(1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

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Missingno. Master said:
I actually like the idea of those battle field condition things. Especially the Poison Field. And a green cobra to compliment Reshiram and Zekrom? Nice. Especially if it turns out to be Dragon/Poison!

Martijn-what else do you know? I'll understand if you aren't allowed to say too much, or if you already shared all of what you know, but can you at least answer one thing for me? Koffing and Weezing- will they be in the regional Pokedex?

Hope Koffing and Weezing will be because I'm really hoping for Choaking*cross fingers*!
LoL Choaking. If what GameFreak said was actually true about the new "Revolution of Pokémon", expect the unexpected.
typhlonruxs said:
Hope Koffing and Weezing will be because I'm really hoping for Choaking*cross fingers*!
I'm hoping for it not so much for a Weezing evolution so much as for Weezing itself. My favorite Pokemon, and all that.

A Weezing evolution WOULD be OK, depending on what it wound up looking like...
Very interesting Mr. Gamer (may I call you Mr. Gamer?)

You give WPM secret information about the game, then join the forums to 'elaborate' on the 'secret' information from an 'unknown' 'source'.

Who are you? Both Mr. Gamer and Mr. Informant? Only Mr. Gamer? The fake Pokémon thing, that was a fail. You shouldn't have bothered to tell us that you could show us. Nintendo probably wouldn't let you release unofficial concept art regardless. At least not while the game is still being developed. But what do I know? The world is changing quickly.

Mr. Gamer seems like a leaky oil well; just spouting information out that he probably shouldn't. Some of that information is even false... Mr. Informant (the guy who contacted WPM) seems like he knows what he's talking about.

Mr. Gamer, your credibility and identity are being called into question. How will you respond?
Yeah ummm I'm not buying this now. Please see the update everyone. This guy was also playing Serebii. He's still telling me through IM that he is telling the truth, and I do believe he is credible, but something just isn't right here.
Wait a minute!I while ago the title was like this Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Fake (Update!) (8 PM, Important Update!) but now Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed (Update!) (8 PM, Important Update!).Is it really fake WPM?
Wut?! My fakemon Tauring here and is claimed to be Tauros new evo? ... riiiight... HEY GameFreak! Please ask me next time you want to use my fakemon! xD (i'm the creator of it(first one))
But if it's true Mucrush, that your Tauros evo is the inspiration, you should be honored.
tweety210 said:
Hoax or not. Theres not much we can do about it right? ...Let's interrogate him.

ya lets pull a jack bauer... cut off his finger with a cigar cutter.... cut deep wounds into him and poor hydrogen peroxide in them for the hell of it... electrocute him using a car battery, and then finish it all of by shooting him in the knee...

just kiidn... :p
This blatant copyright infringement is upsetting to me.
WPM, maybe you could have a more thorough way of scouting out the lies from the truth.

How could you possibly post a headline, believing what someone said who only joined TODAY?
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