(1) This Week's 'Pokemon X' and 'Y' News Releases [6/10]

Prefer Fletchling than that evo. It took all the cuteness and simplicity I loved from it.n :( The sea horse reminds me of Seadra (of course it is a sea horse but it reminds more more Seadra than Horsea or Kingdra). The crab looks meh (for some reason it reminds me of Nincada probably that it is small and looks metallic). The other 2 Pokemon that were revealed before look better IMO.

(maybe helioptile buries himself in sand leaving only his head out to collect sunlight. in the screen shot it was a dessert terrain, so it's easy to step on it)

Must do with Trapinch if that is true.
If that is indeed the Relentless Evolution, I have to give +1 to Game Freak. That thing is sick and is living up to his relentless nature.

Seahorse and crab honestly look meh to me right now. I'll wait for the official artwork, but those two I'm actually kind of disappointed with and I have liked almost every single Gen 6 Pokemon so far.

dmaster out.
Seahorse looked like a squid to me at first. Could be Inkay or Malimar (more likely Inkay). The bird is.... okay (where's its neck??), and I think I like the blue thing, but I can barely make out what it even is.
the quality of the pictures is pretty bad (no offense WPM, we are very thankful), so maybe it's stealing some of their...idk, fearsomeness and cuteness?
Do you mean Gen 6? Also, there's so much awesome news, I cant handle it.

it says
"do you want a sky battle with me?"
Whoo! Really hyped about this new generation more than ever now. Pokemon-amie is going to be one of my favorite new mechanics, I can see it now.. I've always loved things like tamagachi/giga pets (and heck I still play Neopets) so this is going to be a field day for me.

Noivern looks pretty dang BA. At first glance, I too thought it was hideous because I thought its ears were actually its eyes (I was just looking at the tiny picture.) At second glance, I instantly thought "Swoobat evo!". It has the same connected ears, a somewhat heart-shaped nose, the white fur around its neck, and the general coloration is the same. And they they're both bats. But this isnt going to be a luvdisc-alomomola situation for me, because I can also definitely see why they wouldnt be related (the typing, and that its also most likely based on a wyvern which was an awesome move on their part.)
Now I just think it looks pretty dang cool.
As for Vivillon, I don't normally like pink Pokemon, but I actually really like this one. I like the rectangular, almost pixel-like repetition pattern it has going on, not only in the colors but on the wing pattern and eyes as well, and I like the random blue on its wings. The eyes are unusual but at the same time makes it look pretty cute. Spewpa sounds like an adorable name, I hope the design will fit.
And for Fairy type... called it long ago. Woohoo. :D

I somehow did not know direct would be airing today.. completely missed the memo. I was looking at WPMs list of upcoming X/Y events posted the other day, and the most recent I saw was the E3 so I set my alarm for that one and completely missed this one. D: Curses. Oh well.. I will definitely catch the E3!

Heres to gen 6 being the generation of Pokemon that people wont constantly complain about, and what more people will come to respect!
alapost said:
the quality of the pictures is pretty bad (no offense WPM, we are very thankful), so maybe it's stealing some of their...idk, fearsomeness and cuteness?

I was thinking the same. Low-res pictures are never very flattering.

Could blue-thing be based on a mantis shrimp? I hope so... Would be a good candidate for Water/Fire.

(In case you're wondering why Fire, mantis shrimp have the ability to close their claws so insanely fast, that this happens: "The snap can also produce sonoluminescence from the collapsing bubble. This will produce a very small amount of light and high temperatures in the range of several thousand kelvins within the collapsing bubble")
Sky battles confirmed true! WOOHOO! Yessssss! I can't wait to see how will they look in action! I hope something like Guardian Signs style.
I think its before the scene changes and its the same Haunter from above :)

Apparently what I was answering was deleted, but it was supposed to be an answer to what you could see through the Haunter :)
Wow it seems I got on PB at just the right moment...

I'll be honest... the seahorse is kinda.. scary lookin'. It looks like its head is just a pile of muck and its eyes are so bloodshot red. Im hoping Inkay will still be reserved for a the long-overdue squid Pokemon.

The Fletchling evo design is kinda... meh. Its alright, cant really complain. I do like how there are red spots mixed in with the gray. And look at how there are flamelike designs on its chest, this leads me to believe more that it will be a Fire/Flying. :)

The little crustacean thing is pretty cool, I hope Frezgle is right and it does turn out to be based on a mantis shrimp. owo

I've been very optimistic about this generation, so im not going to complain about anything until I see the official Ken Sugimori art. No offense, these pictures aren't in the best quality (not that we definitely dont appreciate it!) :p
I now wonder how swimming and flying will look in this game. Will it still be a "shadowed-Pokemon" transporting you from place to place, or will you finally be able to see that Doduo taking you on an aerial ride?
This is shaping up to be one of my favorite gens in a while. I'm not trying to say that the others were bad or anything, but its seems like they're taking a simpler approach this gen and not trying to over-complicate the designs. Its paying off quite nicely

-Not surprised Fairy-type got confirmed. I always kinda felt like that Ursaring and Clefairy shouldn't be the same type, so im glad they're changing some of the old pokemon
-Noivern looks pretty awesome. One of my favorites thus far
-Vivillon looks nice too. Almost thought it would be a bug/fairy type before i read the info.
-Seahorse thing - Definitely agree that this is probably Inkay. I can't remember if the leak gave a typing for Inkay, so im gonna guess poison/water?(yes, poison as primary) EDIT: went back and looked and the leaks says its a dark/psychic...this one does really look dark/pcychic so i think it might not be inkay
-Bird. Its gotta be a Fletchling evolution. Kinda wished the evo had followed the same arrow/archer pattern, but I like the design none the less. I swear if this isn't fire/flying im going to freak :p
- Can't really tell too much about the crawfish/shrimp thing. probably have to wait for better picture from that
EDIT: Saw the 2nd crawfish/shrimp picture. I like it. Nice color scheme.