(2) August CoroCoro Scans, Basurao Revealed from 'Black' and 'White' Demos [7/8]

Does that look like Pokabu Evolution?? i did't see this Pokémon yet

Some1 plz tell :D
Does that look like Pokabu Evolution?? i did't see this Pokémon yet

Some1 plz tell :D
RangerX said:
Does that look like Pokabu Evolution?? i did't see this Pokémon yet

Some1 please tell :D

Thats pokabu with a drill attack covering most of it.
Luvdisc is a heart. The only notable things about it is the tiny circle under its eye and the lighter pink color around its mouth. Mamanbou shares neither of those characteristics.
I knew stupid and ignoring people did exist, I never knew they could be so ignoring and stupid till I saw this thread.

I have no words for it ._.

Stupidity wins I think, I give up..

Give me any valid reason why they aren't related, give me one please?

Don't use arguements like; Mamanbou doesn't have a beak! So what? Geodude doesn't have any legs either, so that means it shouldn't evolve in Graveler?

Different color? Poliwhirl > Politoed.

Anyway go ahead, give me one reason. Only one valid reason.
Tarazuma said:
Thanks for posting that, I was too busy typing to bother with a comparison pic. But yeah, even LOOKING at them they don't even look remotely similar.

Of course, that opens up the argument of "pokemon look different when they evolve". It's impossible to win with anyone basing it on the appearance, because the arguments go something like this:

Luvdisc debunker: I highly doubt it's a Luvdisc evo since they said 5th gen only
Luvdisc debunker: *looks* It honestly looks nothing like Luvdisc
Luvdisc debunker: But you just said it's a Luvdisc evo purely BECAUSE of it's appearance...

and so on...

Aahhhh seriously now, DEAD HORSE. FLOGGING.

This is a person argument on both sides.

SamuStar said:
Also Luvdisc doesn't have the abilities of Mamambou (of course Healing Heart is new, but Hydration is from generation 4, but Luvdisc doesn't have it)... So they might be unrelated

No one said Pokemon couldn't change abilities during evolution. It's rare, but it happens.
Firemaker said:
Luvdisc is a heart. The only notable things about it is the tiny circle under its eye and the lighter pink color around its mouth. Mamanbou shares neither of those characteristics.
But you have to admit, Meditite looks nothing like Medicham. It's seen before.

I swear, if it's not a Luvdisc evolution... I'm gonna eat my hat.
Firemaker said:
Luvdisc is a heart. The only notable things about it is the tiny circle under its eye and the lighter pink color around its mouth. Mamanbou shares neither of those characteristics.

Opinion. Since we're going to talk with opinions here:

IMO the most notable thing is that it's shaped like a heart and it looks kinda feminine, being heart shaped and all.

Mamambo has feminine eyes, is heart shaped, has evolved fins....
It's not like their differing colors. We are talking about a different shade of pink here. If Mamambo was Blue for example, I would say oh it looks similar but its a different color so it might not be related. They are both PINK. GF could have made it any color of the rainbow if it was going to be a separate pokemon, a sunfish at that. Most Sunfish are lightblue/yellow.

Pokequaza said:
I knew stupid and ignoring people did exist, I never knew they could be so ignoring and stupid till I saw this thread.

I have no words for it ._.

Stupidity wins I think, I give up..

Give me any valid reason why they aren't related, give me one please?

Don't use arguements like; Mamanbou doesn't have a beak! So what? Geodude doesn't have any legs either, so that means it shouldn't evolve in Graveler?

Different color? Poliwhirl > Politoed.

Anyway go ahead, give me one reason. Only one valid reason.

If internets were an actual currency, you would have won a few just now.
mybrilliant said:
Really? Not even remotely?

2 similarities only: the pink color, and the VAGUE heart shape. Luvdisc looks EXACTLY like a heart.

Weyard said:
How is it brilliant when that's not even the supporter's argument? Our arguement is that it looks JUST LIKE IT. When Pokemon evolve they change slightly, some change to an extreme degree. In this case, Luvdisc changes VERY SLIGHTLY. It gains fins to be more correct. THAT IS ALL. Some of you are acting like they look NOTHING alike. I really don't see all of these differences that some of you are pretending to see.

