(1) Pokemon X and Y Announced! [1/8]

So far from what I have seen I love these two games. I am very excited for them and can't wait. I would love to see a dark gym finally and maybe a new type or two. I love both legendries. I like all three starters Fennekin is my favorite right now with Froakie just behind. I can't wait.
can't wait for it to come out so i can see gameplay videos and decide if it's worth buying a used 3ds over
i doubt it which is too bad because i sure do like that elk
Personally, I'm really stoked about this. I had absolutely no idea that this announcement would be for the next generation! I'm still playing BW2! This looks like the logical progression that the series needed. From what I've seen so far, I would probably say that I will choose Froakie, but I like all of the starters. It really will just depend on their final evolutionary stages.

Legendary wise, I am sorta digging Xerneas. Sorta gives off a Suicune vibe to me.
The artwork is amazing, and It would be even more amazing if you're able to customize the appearance of your trainer, that would make this game 100% perfect!!!
One thing was mentioned about the skates replacing the bicycle,but I really hope that the Skates replace the running shoes and not the bike. The bicycle is just such a symbolic thing in Pokemon.
Fennekin is totally my choice, but I am sooo torn between the legendaries.
Can't wait to see the 600 Base Stat Legendary, can they top Shaymin? haha!!
I just now got caught up on the posts here, so time for a post with lots of replies:

Crawdaunt King said:
Notice how the trainer had roller blades :D

Yeah, I'm wondering if they replaced the bike because it was hard to model in 3D with smooth animations.

puddizzle said:
Go to 0:56 on the trailer. Is it just me, or do I hear a not very effective soundclip when that attack hits Patrat?

But Patrat's a normal type...

anyway back to sleep zzz

...You're right.

DasMisfits said:
Wooohoooo pokemon x and y getting both on download if they do that.

I feel this is an interesting topic. A flagship Nintendo game will certainly be on the eShop. I believe that means this is the first time since XD we'll be able to have save backups, if anyone ever decides to use them. But yeah, a digital release would be very cool. I could buy X to have at midnight, and get Y a few days later from online shipping.

TDL said:
I'm curious how battling simulators will handle this since the game lacks sprites. :f

It'd be an interesting opportunity to run a contest calling for many fake sprites. Whatever's best will be used.

Flygon2071 said:
I wonder what is that desert with the domes.

Looks a lot like Cipher's bases in Orre, but I agree with whoever saying it's like that thing in France.

beaulier said:
There's a room shown briefly with fire blazes activated when the character enters it. Probably a fire gym?

Hoho, a pyro! I see my next avatar...

The Pikachu Mafia said:
I wonder how (if at all) they'll promote the Dream World...

Yeah, I hope they keep it.

LDStarling said:
it looks like they've dropped the 'Version' Tags from the names as well, so instead of being X Version and Y version, its just X & Y, interesting.

Japan's been Version-less for a while now, so yeah, this is pretty interesting.

I wonder if this is going to be more of an expansion than a full blown generation. It would be nice if Gamefreak broke the mold for once.

Going on the recent news that there will be 50 new Pokemon (er, maybe that was a rumor or something), I think this might be spot-on. Someone actually called something like this when BW2 were announced; they said Gen V had so many Pokemon, and that Gen VI might tone it down. The next Gen II, if you will. That guy is a genius.

Luigi08 said:
God I hope they block off the transferring of pokemon from other generations, or atleast limit it somewhat to only transferring pokemon that were caught in generation 5, cause I cant deal with all this clutter of pokemon that I'm gonna have to transfer from my old games, would feel nice to have a complete fresh start.

As much as I'd love to bring in my Emerald-cloned Level 100 Blaziken and flawless BW Ditto, I wouldn't mind another transfer-block, if only to totally restructure how stats and RNG work. As much as I like RNG, its influence on VGC has made the event far more competitive than I'd like it to be, and in the wrong ways. If Game Freak has been developing new ways of stopping RNG abuse, if that's even possible, I think it'd be best for everyone. Even without RNG abuse, many would breed until they died for flawless Pokemon, so yeah, it wouldn't be the worst thing if IVs and stuff were restructured to give more strategy.

SquirtleSquirtle said:
I hope we get more then one save file for these games.

