(1) September's 'CoroCoro' Scans Apparently Leaking [9/10]

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So ash's mum drives ash somewhere in the anime and Mijumaru is protecting kibago and Pikachu from koromori. These commercial and slowbro man are creepy.
"so your telling me that you didn't find it interesting at all when you fought dialga and palkia? the epic music?"

You need to play a real RPG. Final Fantasy VI or Chrono Trigger would do you some good. The music for Dialga/Palkia was far from "epic" and the game's "storyline" barely makes for a child's cartoon.

"never mind obviously you cannot comprehend the point I am attempting to get across."

He said "no offense" and you reply back with a pretty mean statment. Yea, maybe you shouldn't play a good RPG afterall, it doesn't seem like they're really for you.
does anyone know that music that plays when slowpoke was doing acrobats lol

i really wat that zorua doll lol!!!
"There should be a limit though. Do we really need another evil team? I'm sure there's better ways of making "conflict" as a story point in pokemon games. Hell, take a tip from the comics/manga and make one of the elite four a genocidal maniac and you have to beat him in the league to stop him .

But something other than evil teams >_<"

You gotta understand that the games are primarily aimed at kids, even though they're made for anyone to enjoy.

The whole "take down the evil organization while getting gym badges" is easy for kids to understand and they feel like they're the hero. I mean, it obviously works if you have kids saying that D/P has an epic storyline lol.
You gotta understand that the games are primarily aimed at kids, even though they're made for anyone to enjoy.
The whole "take down the evil organization while getting gym badges" is easy for kids to understand and they feel like they're the hero. I mean, it obviously works if you have kids saying that D/P has an epic storyline lol

That last bit was a dirty move man :p

I guess thats a good point, but I don't see how it can't be easier without having an evil team. Looking at the rescue dungeon games, they can come up with some really clever stories that make you care about the characters yet still keeping it simple enough.

I know, I sound very stubborn with it, but I am sick to death of fighting several members of one unit that have the same exact pokemon at every turn. I couldn't even tolerate Rocket in HGSS because I was sick of Galactic being everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE. You couldn't go two cities without having to deal with them. To top it off, you have to deal with them even AFTER the game. It gets tiring, especially if the villains aren't good in the first place.
I wish i could have heard the team plasma music

hey, I now this is news for you but it's called an opinion.
wow so like im sure the games will leak sometime this week (possibly before Wednesday prehaps??) i wanna see all the in game sprites and im really interested what the music going to sound like.. because from what im hearing its sounding reaall good ^_^

Slowpoke man=epic win!!^_^
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