(2) August CoroCoro Scans, Basurao Revealed from 'Black' and 'White' Demos [7/8]

Mucrush said:
Niiice! Update on Serebii says (from the BW demo tour) says that example when its winter (with snow), there can be snow"stairs" to places you couldn't reach before! Awesome! And your character can change to winterclothes too! 8D

sweet i always wanted that!
Mucrush said:
Niiice! Update on Serebii says (from the BW demo tour) says that example when its winter (with snow), there can be snow"stairs" to places you couldn't reach before! Awesome! And your character can change to winterclothes too! 8D

Ok now THATS COOL hopefully in the Official Third installment of the 5th generation There will be Two New main Boy and Girl that would be SWEAT!
Mucrush said:
Niiice! Update on Serebii says (from the BW demo tour) says that example when its winter (with snow), there can be snow"stairs" to places you couldn't reach before! Awesome! And your character can change to winterclothes too! 8D
Great it was something that I didn't expected to happen.
blastoise91 said:
Now see if you really look at these guys they kinda look alike and they kinda don't look alike to me it could be a possible side-evo of evo who knows :p
No offense, but please... no. Not this discussion again. Too many evolution speculations... (Even though I can't help myself and join them.)

This is how I see it:

Mamanboe is an evolution of Luvdisc. They look very similar, even more than some other evolution lines.
Pachirisu and Emonga are not related at all. They're very different except for the fact that they're Pikaclones. It's a trend to make a Pikaclone every generation. Why stop?
Weyard said:
I always wanted a little more customization, this isn't it, but its a nice start.
Agreed. It's a very cool concept.
Weyard, most of those responses to my pointing out the differences are just you stating how Pokemon change when they evolve, which just proves my point about Luvdisc evo supporters circular logic. And the thing about new Pokemon being more "realisitc" is invalid, look at Blastoise. Yeah, actual turtles have huge water cannons coming out of their shells >>

And do you even KNOW what an ocean sunfish looks like?! You keep saying Luvdisc is supposed to represent one, and yet have ZERO proof of this. Yet I have more reasons it's NOT based on a sunfish. First of all, it's WAY too small. Ocean sunfish are HUGE. Secondly it looks like a valentine's heart. It's SUPPOSED TO. It's Japanese name is even "Lovecus". Wheras Mamanbo is a play on words of "mambo" and probably "mama". Since Mambo fish is another name for ocean sunfish. And for reference, here is a pic of an actual ocean sunfish:


I'm guessing Basurao is a black sea bass (I know, duh!)

Basu means bass, and masurao can mean hero, or warrior. So Hero Bass? Or more likely warrior bass?

Water/Fighting perhaps?
Zalman said:
No offense, but please... no. Not this discussion again. Too many evolution speculations...

This is how I see it:

Mamanboe is an evolution of Luvdisc. They look very similar, even more than some other evolution lines.
Pachirisu and Emonga are not related at all. They're very different except for the fact that they're Pikaclones. It's a trend to make a Pikaclone every generation. Why stop?

Weyard said:
I always wanted a little more customization, this isn't it, but its a nice start.
Agreed. It's a very cool concept.


"And the thing about new Pokemon being more "realisitc" is invalid, look at Blastoise. Yeah, actual turtles have huge water cannons coming out of their shells >>"

Theres that "ignoring" we talked about. I said that newer gen pokemon generally are more realistic. 1st and 2nd gen are really random and creative. 3rd-5th are IN GENERAL more realistic. They in general look more like the animal which they are based on.

Look at the picture of the sunfish you posted and look at Mamambo...it looks nothing like it XD. Luvdisc looks more like Mamambo than an actual sunfish. ACTUAL sunfish are oval shaped with large fins coming from the top and bottom, as you can see in your picture. Mamambo is heart shaped, not oval. Also Luvdisc's eyes look quite similar to actual sunfish eyes. You really didn't help your arguement by posting that, if anything it hurt it.

And yes I know what a sunfish looks like, I'm quite familiar with them.

Please let this argument end.

back on the real topic:
Can you think any of you think of any old pokemon that might possibly get new evos because of this season system? Such as *soandso* evolves when leveled during winter.
Tarazuma said:
Weyard, most of those responses to my pointing out the differences are just you stating how Pokemon change when they evolve, which just proves my point about Luvdisc evo supporters circular logic. And the thing about new Pokemon being more "realisitc" is invalid, look at Blastoise. Yeah, actual turtles have huge water cannons coming out of their shells >>

And do you even KNOW what an ocean sunfish looks like?! You keep saying Luvdisc is supposed to represent one, and yet have ZERO proof of this. Yet I have more reasons it's NOT based on a sunfish. First of all, it's WAY too small. Ocean sunfish are HUGE. Secondly it looks like a valentine's heart. It's SUPPOSED TO. It's Japanese name is even "Lovecus". Wheras Mamanbo is a play on words of "mambo" and probably "mama". Since Mambo fish is another name for ocean sunfish. And for reference, here is a pic of an actual ocean sunfish:



OMG STOP ARGUING! i wish u could ban people from threads because boy is this annoying!
Tarazuma said:
2 similarities only: the pink color, and the VAGUE heart shape. Luvdisc looks EXACTLY like a heart.

Weyard said:
How is it brilliant when that's not even the supporter's argument? Our arguement is that it looks JUST LIKE IT. When Pokemon evolve they change slightly, some change to an extreme degree. In this case, Luvdisc changes VERY SLIGHTLY. It gains fins to be more correct. THAT IS ALL. Some of you are acting like they look NOTHING alike. I really don't see all of these differences that some of you are pretending to see.