Innovation of the decade!

pokemaister899 said:
Actually by watching the trailer again, I realized something. The game may not be in 3D.(notice how it doesn't say that its 2d footage of a 3ds game at the beginning of the video like other 3ds trailers, and when gameplay is being showed, the 3d slider is down.) Not that I have a problem with that or anything though.

The Pokemon Direct trailer was a little odd. The trailer on YouTube and Pokemon.com has the 2D footage line.

Blakexd9 said:
It's a 3DS game. It will be in 3D. No doubt about it. xD

See: Bomb Monkey. :D

godzilla41 said:
so basicaly my 3ds will be eating dust for the next 9 months or so

Nah, you have Luigi's Mansion, Animal Crossing, eShop stuff, and more to go through.

And now some other thoughts:

I agree with others, this must be the weirdest gen reveal we've ever had. I don't know how Gen II and III went, but Gen IV started with Munchlax in Movie 7, and Gen V with the Zoroark silhouette. Gen VI? Bam, starters, bam, mascots, bam, a full trailer. Crazy.

Looks like Pokemon-X might need a name change.

The more I hear about how employees are kept in the dark about things, the less I want to work at places:

J.C. Smith said:
Game Informer in an interview said:
So it doesn’t have anything to do with chromosomes?
I’m not sure. That’s something I’m sure GameFreak will answer soon.

That's business, I know. At least McMahill was kept in the loop:

Seth McMahill on Twitter said:
Some guy on Twitter said:
So, huge Pokemon announcement at 11am today world wide. I am excited :D @SethMcMahill probably knows something... mmm
I'm glad they finally announced it. And yes, it is a reason to buy a 3DS and yes, it is epic!

Well, even though I may have to buy a new 3DS to trade with myself, I welcome this new Gen. If feels like Gen V just started, but pah, more Pokemon is always good. :D
Flygon2071 said:
Luckyfire said:
Kyogre + Rayquaza = Zayqure

OMG R/S/E REMAKE just kidding lol

A Pokemon fusion. GF please leave it without fusions.

I kinda could see GF make more fusions in this gen if it does have a genetic theme. But nothing major like White and Black kyurem, probably only two or more pokémon who have some kind of fusion gimmick and maybe the evil team is researching it somehow. I could see this gens evil team be some evil scientist in white coats..:p
Generation III started with Wailmer, Kecleon and Azurill being revealed all at the same time. Latias and Latios weren't far after, because they were the stars of the fifth movie, and I think those other three had cameos in it too.

Most of Generation II's reveals were done through the anime, but they were spread out. Ho-oh debuted in the first episode (April 1, 1997 in Japan, two and a half years before the Japanese release of GS), then Misty got Togepi, Snubbull/Donphan/Marill were in the first movie in 1998 (Japan), etc.
I really do want to see them keep the generation pokemon transfers up that way I can see my very first starter ever in 3D :D (also if they didn't let transfers happen, something bad would happen in the anime. I mean when they did that for the 3rd gen, Ash left all his pokemon except pikachu behind, only if they did it this time my paranoid side says that they'll do something crazy like kill charizard D: I'm probably just overreacting though... )
Seeing as this generation seems to be Genetics-themed, maybe they'll add a postgame location or shop or something where, due to you catching the X or Y chromosome Pokemon, researchers in the game have found a way to edit pokemon genes, thus enabling you to permanently increase your pokemon's IV's (with a cap of 31, and obviously for a high price in-game). This could work seeing as PID's no longer have any correlation to IV's and thus having a place ingame where you can increase an already existing Pokemon's IV's is no problem game mechanics-wise at all.

Just a thought to how they could make it so that getting high IV's on a pokemon does not have to be continuously breeding and hoping for the best, but rather enabling players to get high IV's through paying a high amount of ingame money. Getting good IV's through breeding would still be an option though for those who maybe are low on ingame cash or just enjoy that method more.

Also they should implement mechanics which completely stops people from being able to RNG and hack, and thus returning the game back to how it used to be before such exploits existed.
Frost said:
Generation III started with Wailmer, Kecleon and Azurill being revealed all at the same time. Latias and Latios weren't far after, because they were the stars of the fifth movie, and I think those other three had cameos in it too.

