(1) September's 'CoroCoro' Scans Apparently Leaking [9/10]

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Well, look at the bottom of the starter/legendary scan. It has the numbers (14) and (15) while all of the others are black numbers over a gold pokeball sign. I was just pointing out that they're (much) different.
The starter scan is completely and totally fake!

The page numbering on the bottom goes from 15 to 14 from left to right, instead of 14 to 15 from right to left, and Reshiram’s nose is magically floating over the crease of the page!

That scan is fake, fake, fake, fake FAKE.
Why would they spend there time to create a fake Corocoro page that has images from he commercial sorry but this is real real real.
@LuxTwo I forgot to include one part of my post. It reads 14 to 15 from left to right, which would be correct if it was American, but in Japan, they read right to left, so it reads 15-14 for them, which is wrong.
to tell you the truth, i dont think there real either, now plz no one "go off" on me because i said this(maybe deep down i know the're real, but im in denial)
I'm pretty sure the starter scan is fake, but the actual pokemon are real. On another website, there are scans that have the images of the starter evolutions on actual pages.
Didn't the previous starter scan have the page number in a yellow circle at the bottom of the page? And as GonSmithe pointed out, it's odd how Reshiram's nose isn't affected by the crease in the pages.
For goodness sake's, you people just cannot accept somethings. Even when the games are out, you'll be telling us the starter evos are fake. It has been confirmed in so many ways. Personally, I'm loving the artwork, whether or not the page is real.
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