said:
Stop spamming and stop advertising. Seriously. I'm watching all of the Japanese sites and have been for the past few days - that info is not confirmed and is probably fake. The only time the news will be news if is there are CoroCoro scans to accompany it. You shouldn't believe it otherwise. I don't remember once where news from CoroCoro was spread before the scans themselves were out.

you got a point there, I hope they release the scans soon.
orkoni1 said:
you got a point there, I hope they release the scans soon.

Me too, I'm actually getting tired of waiting, this posts should have leaked already right? Zoroark was leaked very fast, I wonder why it's taking so long...
Just a last post before the scans are leaked:

Is it just me or anybody else have THREE pages that don't exist in this thread??
I mean, this is the 95th, but the list goes on to 98...
Elfteiroh said:
Just a last post before the scans are leaked:

Is it just me or anybody else have THREE pages that don't exist in this thread??
I mean, this is the 95th, but the list goes on to 98...

No, me too, it's weird...
Hey guys, I have another idea for the left silhouette...perhaps it is a hornbill? As it evolves it's beak could get more refined or something.



And yeah, I'm getting the nonexistent pages too. How strange.
Elfteiroh said:
Just a last post before the scans are leaked:

Is it just me or anybody else have THREE pages that don't exist in this thread??
I mean, this is the 95th, but the list goes on to 98...

Yes, I have that as well...it gets confusing. glad I'm not the only one.

So I don't think I ever got an answer..are we allowed to discuss possibilities for other 5th gen Pokemon other than the starters?
Thanks WPM you rock! I know theoretically I am behind on everything, because it took me an hour and a half to read the posts, to catch up (btw, pgs. 72-95 ughh) soooo, here's my idea on everything.

Well I remember last generation....when CoroCoro™ released the pictures of Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup, if I do recall, Drapion, Roserade, and at least one other unexpected Pokemon were leaked aswell!

This gives us hope! I hope XD

Also, Howelll....(sorry i forgot your name) amazing job! Outstanding, Magnifico! :D Love the effort and the Japanese History to your Thoughts transitions....if I was a teacher I'd give it 150/100 :)

Also, btw, I hope that didn't sound as complaining, WPM, if it does sorry! I'm being as patient as possible.
Also, the next person to hit "Post Reply" before they check their grammar, spelling, and presentation will be banned from this thread.