Ok, I'm going to point out EVERY SINGLE DIFFERENCE then.

Body: Mamanbo's body is shaped like an ACTUAL ocean sunfish. Luvdisc's body is shaped exactly like a HEART.

Mouth: Luvdisc has thin narrow lips that form the point of it's "heart" shape. Mamanbo has a flat mouth exactly like an ocean sunfish.

Eyes: Luvdisc has solid black eyes, Mamanbo has white eyes with a yellow iris, and purplish eyelids.

Cheeks: Luvdisc has pink cheek spots, Mamanbo does not.

Fins: Luvdisc has no fins, Mamanbo has dorsal fins and side fins.

Color: Luvdisc's entire body is a darker pink, except for it's lips. Mamanbo's body is a light pink, with slightly darker pink on it's fins.

So now all you can respond to that with is "POKEMON CHANGE WHEN THEY EVOLVE" right? Go ahead, prove my brilliant example from before right about Luvdisc evo supporters.
Zalman said:
But you have to admit, Meditite looks nothing like Medicham. It's seen before.

I swear, if it's not a Luvdisc evolution... I'm gonna eat my hat.
Lol, Meditite DOES look like Medicham

About the ability point, we don't know anything yet about Luvdisc's abilities in the 5th gen, it could be that it also gets Healing Heart as a second ability, so only Swift Swim would change into Hydration. And that common to change one ability, that's no arguement either.
Corocoro Come on!! Im so tired of Waiting!! Im gonna Scream if it doesnt come soon!
Im gonna go eat some Coco Puffs! Hmph!

This thread is really making me *facepalm*

Mamanbou IS Luvdisc's evolution, without a doubt. They are both heart-shaped, pink fishes. They don't look EXACTLY alike, but that's because evolved Pokémon always look like their pimped up previous forms. Even Magnezone and Magneton look less alike but still everyone knew that they were related. So why is there so much doubt about Mamanbou and Luvdisc?
Seriously, guys, stop arguing about Mamambou! No-one has ANY proof either way, so you're just rehashing the same argument over and over. Did you ever stop and think that other people in this topic might not want to hear two/three peoples' OPINIONS on a new pokemon over and over again?

It is Luvdisc's evo. It's not Luvdisc's evo. You can't say for sure. NOBODY CAN.

If you want to discuss it's abilities or characteristics, please do so. Most of us here love to debate the new pokemon. But stop arguing about Mamambou's origins. We DON'T KNOW.

Getting back to discussing the new pokemon, potential corocoro scans and other stuff would be great!
Tarazuma said:
Ok, I'm going to point out EVERY SINGLE DIFFERENCE then.

Body: Mamanbo's body is shaped like an ACTUAL ocean sunfish. Luvdisc's body is shaped exactly like a HEART.

Mouth: Luvdisc has thin narrow lips that form the point of it's "heart" shape. Mamanbo has a flat mouth exactly like an ocean sunfish.

Eyes: Luvdisc has solid black eyes, Mamanbo has white eyes with a yellow iris, and purplish eyelids.

Cheeks: Luvdisc has pink cheek spots, Mamanbo does not.

Fins: Luvdisc has no fins, Mamanbo has dorsal fins and side fins.

Color: Luvdisc's entire body is a darker pink, except for it's lips. Mamanbo's body is a light pink, with slightly darker pink on it's fins.

So now all you can respond to that with is "POKEMON CHANGE WHEN THEY EVOLVE" right? Go ahead, prove my brilliant example from before right about Luvdisc evo supporters.
Yes I will response with that, you make it seem like that Pokemon shouldn't change at all when they evolve. Oh god, Wooper lost its gills upon evolution, Quagsire can't be its evolution :O

This thread is so funny.
Pokequaza said:
Lol, Meditite DOES look like Medicham
More than Luvdisc looks like Mamanbou?

blastoise91 said:
Corocoro Come on!! Im so tired of Waiting!! Im gonna Scream if it doesnt come soon!
Im gonna go eat some Coco Puffs! Hmph!
It's obvious by now that it's over for now. If the trend continues, next round will be in about 18 hours.