(1) Pokemon X and Y Announced! [1/8]

Alvee777 said:
This game really isn't like any other game, and not in the good way. Did you see the video on the Home Page? The weird characters (Char. running is especially annoying), and how the pokemon fight.... I could keep going.
If they stop making DS games, and start making stuff like this, White 2 will be the last game I'll ever buy from pokemon.
I don't know about anyone else, but playing games like that when the character isn't always in the center of the screen (like in mario), is hard to control and super annoying.
:( This game is disapointing...
Even though I have a 3DS there's no way I'd play Pokemon X and Y.

Lol. I'm not even gonna comment on this one.
frostwind said:
Your'e jusst assuming its not backwards compatible, this isn't Gen 3 Part 2.

Grass type is based off of Horse Chesnuts, hence the hat
Fire type is based on Fennec Foxes, hence the big ears and fluff. (Not a kitsune or trickster fox that the other foxes stem from)
A frog pokemon? Need I mention Poliwag/whirl/wrath/toed, Croagunk and Toxicroak, the Seismetoad line? (9 total)

Poliwag and Tympole are based on a tadpole. Not frogs. Poliwhirl and Poliwrath are not that even close to a frog. I still refused to called them that. Croagunk and Toxicroak are not water-types. Sorry to be nitpicking, I just like to explain the new water frog pokemon isn't "old news".
Alvee777 said:
This game really isn't like any other game, and not in the good way. Did you see the video on the Home Page? The weird characters (Char. running is especially annoying), and how the pokemon fight.... I could keep going.
If they stop making DS games, and start making stuff like this, White 2 will be the last game I'll ever buy from pokemon.
I don't know about anyone else, but playing games like that when the character isn't always in the center of the screen (like in mario), is hard to control and super annoying.
:( This game is disapointing...
Even though I have a 3DS there's no way I'd play Pokemon X and Y.

Just to be clear, the guy who's "running slo-mo", I think he's roller blading. I noticed the difference between the guy running to the desert and along grassyland and the guy who's doing the slow-mo.

PS; Slo-mo means slow motion.
Alvee777 said:
This game really isn't like any other game, and not in the good way. Did you see the video on the Home Page? The weird characters (Char. running is especially annoying), and how the pokemon fight.... I could keep going.
If they stop making DS games, and start making stuff like this, White 2 will be the last game I'll ever buy from pokemon.
I don't know about anyone else, but playing games like that when the character isn't always in the center of the screen (like in mario), is hard to control and super annoying.
:( This game is disapointing...
Even though I have a 3DS there's no way I'd play Pokemon X and Y.

Of course, there's no pleasing everyone.. They know this is a risk they have to make in order to "evolve".
Someone I know complains about the starters being "disappointing", me personally like them very much, way more than gen IV starters.
Alvee777 said:
This game really isn't like any other game, and not in the good way. Did you see the video on the Home Page? The weird characters (Char. running is especially annoying), and how the pokemon fight.... I could keep going.
If they stop making DS games, and start making stuff like this, White 2 will be the last game I'll ever buy from pokemon.
I don't know about anyone else, but playing games like that when the character isn't always in the center of the screen (like in mario), is hard to control and super annoying.
:( This game is disapointing...
Even though I have a 3DS there's no way I'd play Pokemon X and Y.

It's pretty much your opinion VS. everyone else on this entire freaking site.
Alvee777 said:
This game really isn't like any other game, and not in the good way. Did you see the video on the Home Page? The weird characters (Char. running is especially annoying), and how the pokemon fight.... I could keep going.
If they stop making DS games, and start making stuff like this, White 2 will be the last game I'll ever buy from pokemon.
I don't know about anyone else, but playing games like that when the character isn't always in the center of the screen (like in mario), is hard to control and super annoying.
:( This game is disapointing...
Even though I have a 3DS there's no way I'd play Pokemon X and Y.

LOL it's ok you can enjoy your last pokemon game while we the rest of the population evolve with the franchise and enjoy the new games from here on. Have fun with your B/W 2, the last ever pokemon game which apprently you will EVER PLAY!! (p.s too much bs was in that post of urs)
I like how they show Magikarp and Psyduck getting beat up in the trailer. LOL it was hiliarious when Magikarp got blasted.
Card Slinger J said:
I guess a technological reboot was bound to happen sooner or later and because of this it seems like since there's no way for me to transfer my EV Trained Pokemon over to Generation 6 which means that I'm stuck playing Generation 5 for now on. They probably won't announce any of the new games' features in regards to backwards compatibility If it's still around until late October at best or by the end of Summer when the game is released in Japan.

If I want to play in official Video Game Tournaments for Pokemon I would need to get the Generation 6 games and start everything over from scratch, way to go Nintendo/Game Freak. As for the new Starter Pokemon designs, they're much worse than in Generation 5. The new Grass Type looks like a Patrat, the Fire-Type is a rip-off of Vulpix, and the new Water-Type seems kind of interesting since there's not too many Frog Pokemon. Aside from that the Gameplay and Graphics are amazing.

