Yeah, not too much too get in this set. Some good FB Pokemon though. I gotta love Dewgong for raping Machamp and Rampardos. Heh. Seaking sucks, as predicted unfortuantely or fortunately. >__> Oh no, another Wailord tank. ;f Not as good though. Feebas is an amazing starter against SP. I may have to fit him in whatever deck I'm playing, just to take advantage of 3+ cards to draw with one energy. Instead of an amazing Wailord tank, Milotic will be the tank of choice. You can pretty much prevent all damage by keeping a steady hand of 9. 7 with Uxie, and then plenty of draw cards. ;o The Shiny Milotic isn't that good, with a not so good attack. No cards is again, hard to keep every turn, but with Rayquaza it may be a good tech. Plusle is a decent starter, Minun is excellent in a Electric deck.
Electivire FB and Electivire FB Lv.X combo beautifully together. Not only amazing art, but amazing cards as well. That will be a huge powerhouse with some type of energy accelerator, probably Leafeon. Mr. Mime is cool against Rampardos, allowing a 2HKO, but nothing special. Medicham is a cool combo card with itself, but giving your opponent cards is a death sentence. The return of Luna-Rock? Not so much. Decent Lv.X prevention, but nothing really more. I do like Solrock's attack though. Keep up the discard. ;o THANK GOD FOR A BAD CLAYDOL CARD. Tee-hee. I had my fun. Chingling is a decent starter.
OMG OMG OMG OMG Dusknoir FB may just be the best card in this deck. Discard SP. Do more damage. I love him completely. Primeape is pretty cool, but very situational. I love the donking Mankey more. :] Rhyperior is good for opponent's deck disruption. 4 for 60 is wayyyy overpriced though. Sweet, Relicanth is the perfect SP counter with all the tools and Stadiums. Great sniper. Honckrow also punishes SP heavily. He just countered Dusknoir FB COMPLETELY. :[ He can combo well with a lot of things. I still like Absol/Absol Lv.X too. Skarmory can be a decent anti-SP card...Beldum officially helps me with getting a Stadium for Toxitank/Mightytank. :] Little slow though. Combos beautifully with Metagross, which punishes SP Pokemon's low HP even more.
Dodrio is already overhyped. 1 card from a Stage 1? Uxie usually nabs me 4/5, and Claydol nabs me 3/4. Uxie is a Basic and Claydol is a Stage 1. If this is the best we'll have for drawpower, the metagame is sunk...Still like Dragonite. Exploud helps out that x2 Weakness from SP. Rayquaza is the same as is Staraptor. Still great cards. Same with Chatot. Lickilicky is nerfed Claydol/Uxie. Still like Regigigas FB too. Night Teleporter is flippy and near useless. Now if we didn't have to shuffle our hand back in, it may be great. For now, it's a nerfed Pidgeot FRLG. Cyrus's Initiative sucks. Only if the opponent has one or two good cards is it good. Should've been a Trainer. Love Palmers, Champion's Room, Battle Tower, and SP Energy.
All the rest of the SP Pokemon suck, except Garchomp C Lv.X, Togekiss C, Buffer Piece, and TGI-G 107. I love how Sableye says shuffle your opponent's deck. Talk about a Suprise when you steal it. >__>
Yeah, not an amazing set, but good for collectors. Infernape FB Lv.X will probably see the most play. I like Electivire FB/Electivire FB Lv.X, Dusknoir FB, and Absol/Absol Lv.X the most.
dmaster out,