(1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

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I know I'm new here, but, I just wanna input my two cents on this issue about this guy: If he is standing by his claim for this long, and is still able to make jokes despite the continued bashing, I seriously think he's not necessarily in the wrong here. And, if it turns out he was wrong, what then? If he genuinely believed that what he is telling is to be the truth, and he may turn out to be wrong, what then? Bash and laugh at him even more because of one slip-up? I mean, don't get me wrong: I'm one of the biggest skeptics in the world, but.... No one deserves stuff like this. I seriously have been coming to this site for awhile now, but never actually joined until today. Mods/Admins, do whatever you want to me, too, but... seriously: give the guy a break. The Minotauros thing could just was indeed false (that we know) but whose to say he's wrong? Just as there's no way to prove the guy right, there's also really no way to prove him wrong, either. Even if he does turn out to be wrong, you're harping on him for being a troll when he seriously could just be trying to do something for a very devoted community that he wanted to offer something to. A little wariness is all fine and dandy, but venom kills. And, if indeed he does wind up to be a troll, don't harp on the guy so much. He may indeed still be a decent guy, but decided to do something incredibly stupid. Everyone makes mistakes... just remember that.


ANYWHO, on to the actual topic: I, for one, would LOVE to see more RPG elements brought into a mainstream Pokemon game. Pokemon was sort of the pavement for modern RPGs, what with the few (albeit also very simple decisions) presented like trades and choosing a Hitmon- and the like, not to mention that it also was a big thing in that it eliminated a world map. It helped shape and introduce go-between routes that actually helped out. I think it's about time Pokemon added something it help build. Another thing that would be cool is indeed the cobra. Snakes have often represented deceit, and deceit isn't necessarily good or evil. It resides in the gray area of things because it is a moral viewpoint and often leads to both good and bad outcomes. Granted, the green doesn't really make sense, but if it is the olive-ish color that was given as a demonstration of color, than that kinda makes sense. Olive is associated with peace, which is synonymous with the word balance. Perhaps this Pokemon is meant to offset and balance the forces of good and evil, yin and yang, when one overpowers another? Another type wouldn't be so bad, either, assuming GF doesn't screw it up. I dunno, but... I like it. Anyway, bash away at me, too, but... just wanted to voice my opinion as well. Thank you for those of you who actually bothered to even read this wall :p


about the snake, it was my interpretation that it does indeed represent the containment of the balance like an outside rim of the yin-yang, which would be awesome I think, especially if it is an ouroboros. But that is just the Alchemy fan in me coming out.

edit: courtesy of google for example

he said he pretty much said everything he knew so all these other questions are pretty much pointless

except for when he errmm..mentioned err,,, the possiblity of ,,a new...*coughtypecough*
Back! I missed a lot. Phew, you guys sure do get riled up easily, haha.
A-Team was awesome.


My only comment is, after some thinking, that I think the "green cobra" is likely a Tsutajajajawhatever evolution. Even if the third mascot-legendary is snake-like, it wouldn't make sense for it to be green. I read someplace--either here or Serebii, I don't remember--that Nintendo has already patented Pokemon Gray/Grey [along with two other, red-based ones that I don't recall], so if anything, the final Pokemon in the trio will be shades of grey. Green just seems...Out of left field.

We'll see!

Off to bed with me. =,= zzz~
He's probably asleep for whatever reason. It is kinda late for some people, and if he is indeed Martijn and from the Netherlands, it's like 7 a.m. for him. That's kinda early.

Thanks Bagel! I've actually done a little research into religious/mythological studies, and I found out a lot about the snake. It is not just revered as a deceiver either: it is also regarded as a guardian. The story of Buddha being shielded by the serpent king is a great example. Another great association is the venom often associated with snakes. Sure it can be deadly, but when used properly, it has tremendous healing abilities. This further reinforces the balance and gray area that often resides between the boundaries of good and evil. Someone earlier said something about how Gamefreak wouldn't delve into religious or mythological areas, but Pokemon really is a giant realm of Mythology. It has guardians of Time, Space, and Antimatter, beings of spirit (the Pixies) makers and creators of the world as we know it who can create water or land out of thin air, Golems that represent nature, phoenixes, etc... not to mention that fact that it has always growth nad always tried to teach a lesson of good and for standing up to corruption in ways that children can understand. Meh.... another long post, but, it's something that's been floating in my head for a very long time.
What GameFreak has done is added a element of myth and legend that are prevalent in a number of religions and folklore; but, by not actually labeling them as such, they provide a non-partisan view of some of the major fundamentals of good natured morals which are the root of most major religions.
Bagel said:
What GameFreak has done is added a element of myth and legend that are prevalent in a number of religions and folklore; but, by not actually labeling them as such, they provide a non-partisan view of some of the major fundamentals of good natured morals which are the root of most major religions.