The games are being release everywhere in October. US, Japan, and Europe are all getting the games in the same month.
godzilla41 said:
LOL it's ok you can enjoy your last pokemon game while we the rest of the population evolve with the franchise and enjoy the new games from here on. Have fun with your B/W 2, the last ever pokemon game which apprently you will EVER PLAY!! (p.s too much bs was in that post of urs)
Hegafire0 said:
It's pretty much your opinion VS. everyone else on this entire freaking site.

Calm down guys. People have their preferences. As a hardened 'genwunner' I get the most enjoyment out of Red and Blue. I don't think these newer games cut it and people are just jumping on the band wagon.

I hope the evolved versions of the starters look good. I could look passed the 'meh' designs for the Basic stages.
SSBBDaisy said:
Darthrai said:
Most likely they'll make some older Pokémon obtainable in the game, and some unobtainable (must be transferred from Gens IV and V).

I really hope thats the case.

On the other hand. They didn't make it possible to collect every pokemon/ even create 3d sprites for every pokemon for Myster dungeon infinity gate. Them doing that is making me think they are going to do the same thing for this game. Especially with the game coming out this early and also I doubt a 3d cartridge can handle all the old pokemon plus new pokemon, it gives me more doubts of them doing it :(.

I have my hopes up though.

GameFreak has had the 3DS dev kit longer than anyone, which leads me to believe that they've been working on these titles longer than we may think. While we were all speculating about 3D compatibility for Black and White, they probably already started working on X and Y.
Alvee777 said:
This game really isn't like any other game, and not in the good way. Did you see the video on the Home Page? The weird characters (Char. running is especially annoying), and how the pokemon fight.... I could keep going.
If they stop making DS games, and start making stuff like this, White 2 will be the last game I'll ever buy from pokemon.
I don't know about anyone else, but playing games like that when the character isn't always in the center of the screen (like in mario), is hard to control and super annoying.
:( This game is disapointing...
Even though I have a 3DS there's no way I'd play Pokemon X and Y.

Okay I feel the need to reply to this in full for some reason (probably just don't want to do more school lol). I'll attempt to keep if from sounding rude, but forgive me if it does.

This game really isn't like any other game, and not in the good way.

But it isn't in a bad way either. Sure, it's completely different and unlike all the other mainline games. But that's not bad at all. The series needed to change eventually; that 'eventually' just so happened to be now.

Did you see the video on the Home Page? The weird characters (Char. running is especially annoying),

I'm quite certain everyone here has seen the video by now so we most all know what is being discussed.

As someone stated above this post, the characters appear to be on rollerskates in one of the scenes. If you're talking about other scenes, well yeah they do look weird. But it's not bad at all just because it's foreign to us when it comes to the Pokemon series.

and how the pokemon fight.... I could keep going

The Pokemon fight just like they did in Black and White. It's just animated in 3D now is all. The circle of grass around them has always been there - the animations have always been there.

If they stop making DS games, and start making stuff like this, White 2 will be the last game I'll ever buy from pokemon.

But they NEED to stop making DS games. The DS is over - the 3DS is their current handheld - they need to embrace it and stop giving the DS so much love. I mean come on, if they put a megaton like this on the DS they would miss out on selling thousands of 3DS systems. That's not good for business at all.

Then there's the fact that a game like this would most likely not fit on a DS cartridge anyways. The 3DS cartridge can go up to eight gigs in size. The DS? Well from Wiki I'm seeing 4. Of course 4 may actually be enough, but even then the DS hardware also couldn't run the game - even if they stuffed the cart all the way up to the max.

And they aren't making "stuff like this". They're making Pokemon. It's just under a different mask.

I also feel the need to point out that you aren't buying games from Pokemon. I'm quite sure that it's still Nintendo. Though I could be wrong on this so feel free to call me out if I am.

I don't know about anyone else, but playing games like that when the character isn't always in the center of the screen (like in mario), is hard to control and super annoying.

Err... Do you play any 3D titles at all? I find it hard to believe that you don't like any game that doesn't play with character centered at all times. I mean even Mario isn't played with him in the center anymore - look at Galaxy and Multiplayer New Super Mario Bros Series. Did you abandon those games as well because they aren't centered?

That being said, I don't think I've ever come across someone who finds 3D games hard to control. 3D planes are a commonplace now, they shouldn't be hard to control on. And if they are, well that's the developer being lazy, not the game being bad because of it.

=( This game is disapointing...

But uh, you haven't even played it yet, lol. Don't judge a book by its cover and don't... Judge a game by twenty seconds of gameplay... Yep. Those two totally sound alike.

Even though I have a 3DS there's no way I'd play Pokemon X and Y.

Well, I'm sorry that you aren't willing to try something new (especially since you even have its system).
When I was searching Youtube for the trailer (again) a video had this as the cover:


It seems a lot like the 2D with the sprites. I assume that they had the original as the base and then they added 3D and rotated the camera.
Flygon2071 said:
When I was searching Youtube for the trailer (again) a video had this as the cover:


It seems a lot like the 2D with the sprites. I assume that they had the original as the base and then they added 3D and rotated the camera.

That's just fennekin