(1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

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clever712 said:
Yeah. it's been awhile, but I'll join in again.

We (the sceptics) don't have to prove that he is lying. The burden of proof lies with the one making the claim. He claims the stuff he says is true, so he has to prove it to be true, otherwise, he is lying. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

double and triple this so like I said earlier , be patient all will be revealed. And if he is indeed lying then it will be on him when the truth is out.
IF I wanted any Farfetch'd evolution, then I'd want this one drawn by JESGRAD07 on dA

ok fine I'll say it I think the guy is a liar but I'm not gonna call him it.. there is a teeny tiny,..ever so slim chance he is being truthful..but we will not know until it is shown :p
Jesgrad is awesome. He has some of the best fakemons on DA.

If this all turns out to be true, I just know the bipedal Tauros evo is gonna look stupid.

- and about the earlier posts about going to sleep....
Who sleeps at night nowadays anyway? XD.
Am I the only one who's getting a bit annoyed how people continue to call Martin a liar without giving him the chance to answer? Sometimes it takes awhile to word an answer properly, you guys. Especially when you're being asked questions like these at a rate of 10 questions a minute. Good lord.
Weyard said:
- and about the earlier posts about going to sleep....
Who sleeps at night nowadays anyway? XD.

I don't lol, I sleep during the day just like any other self respecting gamer!
Why am I enjoying all of this?

What I found really funny is when some of the members decided to go all CSI and started interrogating him.

But on topic: One thing that can give us more reason to believe him: In a early post he stated that you will be able to play a demo of Black at E3 this week. As far as I know, no one knows that, so if at E3 there are playable demos of Black, there is reason to believe him.
Bagel said:
I don't lol, I sleep during the day just like any other self respecting gamer!


My sleep schedule goes in cycles of staying up all night, each day going to sleep a little later until I'm on a "normal" schedule (waking up at 7-8am, goin to sleep at 10pm-12am). Then it slowly drifts back into this awesome gaming schedule and stays that way for months XD.

On Topic: I have been trolled hard with leaks like this before, so I shouldn't believe him. But I do.

The only real negative aspect here is the Minotauros fan-art he thought/claimed/posted as though it was the real thing.
157 pokemon
new type
new mechanics
"weather stones"
Ghost/Steel Mons

not sure if want:
Taurus evo

so if thats the only falsehood here i'm good :)
PokemasterKev said:
invisibull is my fave! lol

i personally like Fishgun.... and Hitmonsteve of course

Dragonlord- of course i do...the gyms are dead because GF decided they cost too much... and youre gonna be stuck in hiunn city the whole time
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