(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

aaroncsmall2 said:
I agree to a certain extent, although I want the starter to have a beak w teeth.

Sceptile and Grovyle cannot fly

Scientifically speaking, dino-bird cannot fly, they hop around using their wings, just like Grovyle and Sceptile.
i really want the middle one to be a pig like pokemon, and hopefully this next gen will have alot more fire pokemon (im looking at you DP)

Ive gone to sleep for 6 hours and their is still no sign?

Well, its 6:23 in the morning here, school at 8, so I have a little time to chat
Tensho said:
Sceptile and Grovyle cannot fly

Scientifically speaking, dino-bird cannot fly, they hop around using their wings, just like Grovyle and Sceptile.

Scientifically speaking, Archaeopteryx and Microraptors tended to live in trees, and were capable of gliding for long distances. The only thing that inhibited their flight was their shoulder sockets--they couldn't lift their wings up backwards like later birds, so they could only flap halfway. Some simulations that add a cartilage bone do show them capable of powered flight...but I doubt that's possible. Nonetheless, their feathers were built to be used in the air, not for show ;D . *would love an archaeopteryx pokemon in general*
Tensho said:
Sceptile and Grovyle cannot fly

Scientifically speaking, dino-bird cannot fly, they hop around using their wings, just like Grovyle and Sceptile.

in my opinion Sceptile and Grovyle are closer to raptors rather than a dinosaur that was closer to being a bird. They look more like the raptors that started evolving into a bird.
Now saying that, they one on the left looks like something that will probably look more like the archaeopteryx which was a dinosaur with feathers which was the start of things to be.
The middle can swing either way of being a pig or a donkey.
and i think the right one will be a platypus
Wow I just checked back to see if something was up but I guess not, I really would hate it if they weren't revealed till Thu US time. going to bed, night pokefans.

I sure hope the pokemon sites aren't hidding the scans to keep gaining more views LOL ;)

Well there really wouldn't be any way of knowing.

I still hope they'll be either grass duck or a feathered dino (there are dif kinds in wiki, just type in feathered dino, there were even some that had wing-like feathers on their legs so they looked like they had 4 wings, I'm gessing that helped with gliding), a fire pig or donkey (felt like saying the other word even though in the context that I would be naming it it really wouldn't be too offensive), and a platypus for the water type.
just woke up from an 5hour sleep, I'm suprised that there are still no scans out yet. Well maybe in some hours we got more luck. I mean they won't hide the starters for us do they?
Hey, I know what the starters are!

They're 2D solid black Pokemon like Mr Game & Watch! :p

In all seriousness, I've given up on trying to figure out what they could be, and am going to bed now. Hopefully, they'll be out by the time I get up, but if not, that's fine too. They'll be out no later than Friday night.

(Blasted plumber did too good of a job fixing the leak!)
Aw man, I was really really hoping to get to see them today :p
come out come out wherever you are ^^

BTW anyone else getting this problem from page 159-164: The specified thread does not exist.
It's quite annoying, I always have to search for the last page of this thread.
zwelgbelg said:
Aw man, I was really really hoping to get to see them today :p
come out come out wherever you are ^^

BTW anyone else getting this problem from page 159-164: The specified thread does not exist.
It's quite annoying, I always have to search for the last page of this thread.

I also get that annoying problem of being unable to access the highest page available. Its displayed for example as page 107 but I can only view up to page 105.

On topic, I am starting to tell myself that the leaks will not come early and we would have to wait till the magazine's official release. Being pessimistic here just to keep my anticipation in check. However Nintendo is doing a good job of delaying the release of information of generation V. It makes waiting for the official release much worthwhile rather than knowing everything at once just like what happened in generation IV.
*is first to reply about the starters*

Even though the grass starter isn't a bird, I'm still very happy with their designs!

*does happy dance*
omg PIGGY xD yay and the water starter is SOO cute too 0.0 and the grass one is cool too =D
lol, i cant choose who i pick <<; *maybe goes trade all 3 over<3*
me is happy! =D thnx WPM
If this is true, and it likely is, I'm a little disappointed in the grass and fire starters. But strangely, i find the water guy cute endearing.... I'd probably pick him.