(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

Elfteiroh said:
Just a last post before the scans are leaked:

Is it just me or anybody else have THREE pages that don't exist in this thread??
I mean, this is the 95th, but the list goes on to 98...

ikr, it use to be only one page like that and now it's grown to three pages.

Anyways, I'm just sitting here waiting for the scans to be leaked too. All of you guys should do the same instead of just spamming off like this. They'll be released eventually, just not right now. I'm just gonna try and do the same as I did last night and check on my DSi every hour for leaked scans news.
PokemonFreak44 said:
Thanks WPM you rock! I know theoretically I am behind on everything, because it took me an hour and a half to read the posts, to catch up (btw, pgs. 72-95 ughh) soooo, here's my idea on everything.

Well I remember last generation...when CoroCoro™ released the pictures of Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup, if I do recall, Drapion, Roserade, and at least one other unexpected Pokemon were leaked aswell!

This gives us hope! I hope XD

Also, Howelll....(sorry i forgot your name) amazing job! Outstanding, Magnifico! :D Love the effort and the Japanese History to your Thoughts transitions...if I was a teacher I'd give it 150/100 :)

Also, btw, I hope that didn't sound as complaining, WPM, if it does sorry! I'm being as patient as possible.

Just want to say that I got the CoroCoro scan from 2006 when Naetle, Hikozaru, and Pochama were revealed, and we did get unexpected Pokemon, as you said (At least I think they were). Here is the scan.
Summary of this thread's rules now...

1. Do NOT ask, speculate, or complain about when the leak will happen.
2. Do NOT treat this thread like a chat room.
3. The next person to hit "Post Reply" before they check their grammar, spelling, and presentation will be banned from this thread.
4. You are ONLY allowed to talk about the starters and what you expect will be revealed. Everything else belongs in the 5th gen forum or in your head.
HeatRotomFTW1997 said:
Just want to say that I got the CoroCoro scan from 2006 when Naetle, Hikozaru, and Pochama were revealed, and we did get unexpected Pokemon, as you said (At least I think they were). Here is the scan
Don't post large images. Link to them.

All of the Pokemon in that scan had already been revealed before. The only new ones there were the starters.
PokemonFreak44 said:
Well I remember last generation...when CoroCoro™ released the pictures of Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup, if I do recall, Drapion, Roserade, and at least one other unexpected Pokemon were leaked aswell!

This gives us hope! I hope XD
Hopefully they'll add some like they did with those. Didn't they have palkia and dialga with them too? That means we might get the version mascots :D
I'm very positive that the left one will be an avian grass starter (just avian, or like those dinos who had feathers that were turning into modern birds), the middle one either pig or a burro (spanish for donkey, italian for butter lol), and the left on is going to be a platypus. I just can't imagine anything else.

And WPM regarding the end of rule #4, "Eveything else belong in the 5th gen forum or in your head." LOL
Krow said:
One last little off topic question... what do you mean in the 3rd rule? Post reply to who?
I think he was meaning when you post a reply, that you need to check grammar, spelling, etc. I'm guessing it doesn't have to be perfect, but at least readable.

On another note, since I think this is the issue that they're revealing how zorua will evolve, I have a guess. Maybe it will evolve when changes into a different pokemon so many times.
GreenxLionxDaigo said:
Someone didn't read the rules...

BUT, I want to have a super triangle of {G}/{F} {R}/{D} and {W}/{P}, ever since PurpleKecleon did her fakes of the starters for Gen IV, I've always wanted a {P} {D} {F} starter trio, but I don't want to abandon the original {G} {W} {F} starters, so why not combine the two?

That's actually a good idea! They can still use that without quitting the tradition! :)
Krow said:
One last little off topic question... what do you mean in the 3rd rule? Post reply to who?

Might have been me I missed spacing two words. I've always wanted a Grass/Electric starter. For my guesses i would say grass is a lizard, Fire donkey pig rabbit thing and water a platyous. I wonder if these starters will have unique type combinations like the 4th gen starters(Excluding Infernape)
GreenxLionxDaigo said:
Someone didn't read the rules...

BUT, I want to have a super triangle of {G}/{F} {R}/{D} and {W}/{P}, ever since PurpleKecleon did her fakes of the starters for Gen IV, I've always wanted a {P} {D} {F} starter trio, but I don't want to abandon the original {G} {W} {R} starters, so why not combine the two?
Exactly, we need something like that. Or maybe, since I doubt Nintendo will do that, they can have some unheard of type combos. That would make the starters great.
GreenxLionxDaigo said:
Someone didn't read the rules...

BUT, I want to have a super triangle of {G}/{F} {R}/{D} and {W}/{P}, ever since PurpleKecleon did her fakes of the starters for Gen IV, I've always wanted a {P} {D} {F} starter trio, but I don't want to abandon the original {G} {W} {F} starters, so why not combine the two?

I hope the middle one is fire psychic though, I wonder if they'd make all of the starters dual types from the start. I love you're idea but I'm sure that if the right one is avian it will definitely be grass/flying, and if the right one is a platypus water/poison (I hope, but it could also be psychic instead of the pig/donkey).

And I too LOVED purpleKecleon's starters, I wish GameFreak would buy the characters from he?/Her? and use them if not as starters just in the game. But with a full evolutionary line for each even pre-evos.
scuba stevee said:
Yeah but I rather it be grass/dark, fire/psychic, and water/fighting so we can have a new type combo :D

I'd have to agree with that because Fire/Dark already exists, it would be nice to see some new type combinations.
But I personally don't think they will be dual type in their first stage...not many *starters* are, they usually gain their second type by their third stage.
With the exception of Bulbasaur.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
scuba stevee said:
Yeah but I rather it be grass/dark, fire/psychic, and water/fighting so we can have a new type combo :D

Yes, nice idea, but, if the water pokemon is a platipus, wouldn't it make more sense making a water/poison pokémon? My ideia for this two perfect types triangles is that after we beat the game, we could get a second set of starters, this time, the {F}/{D}/{P} ones, it would be very cool
scuba stevee said:
Yeah but I rather it be grass/dark, fire/psychic, and water/fighting so we can have a new type combo :D

{R}/{P}! Epic :p
I would choose the grass starter, though, because it looks cool (so far.)

@xxLemonadexx I don't think he meant that for the starter's basic stages.
I looked at the left one's tail carefully. It looks similar to vaporeon's whom is a water type.
That made me think a grass duck doesn't make sense. And so I thought it's a water type. But Pokemon can be anything,they don't need to make sense.
there are a lot of tails with a similar shape, I think.
To me it most closely resembles Flygon's tail, so it isn't necessarily a water-type based on that alone.
xxLemonadexx said:
there are a lot of tails with a similar shape, I think.
To me it most closely resembles Flygon's tail, so it isn't necessarily a water-type based on that alone.
Your right! Interesting thought. I just thought the duck could paddle with it.
Krow said:
That's actually a good idea! They can still use that without quitting the tradition! :)
{G}{D}, {R}{P} and {W}{F}, that way each of them have advantages against their weakness. Not to mention we also get a new type combo!

Grass beats Water
Dark beats Psychic
Fire beats Grass
Psychic beats Fighting
Water beats Fire
Fighting beats Dark
Ok, just woke up from staying up last night >.>, anyway i'm very curious to see how they will make out the left pokemon, im really hoping for a grass bird or a grass dinosaur/reptilian thing.