(1) Pokemon X and Y Announced! [1/8]

MagnumZ said:
Froakie to be the next Inferape
Chespin to learn Spore
Fennekin to be like a mix between Espeon and Reuniclus

Dream World abilities
Fennekin (Magic Gaurd/Magic Bounce)
Froakie (Technician) Mach Punch + Aqua Jet + Bulk Up/SwordsDance
Chespin (Prankster) Sub + Spore + LeechSeed

I'm hoping the starters wouldn't get the same old abilities (Blaze, Overgrow, and Torrent) I want them to have something new, something fresh and different.

jynxed said:
Flygon2071 said:
I prefer the unlimited bag. Don't make TM's just be used once. If I want to teach several pokemon EQ, that will be just plain difficult or will take lots of time breeding or finding shards (if they don't learn it by lvl up). And no for the second part. Remove HM's is much better or at least make them erasable.

It was a joke.

It sure doesn't look like it. <.<
Aquapulse said:
MagnumZ said:
Froakie to be the next Inferape
Chespin to learn Spore
Fennekin to be like a mix between Espeon and Reuniclus

Dream World abilities
Fennekin (Magic Gaurd/Magic Bounce)
Froakie (Technician) Mach Punch + Aqua Jet + Bulk Up/SwordsDance
Chespin (Prankster) Sub + Spore + LeechSeed

I'm hoping the starters wouldn't get the same old abilities (Blaze, Overgrow, and Torrent) I want them to have something new, something fresh and different.

Don't worry, they will have them.
I just realized that Xatu is no longer the only
Pokemon that's name starts with X!
I am thinking of perhaps getting "Pokémon X" when it comes out and getting Fennekin as my starter since I am more of a fire type person. And I absolutely love how Fennekin looks. I was already planning to get the fire type, but when I saw how Fennekin looked, I decided that I would get it no matter what.
Well, Yveltal is certainly female...
And I personally would say it VELL-tal, because it's too difficult to work the Y in.
blargh257 said:
Well, Yveltal is certainly female...
And I personally would say it VELL-tal, because it's too difficult to work the Y in.

Legendaries don't have genders for the most part, especially the star legendaries.
Hegafire0 said:
Legendaries don't have genders for the most part, especially the star legendaries.

Legendaries usually only have genders if they have distinct gender characteristics. Assuming that chromosomes and gender differences are the theme for this game, I wouldn't be surprised if Xerdeas and Yveltal do have genders, but it would be the other way around, Xerdeas would be female and Yveltal would be male.
Z = sea?

Oh, I think it'd be cool if there was a Sea Hydra Pokemon. No, a Ocean Squid is pretty darn cool.
Luckyfire said:
Z = sea?

Oh, I think it'd be cool if there was a Sea Hydra Pokemon. No, a Ocean Squid is pretty darn cool.

That thing would be monster (literally). Some sea pony is the closest we have to a sea Hydra.
I'm hoping for a R/S remake sometime in the near future. Mainly because of 3d secret bases, but whatever. Another cool thing that they might implement in this generation is, because of the mii maker on the 3ds, an ability to make your own character to play as.
blargh257 said:
Well, Yveltal is certainly female...
And I personally would say it VELL-tal, because it's too difficult to work the Y in.

Nah, it's not terribly difficult to work the "Y" in. Just think of it like the name "Yvonne"...it's less of a "Y" sound and more of an "E" or "I" sound. Come to think of it, the name Yvonne is French in origin...probably just a coincidence, but meh.
If we have a sequel which we probably will the 3rd game will either be called "Z" or X2 and Y2. These would be likely since we have B/W 2 XD.:)
Does anyone think that more Pokémon will be revealed in the next CoroCore (hopefully leaking tomorrow)?

Or do u think there'll just be more coverage on the starters, and the 2 legendaries (and hopefully their official pictures)?

I'm just worried. October is far far away, I'm afraid that they won't reveal any new Pokémon for a few more months :(