(1) Pokemon X and Y Announced! [1/8]

Re: RE: (1) Pokemon X and Y Announced! [1/8]

vinnie22 said:
I have been a fan from the very beginning since the red and blue days, i have to say, i love all three starters! There way better than anything after generation 3. Generation 4 and 5 were horrible!

NoDice said:
Im excited, despite the less than appealing names and the ugly frog for a starter.

However, Iwata mentioned how many Pokemon there were and how much time it takes to translate games and data- then at the end he said look forward to seeing "SOME" of your Pokemon in full 3D in October.... or something like that.. Im kinda wondering if they will include them ALL- cuz if they dont... goodbye generational trading (IE a G/S-R/S break)
The frog is the most popular one, then the fox, then the chipmunk

Correction 4 & 5 I liked third gen.

Sent from Samsung Galaxy S3 to planet earth.
I admit every generation seems awkward in relation to the last. Just like 5th generation; 6th generation will grow on u.

Sugimori art, no further details though. Types and abilities listed as '???'.
D.N.A said:

Sugimori art, no further details though. Types and abilities listed as '???'.

Darn, I was hoping they'd at least reveal their types.
Luigi08 said:
Also they should implement mechanics which completely stops people from being able to RNG and hack, and thus returning the game back to how it used to be before such exploits existed.

I don't mind getting rid of hacks, but if they get rid of RNG's (which are perfectly legal in every way, shape, and form) then they would end up killing a lot of competitive battling as we know it, and that would suck :|
vinnie22 said:
The frog is the most popular one, then the fox, then the chipmunk
That's not true at all, wherever I look, it always goes like this:
1) Fennekin (with about 40+%)
2) Chespin
3) Froakie
Teal said:
vinnie22 said:
The frog is the most popular one, then the fox, then the chipmunk
That's not true at all, wherever I look, it always goes like this:
1) Fennekin (with about 40+%)
2) Chespin
3) Froakie

Or... Maybe everyone has their own opinions? yay...

My OPINION: Chespin
Froakie (As much as I hate to admit it, he does look KINDA cool...
@ The Pikachu Mafia: Although if you read my whole post you would realize I also proposed an alternate method for acquiring pokemon with max IV's (paying large amount of pokedollars/BP to increase IV's permanently). This solution would leave the competitive battling world basically untouched (dont know why it would change), and give people an alternate method (replacing RNG) in order to obtain perfect Pokemon. A truly, 100%, imponderably legit method for getting perfect IV's on Pokemon.

BTW lets try not get into a RNG is hacking/legit argument here as we all know those end up going no where. I just think you should be able to get perfect IV's on all pokemon (including legendaries) without having to use external devices for obtaining said IV's, but rather through actually playing the game in order to obtain points which enable you to get said results of perfect IV's (Im not saying RNG is hacking I'm just saying that RNG includes having to use an external device to achieve your results, whether that device affects your game directly or not is your opinion).

This method of earning points through battling in some kind of battle tower or something in order to earn points to spend on increasing your existing pokemon's IV's would allow even casuals and people who aren't as hardcore as the RNGers to have perfect Pokemon, but of course they'd have to work for them like everyone else, and what would separate the casuals from the hardcores is how much a player plays the game, as the more you play, the more points you have, and thus the more perfect IV pokemon you can get. Meaning that hardcores can still seperate themselves from casuals, its just now everyone is playing on a level playing ground.
I'm happy the games are going to be released worldwide. Way to go Pokemon! But will you be able to do this again for the next Pokemon game?
I personally like Fennekin, Froakie, and then Chespin; that's just off of their starter forms though. As far as the legendaries go, I like Xerneas more, but that's just because he reminds me of the Forest Sprite from Princess Mononoke. xD
I also really like how the world looks like. It's about time they changed things up. :)
Salamencetrainer34 said:
Teal said:
That's not true at all, wherever I look, it always goes like this:
1) Fennekin (with about 40+%)
2) Chespin
3) Froakie

Or... Maybe everyone has their own opinions? yay...

