(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals Mr. Brocolli: Yanappu! [8/21]

I just noticed that none of the monkeys seem to be based on a particular species (except that Hihidaruma might be a baboon or gorilla). While the birds and many other animals are clearly based on an existing species...
Why does it have to be another monkey? I don't like monkeys T_T

EDIT: Let me clarify, I don't hate them - they scare me. Especially chimpanzees, they're waaaay too human-esque O_O
It's a mediocre design with a piece of vegetation on its head.

Meh. It's not bad and it's not good, just average. I can't see any reason to either hate it or love it with absolution.

Wonder if its wild hold item is Iron
Wow I really like that Pokemon. It looks like Dento will either be a grass type gym leader or will have a type depending on your choice of starter.
burningcharizard said:
Hmm it looks okay, but I'm waiting on a carrot or tomato pokemon instead...

or maybe a pumpkin(mon)

Imagine a whole team of fruit and/or veg, oh yeah =D
I thought of this as well... a pumpkin jack-o-lantern can be grass/fire type.

Playerking95 said:
Who says he will evolve maybe he has a pre-evolution.
He looks small enough to say he'll evolve. Both Chimcar and Aipom are small monkeys that evolve.

Card Slinger J said:
Seriously what's with the lack of creativity in the 5th Gen? Is Game Freak really running out of ideas for Pokemon or was the team behind the design of the 1st Gen high on crack cocaine?

Broccoli Pokemon?

Epic fail.
It's not that broccoli fails, or that this design is bad (I like it a (lot), it's just that this pokemon closely resembles Aipom and I just don't think we need another pokemon copy. We already have enough. There's a plethora of new species Game Freak could have used. If they made this a koala (as someone said), then it would be much more acceptable in my eyes (seeing as a koala has not been made a pokemon).

Not only this, we've also seen a new monkey pokemon already (even if it's the fire ape it's close enough in my book). I was just hoping for something new, not the use of similar species.
Metalizard said:
@Blizzz: Lool, no way! Infernape rules over this!

It's kinda decent but to me, it just looks like a green Aipom. And why another monkey? I'm sick of monkeys...

Exactly, I agree. I love the design, but the fact that it is a green Aipom sets me off.
If some of you are wondering where your posts have gone, I've deleted them. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, stay on topic.
aaaaAAAAAAA mr.broccoli is sooooo cute ^^,it's one of the best pokemon in this gen.,I wish that Ash catch it,not that stupid dento
people need to stop arguing. some of you like him, some thinks hes ok, and some think hes stupid. dont try to change someone elses opion, because not evryone is going to like/hate him. get over it.
anyways i think monocoli has some potential and that the brocoli part could be used to disguise him from a brid-who- may- eat- him- for -a- serving- of- vegis will just see another treetop.
frostwind said:
people need to stop arguing. some of you like him, some thinks hes ok, and some think hes stupid. don't try to change someone elses opion, because not evryone is going to like/hate him. get over it.
anyways i think monocoli has some potential and that the brocoli part could be used to disguise him from a brid-who- may- eat- him- for -a- serving- of- vegis will just see another treetop.

I think it has great potential as well. I just hope it's second form is substantially different than Aipom's or Infernape...

Other than him closely resembling another pokemon, he is cool. It's just that Game Freak needs more variety IMO.
Why do most of you hate monkeys???? There fun,cute,and just plane awesome! Also I could see Dento commanding Yanappu climbing up to get some berries or somthing.

Off Topic: Well, my brother screams at me and says "I DON'T WANT BLACK VERSION ANY MORE!" So he dosen't want Yanappu any more. So it's actuly a WIN for me:):):):):)
shiny umbreon said:
Why do most of you hate monkeys???? There fun,cute,and just plane awesome! Also I could see Dento commanding Yanappu climbing up to get some berries or somthing.

I hate monkeys cuz they're ugly little human things that have scary cries and look like they want to strangle you
Yanappu is going to be in my team, defiantly!
Acrobat seems helpful in triple battles, it's a BROCCOLI (My favourite vegetable) MONKEY.
llavaa said:
I really hope it has some sort of Cheese smother Move. That would be excellent :) But even without it, I think it's pretty cool and hopefully it has a strong evolution aswell.

*Looks at avatar* Err...

Anyway, I'm betting it'll have an evo, and access to Belly Drum (Gluttony synergy). I just hope they wouldn't pair with a nasty secondary type.
Its actually not wrong for the haters to hate them, but the thing that IS SO TERRIBLE wrong of them is that saying GF is running out of ideas and that they're getting worser... THAT is whats wrong! :b
Card Slinger J said:
Seriously what's with the lack of creativity in the 5th Gen? Is Game Freak really running out of ideas for Pokemon or was the team behind the design of the 1st Gen high on crack cocaine?

Broccoli Pokemon?

Epic fail.
But if you think about it, a broccoli monkey is really original... I mean, think about it...

Anyway, I love it..!
This guy is pretty cute/cool. I think I like him, he looks so much more different than the leak had us believe. He looks like he went on a major diet since then. :p

His ability is odd considering this....gluttony? Could have fooled me! Maybe his battle sprite will get fatter if he eats a berry? Mysterious....

I honestly don't know how anyone can call a brocolli monkey not creative....might need to look up the word creative again in a dictionary. o_O

I might have him on my team, since I'm picking Mijumaru and don't have any grass types in mind for my team yet...

dmaster said:
I don't like Broccoli in general. XD Unless it's smothered in cheese. :3

Have a look here and see what you think: http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=yanappu#/d2wzp08
Bupsy said:
I hate monkeys cuz they're ugly little human things that have scary cries and look like they want to strangle you
but this is not a real monkey or even like them, I also hate monkeys because they looks like humans, but you must remember that this is not monkey he is a monkey like monster ,not monkey..also he's cute

this monkey looks similar to the one I draw when the figure first came out ^^,I fake broccoli is much similar than the one in the fake scan :D

but this one has no tail !!