Most of Generation II's reveals were done through the anime, but they were spread out. Ho-oh debuted in the first episode (April 1, 1997 in Japan, two and a half years before the Japanese release of GS), then Misty got Togepi, Snubbull/Donphan/Marill were in the first movie in 1998 (Japan), etc.

Ah, Minimovie 4, right. Thanks. So yeah, it was still a few Pokemon at a time, years and years before any games were ever announced. The waits have gotten shorter, but this is first time everything's been revealed at once. BW2 had some interesting stuff going on, like an international reveal and pretty short localization period.

Luigi08 said:
Seeing as this generation seems to be Genetics-themed, maybe they'll add a postgame location or shop or something where, due to you catching the X or Y chromosome Pokemon, researchers in the game have found a way to edit pokemon genes, thus enabling you to permanently increase your pokemon's IV's (with a cap of 31, and obviously for a high price in-game). This could work seeing as PID's no longer have any correlation to IV's and thus having a place ingame where you can increase an already existing Pokemon's IV's is no problem game mechanics-wise at all.

Just a thought to how they could make it so that getting high IV's on a pokemon does not have to be continuously breeding and hoping for the best, but rather enabling players to get high IV's through paying a high amount of ingame money. Getting good IV's through breeding would still be an option though for those who maybe are low on ingame cash or just enjoy that method more.

...I like this idea quite a bit. Give it some more restrictions, maybe use BP as a currency, and it'd be great. Like the EV shops in BW2.
I am definitely choosing Fennekin, and Pokemon X. Why? Because my favourite type is water. I also love how Pokemon transformed from 2D to 2D 3D to absolute 3D!!! I am really looking forward for this game!
HoOhLugia said:
I am definitely choosing Fenneki, and Pokemon X. Why? Because my favourite type is water. I also love how Pokemon transformed from 2D to 2D 3D to absolute 3D!!! I am really looking forward for this game!
What? Fennekin is Fire, not Water. Also we don't know the typle of X(erneas).
What if this is an expansion to gen 5 in the distant future (also a new, closeby region) where An evil team is attempting to recreate the original dragon with kyurem and the two new mascots (Xerneas and Yveltal) are the keys to making this happen.... i mean there was the DNA link pin

(that would be kind of lame though)
I have been a fan from the very beginning since the red and blue days, i have to say, i love all three starters! There way better than anything after generation 3. Generation 4 and 5 were horrible!

NoDice said:
Im excited, despite the less than appealing names and the ugly frog for a starter.

However, Iwata mentioned how many Pokemon there were and how much time it takes to translate games and data- then at the end he said look forward to seeing "SOME" of your Pokemon in full 3D in October.... or something like that.. Im kinda wondering if they will include them ALL- cuz if they dont... goodbye generational trading (IE a G/S-R/S break)
The frog is the most popular one, then the fox, then the chipmunk
night_zekrom said:
What if this is an expansion to gen 5 in the distant future (also a new, closeby region)

The working theory is that this is another faraway region because Route 3 is seen in the trailer. Not Route 103, Route 3.
I'll probably be getting Chespin since I love Grass types and the other starters are way overused animal-wise. Sorry RS, looks like your remake will wait a while. Still excited for gen 6! Battle animations look epic!
blargh257 said:
Well, Yveltal is certainly female...
And I personally would say it VELL-tal, because it's too difficult to work the Y in.


Did you EVER take 7th-8th grade science?

X + Y = MALE


Tis' a guy, bro.
Awesome for the graphics and the simultaneous release with Japan! :) Hopefully this will stay this way. The Pokemon are awesome too. I'm glad they simultaneously revealed the names for the new Pokemon. Haven't heard one complaint about how someone likes the Japanese names better.

9 months to go. 11 month gap for Japan? There's still time for another spin-off.

The Pokemon Company International has went from revealing games months after the Japanese release(Platinum), to revealing a month before the Japanese release(HeartGold, SoulSilver), to revealing Legendary Pokemon simultaneously and revealing games four months before the Japanese release(Black, White), to revealing the games simultaneously with new Pokemon forms(Black 2, White 2,) to annnouncing an announcement, revealing games and new Pokemon, and simultaneous release period(X, Y).