(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

aaroncsmall2 said:
{G}{D}, {R}{P} and {W}{F}, that way each of them have leverage against their weakness

The problem with the {D}{P}{F} trio is that Dark types are immune to psychic types, which would give the dark type an unfair advantage. Personally, I can't think of a perfectly fair trio other than {G}{W}{R} off the top of my head...
Ice, flying, fighting?
Ice, grass, flying?
Flying, rock, fighting?
Rock, water, grass?
dragon, dragon, dragon? (lol)
Electric, water, ground?
Are any of these perfectly fair with respect to hit effectiveness?
Psykill said:
The problem with the {D}{P}{F} trio is that Dark types are immune to psychic types, which would give the dark type an unfair advantage. Personally, I can't think of a perfectly fair trio other than {G}{W}{R} off the top of my head...
Ice, flying, fighting?
Ice, grass, flying?
Flying, rock, fighting?
Rock, water, grass?
dragon, dragon, dragon? (lol)
Electric, water, ground?
Are any of these perfectly fair with respect to hit effectiveness?
Dark being resistant to Psychic does not matter because Fire beats Grass.
Unless you teach a multitype pokemon the same type move you arent going to have a prob.

The point of this kind of typing is to make each starter equally fair, and to make sure each starter has some sort of advantage towards the other.

For example, {G} may be weak to fire but it can use {D} to beat the enemy {R}{P}.
{P} may not work against {G}{D} but {R} will. Thats how it would all work out.

This way people would go off of looks instead of typing.

This is also more fair than Torterra being effective against Empoleon and Infernape.
aaroncsmall2 said:
Dark being resistant to Psychic does not matter because Fire beats Grass.
Unless you teach a multitype pokemon the same type move you arent going to have a prob.

True, but the immunity would still limit the {R}{P} type's power, as it could only use one move type with a STAB against the {D}{G} type, yet all other starters could use both of their STAB types against their counterparts.
Somewhat picky, I know, but I think it would keep Game Freak from doing this.

BTW, good point about Torterra. I didn't even think about that!
Psykill said:
True, but the immunity would still limit the {R}{P} type's power, as it could only use one move type with a STAB against the {D}{G} type, yet all other starters could use both of their STAB types against their counterparts.
Somewhat picky, I know, but I think it would keep Game Freak from doing this.
Why would someone use a STAB {G} type move against a {R} type move?

So you are saying Nintendo wouldnt make things equally fair? You are saying you want them to make one starter better than the other two?

FYI if you give a choice scarf to a jolly torterra its faster and stronger than both of the other starters. Thus making Torterra the ultimate and unfair choice.

I doubt Nintendo wants to make a repeat of what they did with the sinnoh starters.

{G}{D}, {R}{P} and {W}{F} is as fair as it gets. Each starter has an advantage of some sort over the other, making it all down to strategy with the other two non STAB moves you have in their arsenal.
aaroncsmall2 said:
Why would someone use a STAB {G} type move against a {R} type move?

So you are saying Nintendo wouldnt make things equally fair? You are saying you want them to make one starter better than the other two?

FYI if you give a choice scarf to a jolly torterra its faster and stronger than both of the other starters. Thus making Torterra the ultimate and unfair choice.

I doubt Nintendo wants to make a repeat of what they did with the sinnoh starters.

{G}{D}, {R}{P} and {W}{F} is as fair as it gets. Each starter has an advantage of some sort over the other, making it all down to strategy with the other two non STAB moves you have in their arsenal.

Maybe that STAB move just happened to be the pokemon's signature, or by far most powerful (at the time of a particular rival battle) move available at the time.
I completely understand what you are saying, I am just being picky.
And yeah, the whole Torterra thing (especially with a choice scarf) is even more "unfair"...
wow, thats wierd that Starz got kicked..he had it commin i guess, soooo

ok, yes this will sound crazy but what about a tri-type...i know what every1 is thinking 0_o....yea, but like a super pokemon with fire, grass, and water...ok nvm *scratches idea out with pencil*
Psykill said:
And BTW, wouldn't Infernape still likely be faster than a Jolly-natured Torterra?

I have tested it on Wifi, and sadly no.
Unless its a Jolly Scarfed Infernape, and even then its not strong enough to take a Torterra down.
This is all so confusing! Theres not really a combination in order to make it all fair and equal =/, theres a few possibilities but still =/
well u ccould make it like...water/lightning, grass/ice, fire/ground (or rock)

Blizzz said:
This is all so confusing! Theres not really a combination in order to make it all fair and equal =/, theres a few possibilities but still =/

Blizzz, you pullin another All-Nighter tonite? lol
aaroncsmall2 said:
I have tested it on Wifi, and sadly no.
Unless its a Jolly Scarfed Infernape, and even then its not strong enough to take a Torterra down.

According to Bulbapedia, Torterra's speed at level 100 can range from 105-232, while Infernape's can range from 198-346. So I guess theoretically if the Jolly-natured Torterra had max iv's and ev's, and the Infernape had weak ev's and a neutral nature, the Torterra would likely be faster. But its close.
However, like you said, the Infernape probably couldn't take down the Torterra in one hit anyway, so it's a moot point.
Psykill said:
According to Bulbapedia, Torterra's speed at level 100 can range from 105-232, while Infernape's can range from 198-346. So I guess theoretically if the Jolly-natured Torterra had max iv's and ev's, and the Infernape had weak ev's and a neutral nature, the Torterra would likely be faster. But its close.
I said with a choice scarf, most Infernapes i have faced are not scarfed

The scarfed ones I did face couldnt KO me
elite said:
well u ccould make it like...water/lightning, grass/ice, fire/ground (or rock)

Blizzz, you pullin another All-Nighter tonite? lol

haha of course, i stay up all night to see if we get scans, and sleep in english. Thats what English is for haha, im really hoping we get them tonight though. how bout you?
Blizzz said:
This is all so confusing! Theres not really a combination in order to make it all fair and equal =/, theres a few possibilities but still =/

We have already stated one that makes everything fair...
elite said:
wow, thats wierd that Starz got kicked..he had it commin i guess, soooo

ok, yes this will sound crazy but what about a tri-type...i know what every1 is thinking 0_o...yea, but like a super pokemon with fire, grass, and water...ok nvm *scratches idea out with pencil*

Hey, It'd still be weak to flying!:D
Odds are, out of the 90+ pages there are, this has already been asked (or can be assumed based on user comments), but how many others out there will be dissapointed if the left one is a duck/swan rather than a reptilian/dinosaur pokemon?
Blizzz said:
haha of course, i stay up all night to see if we get scans, and sleep in english. Thats what English is for haha, im really hoping we get them tonight though. how bout you?
ooohhh yea! and since we both live in texas we are on the same time, but i gotta do some stuff in a min, but ill be back on
Raptor said:
Odds are, out of the 90+ pages there are, this has already been asked (or can be assumed based on user comments), but how many others out there will be dissapointed if the left one is a duck/swan rather than a reptilian/dinosaur pokemon?

I dont care as long as it looks cool. If it doesnt I wont use it.