Ok, I'm going to point out EVERY SINGLE DIFFERENCE then.

Body: Mamanbo's body is shaped like an ACTUAL ocean sunfish. Luvdisc's body is shaped exactly like a HEART.

Mouth: Luvdisc has thin narrow lips that form the point of it's "heart" shape. Mamanbo has a flat mouth exactly like an ocean sunfish.

Eyes: Luvdisc has solid black eyes, Mamanbo has white eyes with a yellow iris, and purplish eyelids.

Cheeks: Luvdisc has pink cheek spots, Mamanbo does not.

Fins: Luvdisc has no fins, Mamanbo has dorsal fins and side fins.

Color: Luvdisc's entire body is a darker pink, except for it's lips. Mamanbo's body is a light pink, with slightly darker pink on it's fins.

So now all you can respond to that with is "POKEMON CHANGE WHEN THEY EVOLVE" right? Go ahead, prove my brilliant example from before right about Luvdisc evo supporters.

Okay, I didn't plan to post on this forum so often but your stubbornness is just so ridiculous that I think you need some "reasons" to give up your argument.

First of all, your strongest argument so far is that they said this is a total new experience with all new Pokemon until Post-Elite Four. Hence, they should not reveal a Luvdisc evo. Then does that mean that they are not allowed to promote a new Pokemon? Of course you can always say that it is illogical but how about the old fans of Pokemon? If this is a total new game, some people will be wary whether they want to play it without new Pokemon. How many of you are actually too used to see Zubat in a cave, Geodude in a mountain and Tentacool in the sea? I am. How does GameFreak make sure that the old players, who have trained their strongest Pokemon since GBA times then transfered to DS era, DO want to play it on the new DS when their precious old Pokemon may be totally unrelated? They release evolution of a Pokemon, implying that there's more to come. This is important pre-release because if they do not do now, when do they want to raise interest of the players?

Next point, you mention that Electivire was revealed because it was on Gary's team? How often does Gary show up by the way? Very often? Or only when there is a new generation of Pokemon, just like Misty and other supporting characters? Speaking of Misty, the original Water Gym Leader, do you think that she may appear in one of the next episodes that explain how she get a Luvdisc and how she gets it evolve? You know, the typical finding a bunch of female Luvdisc, the Rendezvous Pokemon (which means meeting place), gather somewhere and they somehow become a Harem. Oh wait, isn't it the description of this new Pokemon?

Other issues like whether this month Coro confirms that it is a Luvdisc evolution are totally irrelevant. Totally ridiculously IRRELEVANT. Each generation is different from the last, why comparing the info released? Btw, how do you know that this month Coro does not confirm this? Do you own the complete copy of this month Coro?

I don't want to mention the appearance because either way, you can argue your way that it is NOT a Luvdisc evo. But I think it is rather obvious. there are certain Pokemon with such a distinct shape that you cannot have a second Pokemon with appearance resemblance. And I believe Luvdisc is one of them.
Weyard said:
Dizzard said:
Maybe it's just me but in the bottom left corner there's a long pokemon that looks like unown or a rotom forum...Just to the left of Zekrom.

You mean "above" little Zekrom's head? To the left of him is Munna and a duskull looking thing.

No I definitely mean to the left, there looks to be something like two circles connected to each other..
People stop aguing about if its an evo or not! You guys can have your own opinion! I have! I dunno yet if its an evo or not, so I'm just saying it could be a whole new Pokemon, because they got their differentses :b
Weyard said:
Can you think any of you think of any old pokemon that might possibly get new evos because of this season system? Such as *soandso* evolves when leveled during winter.

Hmm you could be right, makes me wonder if they'll change Glaceon's and Leafeon's evolution methods. If your Eevee is happy enough in spring/summer and levels up it evolves into Leafeon, but in winter it will evolve to Glaceon.
oakbark said:
Can you think any of you think of any old pokemon that might possibly get new evos because of this season system? Such as *soandso* evolves when leveled during winter.
Teddiursa in winter = A polar bear ç____ç

and please! Stop the silly discussion about Luvdisc and Mamambou
Okay, so me and my friend were just talking on MSN... We think the fact that seasons last a month is pretty lame and way too much, so we thought of a solution: Wouldn't it be awesome if you could time travel (change the season) with your Celebi? :p

I know it's not gonna happen... But still.

First of all, I only keep arguing because other individuals (like you) keep bringing up new points for me to argue. I'll stop talking about it as long as no one else tries to argue with me after this!

In response to your thing about new players being alienated: If they wanted to provide some familiar Pokemon, why would they choose LUVDISC of all Pokemon to promote in the pre-release material?! Why wouldn't they choose something popular and familiar to everyone? Luvdisc is all but forgotten.

As far as Electivire goes, it's not about Gary, it's about the fact that Electivire was featured in episodes of the anime before D/P. Therefore, they had not choice but to reveal it early. Notice how they didn't reveal Magmortor, Probopass, Megayanma, ect, until AFTER the games were released. And even they it wasn't official, it was through leaks.
Okay, Something new and very interesant.The pic is blurry and I can't see her costume well.
Water Pokémon Master said:
New snow photo posted in second news story along with some new info.

So this pic is from the Bus tour? Still nothing new from corocoro then....:(