(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

Raptor said:
Odds are, out of the 90+ pages there are, this has already been asked (or can be assumed based on user comments), but how many others out there will be dissapointed if the left one is a duck/swan rather than a reptilian/dinosaur pokemon?

I'm all for another duck, Psyduck was the shiz...:p
Psykill said:
According to Bulbapedia, Torterra's speed at level 100 can range from 105-232, while Infernape's can range from 198-346. So I guess theoretically if the Jolly-natured Torterra had max iv's and ev's, and the Infernape had weak ev's and a neutral nature, the Torterra would likely be faster. But its close.
However, like you said, the Infernape probably couldn't take down the Torterra in one hit anyway, so it's a moot point.
Max Speed EV/IV Torterra with Jolly and Choice Scarf has 348 Speed.

Max Speed EV/IV Infernape with Jolly/Timid has 346 Speed.

I don't feel like doing the calcs, but Scarfape with HP Ice would 100% outspeed Torterra and could probably OHKO.
elite said:
ooohhh yea! and since we both live in texas we are on the same time, but i gotta do some stuff in a min, but ill be back on

Actually i live in PA, but thats off topic. Im just hoping the starters are as epic as everyone is making them out to be :D
I usually go with the grass starters, except in the case of Treecko.
I chose Torchic that time...
I'm worried that I might not like this grass starter and will have to choose one of another type..!
Doctor Who said:
Max Speed EV/IV Torterra with Jolly and Choice Scarf has 348 Speed.

Max Speed EV/IV Infernape with Jolly/Timid has 346 Speed.

I don't feel like doing the calcs, but Scarfape with HP Ice would 100% outspeed Torterra and could probably OHKO.

What Ice attack would you use though, considering Infernape's attack>sp. attack? Obviously Avalanche would be pointless...
And yeah, I missed the choice scarf suggestion initially.
Raptor said:
Odds are, out of the 90+ pages there are, this has already been asked (or can be assumed based on user comments), but how many others out there will be dissapointed if the left one is a duck/swan rather than a reptilian/dinosaur pokemon?

But wait, what if it's a mixture of bird and reptile like those early birds that evolved from dinosaurs would that help? I'd be disapointed if it's yet another reptile only.

I mean seriously another one

All grass types have been reptilian/dinosaur.

Fire types: Reptilian/dino/dragon, mammal, avian, mammal.

Ware types: amphibious reptilian, amphibious reptilian, amphibian, amphibious avian.

I think it's about time for an amphibious mammal like a platypus (or otter) for water, it's inevitalbe to have an avian grass type even if it's avian/reptilian, and another mammal for fire.

Also to note, as someone else here has already commented but I forgot who, that in each generation there has always been a starter who was only bipedal, one that was only quadripedal, and one that could be both. And if the middle one is a quadripel it would be the first time there is a fire starter that is only quadripedal.
Does anybody know when the DP scan for the starters came out? Was it the 12th or later? Cause maybe that can point us in the right direction and see how long we will have to wait
Now that I think about it, I don't think Infernape can use any Ice-type moves...if true, that was smart of Nintendo.:D
edit: Hidden Power, duh!
Blizzz said:
Actually i live in PA, but thats off topic. Im just hoping the starters are as epic as everyone is making them out to be :D
oh lol, i thought u moved to abeliene in the summer? anyway, what time is it there? its 9 pm here
Psykill said:
What Ice attack would you use though, considering Infernape's attack>sp. attack? Obviously Avalanche would be pointless...
And yeah, I missed the choice scarf suggestion initially.
Um? HP Ice?
Thank God WPM got on all those goons for their garbage posts. My rant helped clean it up for a couple pages after, from what I saw.

Someone posted a picture of the left one where the big thing on top was a bunch of decoration or something on a small birds head. After looking at the silhouette again, I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case. These sure are some confounding silhouettes.

They could all be really, really simple, or really, really deceiving. Like the Left one's "head" being something different entirely, or the middle one really being that awesome crazy bird thing.
I still am interested in a platypus. I don't see why they would make a beaver or otter when we have buizel and bidoof. I only think the left might be a duck because Psyduck was a joke and made so long ago.
it says the starters were leaked august 5th (reference: i went to page 113 in Pokebeach news
Master of Puppets said:
Thank God WPM got on all those goons for their garbage posts. My rant helped clean it up for a couple pages after, from what I saw.

Someone posted a picture of the left one where the big thing on top was a bunch of decoration or something on a small birds head. After looking at the silhouette again, I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case. These sure are some confounding silhouettes.

They could all be really, really simple, or really, really deceiving. Like the Left one's "head" being something different entirely, or the middle one really being that awesome crazy bird thing.

Yea i saw, thanks for helping clear it up ^_^, and i bet were all completly off on the left one. Its body shape is just so weird!
Psykill said:
Oops, I thought that was a typo, not Hidden Power. Sorry.
lol, it's k.

elite said:
i wish the dude on my icon was the REAL stater...or close to it, he looks so osm
Any kind of non-beaver would be awesome, preferably something bear-like. Ursaring just isn't satisfying enough.
elite said:
i wish the dude on my icon was the REAL stater...or close to it, he looks so osm

Yep, I really liked that fanart. I hope the real starter is something like it, maybe even more cooler!
maybe its a duck, maybe its a goose, dragon, lizard, prying mantis....beacer with a crooked arm and wings that are conveiniently shaped like leaves on its tail...with a really massive head...i bet thats it