This is exactly what I was meaning. Sure they have God in every sense of the word, but it doesn't exactly specify of which faith. In fact, Gen. IV had a sort of religion all on its own. I admire the ability that they seem to have of inputting something like that while maintaining an unbiased view on it all. It's part of what makes the game so enjoyable for the older crowd because it does delve into something deeper than: OMG IZ A POKEMON, and: OH NOEZ!! THEY'ZE BAD PEOPLE, I GOTTA STOPZ DEM FROM DOIN' MEAN THINGS!!
I've been reading this for quite some time and I'm not sure about all of these rumors. They sound good and I hope they are true to some extent. Also about E3, you can also watch Nintendo's Press Conference at http://e3.nintendo.com/
It all goes along with the suspicion that lately GameFreak has been trying to put in subtle and underlying adult/teen ideals into the games in such a way as to not overwhelm the younger audience but to add more depth for the veteran trainers of the series. Much like myself, who was in junior high when blue/red came out.

doodad126 said:
I've been reading this for quite some time and I'm not sure about all of these rumors. They sound good and I hope they are true to some extent. Also about E3, you can also watch Nintendo's Press Conference at http://e3.nintendo.com/

thanks for the tip :)

Thats 12:00 noon Eastern
11:00am Central
10:00am Mountain
9:00am Pacific

5:00pm London
Stand Alone said:
Sure they have God in every sense of the word, but it doesn't exactly specify of which faith. In fact, Gen. IV had a sort of religion all on its own. I admire the ability that they seem to have of inputting something like that while maintaining an unbiased view on it all. It's part of what makes the game so enjoyable for the older crowd because it does delve into something deeper than: OMG IZ A POKEMON, and: OH NOEZ!! THEY'ZE BAD PEOPLE, I GOTTA STOPZ DEM FROM doing' MEAN THINGS!!

Yes, but with every move GF inches towards angry, ignorant parents saying "This defies our religion, it must be stopped!"
I, personally, was 6 when Pokemon came out. I remember finding such subtle hints about Mew and all and piecing things together from there. That alone is what has made me so devoted to the series, not the new Pokemon or graphics or battle system, but the ability to build a world almost completely mirroredd of our own, including a religious, serious undertone below all of the fun trivialities of the rest of it. That was really the first child's game I ever played that actually managed to accomplish that. And, to tell you the truth, I LOVED finding out about Arceus. It basically established Pokemon as a coming-of-age game to me in that it had both concepts a child can understand but is completely open about so debatable and objective like a god of all things.

@rockoto: Yeah... pretty much anything you find in the world can be associated with religion and all anymore. And it's mostly just blind ignorance of people to another view that causes it. I like how GF is trying to unify everything.
the important thing to remember is despite all the deep underlying, that these are just games. Awesome games with decent morality, but games none-the-less.
Bagel said:
thats a risk any magical/fantasy genre game/book/movie takes

Ah. I see

And Stand Alone, whoa. 0.0 I wish I was as open minded when I was 6...
October said:
I signed up for these forums to make a simple point I'm surprised that noone has considered yet.

"Minotauros" sure as heck isn't a Japanese name, now is it? As far as I can tell, the new English names have not been created yet. So why, if this guy is legitimate, would he call it "Minotauros" and claim it to be the right name without even claiming he calls it that himself or made it up?

Come on, guys.

Though, I would not be surprised if some--if not most--of the information is correct.

IKR? I'm really suprised that no one here has really, like.. discussed that. It seems really obvious to me.

FireGrey said:
I'm still stunned with how awesome the zooming in and out and fully animated pokemon are...

Stunning, right? I'm so excited.
The only thing that strikes me as slightly awkward is that, while the camera zooms, the sprite looks suddenly very... 2-D.
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