(1) Pokemon X and Y Announced! [1/8]

It would be awesome if X and Y got bundled with the Pikachu 3DS, that way it could finally be released in the US! It makes perfect sense considering this is the first main series game for the 3DS.
Well gameinformer(literally one of the last choices that I would go to for pokemon news) is saying that new information could come as early as tomorrow according to the director of consumer marketing at TPCi. Link

Also this month's corocoro will probably be leaked in the next few days, so hopefully we'll at least get the names for the two legends and maybe the boxart for the games.
godzilla41 said:
pokemon seems to be hitting different continents from now on. Which ones are left? Africa, Asia (as in india would be most likely the next choice in asian region) and australia (this game will have some awesome looking pokemons!!!!)

Probably in the africa region we will get a lion pokemon starter XD
Probably in the india region we will get a tiger starter pokemon :D
Australia region might have a kangaroo starter :)

if australia ever has a region in the future, i want a platypus water starter
I think it is safe to say that the new region is DEFINITELY based on Paris, France...

AJtheOshawott said:
I'm sorry I haven't really read through the posts, but has anybody else thought of X and Y with coordinates? I know in math we have the X axis and the Y axis when graphing and possibly that will be related to the games? Maybe we'll get our dream of having a worldwide game with all of the regions combined together? I'd like to see that finally happen cause it would finally get everybody to shut up about making remakes for the games and if they've been trying to work this out for 7 years it must have some sort of special value to them. Lets hope X and Y are big games!!

Yea in 3d graphs there are the X Y Z axis
so Im sure they will have a Yellow/Cystal/Emerald/Platinum version called Pokemon Z
So I was one of those people that got up in the middle of the night to watch the live stream. And when I saw that the new games are in 3D, I was feeling rather negative. I remember getting the first Pokemon games, Blue and Red, when I was a little girl in 1998. I felt that this is a huge change and that its going to make the gaming experience completely different from all the past main series Pokemon games. But afterall its been 15 years so I realized its just natural for the newer games to evolve in time. I hope it will be great and I hope that somehow it will stil contain the same feel the other games in the past had.
I have to admit, when I first saw the new starter pokémon I thought they looked like neopets.. But they have quickly grown on me, they are not bad at all, but I don't think Gamefreak will ever top the original 1st gen starters (in my opinion anyway). But I guess they don't have to either, I still have enjoyed every generation so far..

I did like the legendarys the first time I saw them, which I cannot say I did with the 4th gen and 5th gen legendarys, so that means GF made a really great job with them :) I guess I have a thing for legendary birds, but still :p The X legend does remind me very much of Virizion, but I could easily see it being the trio master of Virizion, Terrakion and Cobalion just like Lugia were for the birds.

I feel like the 3D world could've been better, but pokémon has never really been about graphics, so its accurally still better than I was expecting it to be :p

The thing I'm most excited about it the fact that it gets a WORLDWIDE release! The last two generation I've played the japanese ROMs because I just couldn't help myself and I have always been checking the pokémon-list before playing the game! But this generation, I will not look at any more pokémon than the one who are officially revealed before the release! It will be so awsome seeing pokémon for the first time in my accual game, and I want to discover all the legendary locations by myself!

The only thing I will miss are the sprites thought, but we don't know 100% yet that they won't be in the game. There could have sprites in the pokedex, summary screen or something..
DBKaiMagick said:
if australia ever has a region in the future, i want a platypus water starter

wouldn't that be Psyduck? I always thought he looked more like a platypus than a duck...
pokegrrrl said:
DBKaiMagick said:
if australia ever has a region in the future, i want a platypus water starter

wouldn't that be Psyduck? I always thought he looked more like a platypus than a duck...

Psyduck is nothing like a platypus.

Ah, gen 6. Y u look so damn good!? The gameplay footage looks stellar, fresh with new concepts and a region that could hold a multitude of mythology. Come at me Oct 2013
I must admit I didn't like Froakie very much at first glance. But now that I've seen some fanart of the starters, I've grown fond of it. It just takes a little time for you to get used to some of them.

Besides, there's still two stages of each yet to be revealed. Take Tepig for instance. For me, it was the best 5th gen starter when they were revealed. But Emboar, I hated it. On the other hand, Oshawott was the worst for me. But with his evolutionary chain revealed, he became my favorite.

That's why I'm not jumping to conclusions to which one I'm picking before their 2 other stages are revealed :D
Fennekin from Fennec Fox and Kin (as in kinship)
Fennec Fox are unusually different because they live as a pair or family unlike other foxes which are solitary.

Additional Information: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, a french aviator, likes fennec foxes, and drew an inspiration from them as the fox in The Little Prince

Froakie possibly Frog, Croak, Froth (as in Foam)
The white stuff around Froakie is a foam, a characteristic of certain frogs when they lay eggs, they produce foam to protect their eggs.
Possibly because frog legs are famous in france, however, its not the only country that use them as food.
The pokémon angle is obvious, but I'm also really looking forward to exploring a new game without having seen any of the places or heard about any of the gyms or characters or the storyline.

I can see a whole new tourist industry popping up - tours of france showing where the different pokemon landmarks came from! Or competitions to find them on google streetview. :)
Chespin possibly Chestnut and Espin (french for Spines)
Louis XII, a king who ruled France long ago, used porcupine on his emblem.
The spines on Chespin's head resembles the thorns of a unopened chestnut and a crown.
Possibly a Monarch themed Pokemon
scuba steveE said:
Well gameinformer(literally one of the last choices that I would go to for pokemon news) is saying that new information could come as early as tomorrow according to the director of consumer marketing at TPCi. Link

Also this month's corocoro will probably be leaked in the next few days, so hopefully we'll at least get the names for the two legends and maybe the boxart for the games.

Everything about this post is making me excited. I loved Black and White but didn't feel Gamefreak were pushing themselves, X & Y on the other hand, just look put of this world. I can't wait to see the new legendary Trio, any ideas of what the theme will be? We've had birds, dogs, golems, pixies and weird sword dog/deers...
Just thought of something, maybe we could have the Tour de France in this game? Maybe it could have increasing difficulty levels, and the prizes could be rare berries, and maybe at the hardest race have a starter as a prize (the one the starter originally picked has an advantage over).