My OPINION: Chespin
Froakie (As much as I hate to admit it, he does look KINDA cool...
You sure have a hard time understanding what you read, eh?
We were talking about the popularity of the starters in the fandom. Please tell me how that has anything to do with "an own opinion" in any way?
Teal said:
You sure have a hard time understanding what you read, eh?
We were talking about the popularity of the starters in the fandom. Please tell me how that has anything to do with "an own opinion" in any way?
In any way? Ok.
Each own opinion adds to the general popularity count.
That's what "an own opinion" has to do with the popularity of the starters.
Keeper of Night said:
In any way? Ok.
Each own opinion adds to the general popularity count.
That's what "an own opinion" has to do with the popularity of the starters.
The point is that we are not talking about any person's own opinion here. Only the general.
I am going to buy 3 copies of the game, doesn't matter which and I am going to start with each starter.

I am going to name Fennekin "Alvin"
I am going to name Froakie "Simon"
I am going to name Chespin "Theodore"

There's your chipmunks.

Forget what I said.
omahanime said:

Is there something new I missed in the link...?
Also...if Fennekin's final form is Fire/Fighting I am going to slam my head against a desk repeatedly. The same may happen if Froakie becomes Water/Ground, but I would probably survive the ordeal.

Based on the basic forms, I would say that they all look to be pure typed with the possible exception of Chespin, which I could see as maybe being ground type. (Thought I doubt it.)

As for the legendary Pokemon...I really have no idea as to what types they could be. I could possible see Xerneas as being part steel, due to its antlers and its legs looking similar to blades. Yveltal could possibly be dark, but I sorta doubt it. Neither look super "hey I'm a dragon" to me, but I guess Yveltal could be.
The Pikachu Mafia said:
I don't mind getting rid of hacks, but if they get rid of RNG's (which are perfectly legal in every way, shape, and form) then they would end up killing a lot of competitive battling as we know it, and that would suck :|

RNG abuse is certainly legal, but it creates too much of a divide when it comes to VGCs. As much as they're pushed, they should be remotely accessible to people who don't know what IVs are because they're barely talked about in the games. If someone studies up on everything the NPCs say, performs rigorous testing to determine good movesets, and uses vitamins and the EV Shops on Join Avenue, they shouldn't be at such a huge disadvantage when compared to the people who follow the competitive scene closely just because the latter know how to utterly perfect their Pokemon.

D.N.A said:
omahanime said:

Is there something new I missed in the link...?

Don't think so, it's more the fact that it got semi-mainstream news coverage.
I wasn't here for the whole big announcement or anything, so I feel like I need to let out my emotions that many people who weren't here are feeling, considering we've just been blasted with information.

I want to slam my head against a desk and stop playing Pokemon. Sometimes I sincerely wish Pokemon had ended back in Gen 3. We're up to 649 Pokemon and counting with this new generation, and I feel like this is a huge turn-off to people new to Pokemon because of all the new Pokemon to take in. It upsets me because I guess I miss the days of R/S/E, for two main reasons. One is because competitive play has gotten really cluttered because of all the new threats to prepare for. Gen 5 seemed like Gen 4.5 for this reason. The other reason is because it really relates to the fact of technology evolving so fast; it's just a little overwhelming for one to take in. Yes I am happy that Pokemon has evolved over the years, and I am definitely not complaining (no I am not CSJ), I'm just a little tired of GF throwing information at us like this; I wished we had gotten hints over time instead of one big announcement. I guess I'm going to have to deal with 100+ new Pokemon; now, imagine a Pokemon world with 750+ Pokemon...But okay, maybe I'll get a tad more excited with more reveals. With the Pokemon I've seen so far I am neutral towards them, but I hope I see some cool Pokemon in the future. Ah well, didn't mean to go off on a tangent.